Methods Summary |
public void | add_request_service_context(org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext service_context, boolean replace)Allows Interceptors to add service contexts to the request.
There is no declaration of the order of the service contexts.
They may or may not appear in the order that they are added.
public org.omg.IOP.TaggedProfile | effective_profile()Returns the profile that will be used to send the request. If a
location forward has occurred for this operation's object and
that object's profile changed accordingly, then this profile will
be that located profile.
public org.omg.CORBA.Object | effective_target()Returns the actual object on which the operation will be invoked.
If the reply_status is LOCATION_FORWARD ,
then on subsequent requests, effective_target will
contain the forwarded IOR while target will remain unchanged.
public org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent | get_effective_component(int id)Returns the IOP.TaggedComponent with the given ID from
the profile selected for this request.
If there is more than one component for a given component ID, it
is undefined which component this operation returns. If there is
more than one component for a given component ID,
get_effective_components should be called instead.
public org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent[] | get_effective_components(int id)Returns an array of all tagged components with the given ID from the
profile selected for this request.
public org.omg.CORBA.Policy | get_request_policy(int type)Returns the given policy in effect for this operation.
public org.omg.CORBA.Any | received_exception()Returns an any which contains the exception to be returned to
the client.
If the exception is a user exception which cannot be inserted
into an any (e.g., it is unknown or the bindings don t provide
the TypeCode ), then this attribute will be an any
containing the system exception UNKNOWN with a
standard minor code of 1. However, the repository id of
the exception is available in the received_exception_id
public java.lang.String | received_exception_id()Returns the repository id of the exception to be returned to
the client.
public org.omg.CORBA.Object | target()Returns the object which the client called to perform the