Methods Summary |
public java.lang.Object | clone()
ValueRangeRecord rec = new ValueRangeRecord();
rec.field_1_minimumAxisValue = field_1_minimumAxisValue;
rec.field_2_maximumAxisValue = field_2_maximumAxisValue;
rec.field_3_majorIncrement = field_3_majorIncrement;
rec.field_4_minorIncrement = field_4_minorIncrement;
rec.field_5_categoryAxisCross = field_5_categoryAxisCross;
rec.field_6_options = field_6_options;
return rec;
protected void | fillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
field_1_minimumAxisValue = in.readDouble();
field_2_maximumAxisValue = in.readDouble();
field_3_majorIncrement = in.readDouble();
field_4_minorIncrement = in.readDouble();
field_5_categoryAxisCross = in.readDouble();
field_6_options = in.readShort();
public double | getCategoryAxisCross()Get the category axis cross field for the ValueRange record.
return field_5_categoryAxisCross;
public double | getMajorIncrement()Get the major increment field for the ValueRange record.
return field_3_majorIncrement;
public double | getMaximumAxisValue()Get the maximum axis value field for the ValueRange record.
return field_2_maximumAxisValue;
public double | getMinimumAxisValue()Get the minimum axis value field for the ValueRange record.
return field_1_minimumAxisValue;
public double | getMinorIncrement()Get the minor increment field for the ValueRange record.
return field_4_minorIncrement;
public short | getOptions()Get the options field for the ValueRange record.
return field_6_options;
public int | getRecordSize()Size of record (exluding 4 byte header)
return 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 2;
public short | getSid()
return sid;
public boolean | isAutomaticCategoryCrossing()category crossing point is automatically selected
return automaticCategoryCrossing.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isAutomaticMajor()automatic major unit selected
return automaticMajor.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isAutomaticMaximum()automatic maximum value selected
return automaticMaximum.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isAutomaticMinimum()automatic minimum value selected
return automaticMinimum.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isAutomaticMinor()automatic minor unit selected
return automaticMinor.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isCrossCategoryAxisAtMaximum()category axis to cross at maximum value
return crossCategoryAxisAtMaximum.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isLogarithmicScale()use logarithmic scale
return logarithmicScale.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isReserved()reserved, must equal 1 (excel dev. guide says otherwise)
return reserved.isSet(field_6_options);
public boolean | isValuesInReverse()values are reverses in graph
return valuesInReverse.isSet(field_6_options);
public int | serialize(int offset, byte[] data)
int pos = 0;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, (short)(getRecordSize() - 4));
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 4 + offset + pos, field_1_minimumAxisValue);
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 12 + offset + pos, field_2_maximumAxisValue);
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 20 + offset + pos, field_3_majorIncrement);
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 28 + offset + pos, field_4_minorIncrement);
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 36 + offset + pos, field_5_categoryAxisCross);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 44 + offset + pos, field_6_options);
return getRecordSize();
public void | setAutomaticCategoryCrossing(boolean value)Sets the automatic category crossing field value.
category crossing point is automatically selected
field_6_options = automaticCategoryCrossing.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setAutomaticMajor(boolean value)Sets the automatic major field value.
automatic major unit selected
field_6_options = automaticMajor.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setAutomaticMaximum(boolean value)Sets the automatic maximum field value.
automatic maximum value selected
field_6_options = automaticMaximum.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setAutomaticMinimum(boolean value)Sets the automatic minimum field value.
automatic minimum value selected
field_6_options = automaticMinimum.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setAutomaticMinor(boolean value)Sets the automatic minor field value.
automatic minor unit selected
field_6_options = automaticMinor.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setCategoryAxisCross(double field_5_categoryAxisCross)Set the category axis cross field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_5_categoryAxisCross = field_5_categoryAxisCross;
public void | setCrossCategoryAxisAtMaximum(boolean value)Sets the cross category axis at maximum field value.
category axis to cross at maximum value
field_6_options = crossCategoryAxisAtMaximum.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setLogarithmicScale(boolean value)Sets the logarithmic scale field value.
use logarithmic scale
field_6_options = logarithmicScale.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setMajorIncrement(double field_3_majorIncrement)Set the major increment field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_3_majorIncrement = field_3_majorIncrement;
public void | setMaximumAxisValue(double field_2_maximumAxisValue)Set the maximum axis value field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_2_maximumAxisValue = field_2_maximumAxisValue;
public void | setMinimumAxisValue(double field_1_minimumAxisValue)Set the minimum axis value field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_1_minimumAxisValue = field_1_minimumAxisValue;
public void | setMinorIncrement(double field_4_minorIncrement)Set the minor increment field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_4_minorIncrement = field_4_minorIncrement;
public void | setOptions(short field_6_options)Set the options field for the ValueRange record.
this.field_6_options = field_6_options;
public void | setReserved(boolean value)Sets the reserved field value.
reserved, must equal 1 (excel dev. guide says otherwise)
field_6_options = reserved.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public void | setValuesInReverse(boolean value)Sets the values in reverse field value.
values are reverses in graph
field_6_options = valuesInReverse.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, value);
public java.lang.String | toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" .minimumAxisValue = ")
.append(" (").append( getMinimumAxisValue() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .maximumAxisValue = ")
.append(" (").append( getMaximumAxisValue() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .majorIncrement = ")
.append(" (").append( getMajorIncrement() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .minorIncrement = ")
.append(" (").append( getMinorIncrement() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .categoryAxisCross = ")
.append(" (").append( getCategoryAxisCross() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .options = ")
.append("0x").append(HexDump.toHex( getOptions ()))
.append(" (").append( getOptions() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .automaticMinimum = ").append(isAutomaticMinimum()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .automaticMaximum = ").append(isAutomaticMaximum()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .automaticMajor = ").append(isAutomaticMajor()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .automaticMinor = ").append(isAutomaticMinor()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .automaticCategoryCrossing = ").append(isAutomaticCategoryCrossing()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .logarithmicScale = ").append(isLogarithmicScale()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .valuesInReverse = ").append(isValuesInReverse()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .crossCategoryAxisAtMaximum = ").append(isCrossCategoryAxisAtMaximum()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .reserved = ").append(isReserved()).append('\n");
return buffer.toString();
protected void | validateSid(short id)Checks the sid matches the expected side for this record
if (id != sid)
throw new RecordFormatException("Not a ValueRange record");