AdminEvent.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API14240Fri May 04 22:33:34 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.event

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.event;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigChange;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;

//i18n import
import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager;

 * Superclass of all admin events. This is the marker object for all events
 * in administration.
public class AdminEvent extends Notification implements Cloneable {

    private EventKey eKey = null;
    private static long eventCounter = 0;

    /** unresolved/abstract target destination */
    private String targetDest;

     * Resolved destination based on target destination. This is 
     * where the notification event is delivered. Target destination 
     * always refers to concrete server end point.
    private String effectiveDest;

     * Number of times this event is forwarded from one server instance
     * to another server.  
    private int hops = 0;

    /** maximum number of times an event is allowed to be forwarded */
    private static final int MAX_HOPS = 3;

     * Event type is required for all sub-classes of Notification. It is a
     * string representation for the event using dotted notation (for example -
     * network.alarm.router)
    static final String eventType = AdminEvent.class.getName();

     * Config context. This object provides access to a snapshot of config
     * updated with all changes in this event at the time event processing
     * starts on the instance to which the event applies.
    transient private ConfigContext configContext;

     * Old config context. The object provides access to config context before
     * applying changes from this event.
    transient private ConfigContext oldConfigContext;

	// i18n StringManager
	private static StringManager localStrings =
		StringManager.getManager( AdminEvent.class );

     * List of config changes.
    ArrayList configChangeList;

     * List of dependent config changes.
    List dependentChangeList;

     * Create a new admin event for specified ias instance.
     * @param instanceName name of ias instance
    public AdminEvent(String instanceName) {
        this(eventType, instanceName);

     * Create a new admin event for specified ias instance.
     * @param eventType type of the event
     * @param instanceName name of ias instance
    public AdminEvent(String eventType, String instanceName) {
        super(eventType, instanceName, ++eventCounter,

    protected AdminEvent(String type, Object source,
                         long seqNumber, long time) {
        super(type, source, seqNumber, time);

     * Return name of the instance to which this event applies. (This
     * interpretation is slightly different from EventObject.getSource()
     * where it is expected to return the object on which event happened -
     * so instead of the instance object it returns the name of the instance.)
     * @return name of the instance to which event applies
    public Object getSource() {
        return super.getSource();

     * Return name of the instance to which this event applies. The difference
     * from getSource() is that this returns a String object, so there is no
     * need to cast the return value.
     * @see getSource()
     * @return name of the instance to which the event applies
    public String getInstanceName() {
        return (String)getSource();

     * Set config context to specified value. Event listeners can use this
     * to get a consistent view of config. This config context should contain
     * all changes from this event.
     * @param ctx the config context
    void setContext(ConfigContext ctx) {
        configContext = ctx;

     * Set old config context to specified value. This context will not have
     * changes from this event.
     * @param ctx the old config context
    void setOldContext(ConfigContext ctx) {
        oldConfigContext = ctx;

     * Get config context. This returns a snapshot of config context with all
     * changes in this event at the time event processing started on the
     * receiving server instance. Event listeners should use this object to get
     * a consistent view of context instead of system wide context because that
     * can be updated during event processing. This method will return null if
     * called before the event processing has started. So, it is intended for
     * use by event listeners only.
     * @return the snapshot of config context.
    public ConfigContext getConfigContext() {
        return configContext;

     * Get old config context. This returns a reference of config context prior
     * to applying any changes from this event. This method will return null if
     * called before event processing has started. This is just a reference to
     * global config context at the time event processing started. Even though
     * this is not a snapshot of config context (i.e. cloned copy), it is still
     * sufficient for the usage in getting old config values, because once a
     * context has been made global it is immutable.
    public ConfigContext getOldConfigContext() {
        return oldConfigContext;

     * Return a String representation.
    public String toString() {
        int numChg = (configChangeList == null) ? 0 : configChangeList.size();
        return this.getClass().getName() + " -- " + this.getInstanceName()
                + " [" + numChg + " Change(s), Id:" + this.getSequenceNumber()
                + ", ts:" + this.getTimeStamp() + "]";

     * Get detailed event information. Unless overidden in sub classes, this
     * method returns exactly same value as concatenation of toString() and
     * getConfigChangeInfo() methods. The intent of this method is to return a
     * detailed string representation of the event that can be used for
     * debugging.
    public String getEventInfo() {
        return toString() + getConfigChangeInfo();

     * Get config change info. This method returns a string that lists config
     * changes associated to this event. Returns an empty string if no changes
     * are associated to this event.
    public String getConfigChangeInfo() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (configChangeList != null) {
            Iterator iter = configChangeList.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ConfigChange change = (ConfigChange);
        return buf.toString();

     * Add specified change to the event.
     * @param change the change to add to this event
    synchronized void addConfigChange(ConfigChange change) {
        if (configChangeList == null) {
            configChangeList = new ArrayList();

     * Add specified changes to the event.
     * @param changeList the list of changes to add to this event
    public synchronized void addConfigChange(ArrayList changeList) {
        if (changeList == null) {
			String msg = localStrings.getString( "admin.event.null_configchangelist" );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
        if (configChangeList == null) {
            configChangeList = new ArrayList();

    public synchronized void addDependentConfigChange(List list) {
        if (list == null) {
            String msg = localStrings.getString( "admin.event.null_configchangelist" );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        if (dependentChangeList == null) {
            dependentChangeList = new ArrayList();

    public List getDependentChangeList() {
        return dependentChangeList;

    public ArrayList getConfigChangeList() {
        return configChangeList;

     * Remove specified config change from the event.
     * @param change the change to add to this event
    synchronized void removeConfigChange(ConfigChange change) {
        if (configChangeList != null) {
            int ndx = configChangeList.indexOf(change);
            if (ndx != -1) {

     * Is this event a no-op. The default implementation always returns false.
     * However, the sub-classes can override and provide a more intelligent
     * implementation.
     * @return true if the event is a no op, false otherwise.
    boolean isNoOp() {
        return false;

     * Assert that specified ConfigChange is not null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if specified ConfigChange is null.
    // Replace this by JDK 1.4 assert
    private void assertNotNull(ConfigChange change) {
        if (change == null) {
			String msg = localStrings.getString( "admin.event.null_configchange" );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

     * Each event will have 2 destinations, target and effective destination
     * target destination would be for example cluster1. effective destination
     * would be endpoints of target destination.
     * @return name of the target destination 
    public String getTargetDestination() {
        return targetDest;

     * Sets the target destination
     * @param tarDest target destination info
    public void setTargetDestination(String tarDest) {
        targetDest = tarDest;

     * Gets the effective destination for this event
     * @return name of the effective destination
    public String getEffectiveDestination() {
        return effectiveDest;

     * Sets the effective destination
     * @param eDest effective destination info
    public void setEffectiveDestination(String eDest) {
        effectiveDest = eDest;

     * Set event key information
    public void setEventId(EventKey ek) {
        eKey = ek;

     * Get event key information
    public EventKey getEventId() {
        return eKey;

     * Returns a top level clone of this object.
     * @return  a clone of this object
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { 
        return super.clone();

     * Returns the current hop count (number of times this event has been 
     * forwarded) of this event.
     * @return  current hop count
    public int getHopCount() {
        return hops;

     * Increments the current hop count.
     * @return incremented hop count
    public int incrementHopCount() {
        return ++hops;

     * Returns true if current hop count is less than or equal to maximum 
     * hop allowed for this event.
     * @return true if current hop count is less than or equal to maximum
     *         hop allowed
    public boolean isValidHopCount() {
        return (hops <= MAX_HOPS) ? true : false;

    // sub classes of AdminEvent, override the following two method
    // to provide appropriate action codes.

     * Get action type for this event.
    public int getActionType() {
        return 0;

     * Set action to specified value. If action is not one of allowed,
    private void setAction(int action) {
