OpenMBeanInfoSupport.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API14199Tue Jun 10 00:26:16 BST


public class OpenMBeanInfoSupport extends MBeanInfo implements OpenMBeanInfo
The {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} class describes the management information of an open MBean: it is a subclass of {@link}, and it implements the {@link OpenMBeanInfo} interface. Note that an open MBean is recognized as such if its {@code getMBeanInfo()} method returns an instance of a class which implements the OpenMBeanInfo interface, typically {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport}.
3.29 06/03/15
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
JMX 1.1

Fields Summary
static final long
private transient Integer
private transient String
Constructors Summary
public OpenMBeanInfoSupport(String className, String description, OpenMBeanAttributeInfo[] openAttributes, OpenMBeanConstructorInfo[] openConstructors, OpenMBeanOperationInfo[] openOperations, MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications)

Constructs an {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance, which describes a class of open MBeans with the specified {@code className}, {@code description}, {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors} , {@code openOperations} and {@code notifications}.

The {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors}, {@code openOperations} and {@code notifications} array parameters are internally copied, so that subsequent changes to the arrays referenced by these parameters have no effect on this instance.

className The fully qualified Java class name of the open MBean described by this OpenMBeanInfoSupport instance.
description A human readable description of the open MBean described by this OpenMBeanInfoSupport instance.
openAttributes The list of exposed attributes of the described open MBean; Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanAttributeInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport}.
openConstructors The list of exposed public constructors of the described open MBean; Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanConstructorInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport}.
openOperations The list of exposed operations of the described open MBean. Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanOperationInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport}.
notifications The list of notifications emitted by the described open MBean.
ArrayStoreException If {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors} or {@code openOperations} is not an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanAttributeInfo}, {@code MBeanConstructorInfo} or {@code MBeanOperationInfo} respectively.

	this(className, description,
	     openAttributes, openConstructors, openOperations, notifications,
	     (Descriptor) null);
public OpenMBeanInfoSupport(String className, String description, OpenMBeanAttributeInfo[] openAttributes, OpenMBeanConstructorInfo[] openConstructors, OpenMBeanOperationInfo[] openOperations, MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications, Descriptor descriptor)

Constructs an {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance, which describes a class of open MBeans with the specified {@code className}, {@code description}, {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors} , {@code openOperations}, {@code notifications}, and {@code descriptor}.

The {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors}, {@code openOperations} and {@code notifications} array parameters are internally copied, so that subsequent changes to the arrays referenced by these parameters have no effect on this instance.

className The fully qualified Java class name of the open MBean described by this OpenMBeanInfoSupport instance.
description A human readable description of the open MBean described by this OpenMBeanInfoSupport instance.
openAttributes The list of exposed attributes of the described open MBean; Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanAttributeInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport}.
openConstructors The list of exposed public constructors of the described open MBean; Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanConstructorInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport}.
openOperations The list of exposed operations of the described open MBean. Must be an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanOperationInfo}, typically {@code OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport}.
notifications The list of notifications emitted by the described open MBean.
descriptor The descriptor for the MBean. This may be null which is equivalent to an empty descriptor.
ArrayStoreException If {@code openAttributes}, {@code openConstructors} or {@code openOperations} is not an array of instances of a subclass of {@code MBeanAttributeInfo}, {@code MBeanConstructorInfo} or {@code MBeanOperationInfo} respectively.

	      (notifications == null) ? null : notifications.clone(),
Methods Summary
private static intarraySetHash(T[] a)

	return new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(a)).hashCode();
private static[]attributeArray([] src)

	if (src == null)
	    return null;
	MBeanAttributeInfo[] dst = new MBeanAttributeInfo[src.length];
	System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length);
	// may throw an ArrayStoreException
	return dst;
private static[]constructorArray([] src)

	if (src == null)
	    return null;
	MBeanConstructorInfo[] dst = new MBeanConstructorInfo[src.length];
	System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length);
	// may throw an ArrayStoreException
	return dst;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)

Compares the specified {@code obj} parameter with this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance for equality.

Returns {@code true} if and only if all of the following statements are true:

  • {@code obj} is non null,
  • {@code obj} also implements the {@code OpenMBeanInfo} interface,
  • their class names are equal
  • their infos on attributes, constructors, operations and notifications are equal
This ensures that this {@code equals} method works properly for {@code obj} parameters which are different implementations of the {@code OpenMBeanInfo} interface.

obj the object to be compared for equality with this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance;
{@code true} if the specified object is equal to this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance.


	// if obj is null, return false
	if (obj == null) {
	    return false;

	// if obj is not a OpenMBeanInfo, return false
	OpenMBeanInfo other;
	try {
	    other = (OpenMBeanInfo) obj;
	} catch (ClassCastException e) {
	    return false;

	// Now, really test for equality between this OpenMBeanInfo
	// implementation and the other:
	// their MBean className should be equal
	if ( ! this.getClassName().equals(other.getClassName()) )
	    return false;

	// their infos on attributes should be equal (order not
	// significant => equality between sets, not arrays or lists)
	if (!sameArrayContents(this.getAttributes(), other.getAttributes()))
	    return false;
	// their infos on constructors should be equal (order not
	// significant => equality between sets, not arrays or lists)
	if (!sameArrayContents(this.getConstructors(), other.getConstructors()))
	    return false;
	// their infos on operations should be equal (order not
	// significant => equality between sets, not arrays or lists)
	if (!sameArrayContents(this.getOperations(), other.getOperations()))

	    return false;
	// their infos on notifications should be equal (order not
	// significant => equality between sets, not arrays or lists)
	if (!sameArrayContents(this.getNotifications(), other.getNotifications()))
	    return false;
	// All tests for equality were successful
	return true;
public inthashCode()

Returns the hash code value for this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance.

The hash code of an {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance is the sum of the hash codes of all elements of information used in {@code equals} comparisons (ie: its class name, and its infos on attributes, constructors, operations and notifications, where the hashCode of each of these arrays is calculated by a call to {@code new java.util.HashSet(java.util.Arrays.asList(this.getSignature)).hashCode()}).

This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies that {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instances {@code t1} and {@code t2}, as required by the general contract of the method {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.

However, note that another instance of a class implementing the {@code OpenMBeanInfo} interface may be equal to this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance as defined by {@link #equals(java.lang.Object)}, but may have a different hash code if it is calculated differently.

As {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instances are immutable, the hash code for this instance is calculated once, on the first call to {@code hashCode}, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls.

the hash code value for this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance

	// Calculate the hash code value if it has not yet been done
	// (ie 1st call to hashCode())
	if (myHashCode == null) {
	    int value = 0;
	    value += this.getClassName().hashCode();
	    value += arraySetHash(this.getAttributes());
	    value += arraySetHash(this.getConstructors());
	    value += arraySetHash(this.getOperations());
	    value += arraySetHash(this.getNotifications());
	    myHashCode = new Integer(value);
	// return always the same hash code for this instance (immutable)
	return myHashCode.intValue();
private static[]operationArray([] src)

	if (src == null)
	    return null;
	MBeanOperationInfo[] dst = new MBeanOperationInfo[src.length];
	System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length);
	return dst;
private static booleansameArrayContents(T[] a1, T[] a2)

	return (new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(a1))
		.equals(new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(a2))));
public java.lang.StringtoString()

Returns a string representation of this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance.

The string representation consists of the name of this class (ie {@code}), the MBean class name, the string representation of infos on attributes, constructors, operations and notifications of the described MBean and the string representation of the descriptor.

As {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instances are immutable, the string representation for this instance is calculated once, on the first call to {@code toString}, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls.

a string representation of this {@code OpenMBeanInfoSupport} instance


	// Calculate the string value if it has not yet been done (ie
	// 1st call to toString())
	if (myToString == null) {
	    myToString = new StringBuffer()

	// return always the same string representation for this
	// instance (immutable)
	return myToString;