HttpDownloadManager.javaAPI DocExample14017Sat Jan 24 10:44:30 GMT 2004je3.nio


public class HttpDownloadManager extends Thread
This class manages asynchonous HTTP GET downloads and demonstrates non-blocking I/O with SocketChannel and Selector and also demonstrates logging with the java.util.logging package. This example uses a number of inner classes and interfaces. Call download() for each HTTP GET request you want to issue. You may optionally pass a Listener object that will be notified when the download terminates or encounters an exception. download() returns a Download object which holds the downloaded bytes (including HTTP headers) and which allows you to poll the Status of the download. Call release() when there are no more downloads.

Fields Summary
static final Charset
Constructors Summary
public HttpDownloadManager(Logger log)

	if (log == null) log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
	this.log = log;
	selector =;                  // create Selector
	buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64*1024); // allocate buffer
	pendingDownloads = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
	this.start();                                // start thread
Methods Summary
public je3.nio.HttpDownloadManager$Downloaddownload( uri, je3.nio.HttpDownloadManager$Listener l)

	if (released)
	   throw new IllegalStateException("Can't download() after release()");

	// Get info from the URI
	String scheme = uri.getScheme();
	if (scheme == null || !scheme.equals("http"))
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use 'http:' protocol");
	String hostname = uri.getHost();
	int port = uri.getPort();
	if (port == -1) port = 80; // Use default port if none specified
	String path = uri.getRawPath();
	if (path == null || path.length() == 0) path = "/";
	String query = uri.getRawQuery();
	if (query != null) path += "?" + query;

	// Create a Download object with the pieces of the URL
	Download download = new DownloadImpl(hostname, port, path, l);

	// Add it to the list of pending downloads. This is a synchronized list

	// And ask the thread to stop blocking in the select() call so that
	// it will notice and process this new pending Download object.

	// Return the Download so that the caller can monitor it if desired.
	return download;
voidhandleError(je3.nio.HttpDownloadManager$DownloadImpl download, java.nio.channels.SocketChannel channel, java.nio.channels.SelectionKey key, java.lang.Throwable throwable)

	download.status = Status.ERROR;
	try {if (channel != null) channel.close();} catch(IOException e) {}
	if (key != null) key.cancel();
		"Error connecting to or downloading from " + +
		":" + download.port,
	if (download.listener != null)
	    download.listener.error(download, throwable);
public voidrelease()

	released = true; // The thread will terminate when it notices the flag.
	try { selector.close(); } // This will wake the thread up
	catch(IOException e) {
	    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error closing selector", e);
public voidrun()"HttpDownloadManager thread starting.");

	// The download thread runs until release() is called
	while(!released) {
	    // The thread blocks here waiting for something to happen
	    try {; }
	    catch(IOException e) {
		// This should never happen.
		log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in select()", e);

	    // If release() was called, the thread should exit.
	    if (released) break;

	    // If any new Download objects are pending, deal with them first
	    if (!pendingDownloads.isEmpty()) {
		// Although pendingDownloads is a synchronized list, we still
		// need to use a synchronized block to iterate through its
		// elements to prevent a concurrent call to download().
		synchronized(pendingDownloads) {
		    Iterator iter = pendingDownloads.iterator();
		    while(iter.hasNext()) {
			// Get the pending download object from the list
			DownloadImpl download = (DownloadImpl);
			iter.remove();  // And remove it.

			// Now begin an asynchronous connection to the 
			// specified host and port.  We don't block while
			// waiting to connect.
			SelectionKey key = null;
			SocketChannel channel = null;
			try {
			    // Open an unconnected channel
			    channel =;
			    // Put it in non-blocking mode
			    // Register it with the selector, specifying that
			    // we want to know when it is ready to connect
			    // and when it is ready to read.
			    key = channel.register(selector,
						   SelectionKey.OP_READ | 
			    // Create the web server address
			    SocketAddress address = 
				new InetSocketAddress(,
			    // Ask the channel to start connecting
			    // Note that we don't send the HTTP request yet.
			    // We'll do that when the connection completes.
			catch(Exception e) {
			    handleError(download, channel, key, e);

	    // Now get the set of keys that are ready for connecting or reading
	    Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();
	    if (keys == null) continue; // bug workaround; should not be needed
	    // Loop through the keys in the set
	    for(Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
		SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
		i.remove();  // Remove the key from the set before handling

		// Get the Download object we attached to the key
		DownloadImpl download = (DownloadImpl) key.attachment();
		// Get the channel associated with the key.
		SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel);

		try {
		    if (key.isConnectable()) {  
			// If the channel is ready to connect, complete the
			// connection and then send the HTTP GET request to it.
			if (channel.finishConnect()) {
			    download.status = Status.CONNECTED;
			    // This is the HTTP request we wend
			    String request =
				"GET " + download.path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
				"Host: " + + "\r\n" +
				"Connection: close\r\n" +
			    // Wrap in a CharBuffer and encode to a ByteBuffer
			    ByteBuffer requestBytes =
			    // Send the request to the server.  If the bytes
			    // aren't all written in one call, we busy loop!
				channel.write(requestBytes);"Sent HTTP request: " + + 
				     ":" + download.port + ": " + request);
		    if (key.isReadable()) {
			// If the key indicates that there is data to be read,
			// then read it and store it in the Download object.
			int numbytes =;
			// If we read some bytes, store them, otherwise
			// the download is complete and we need to note this
			if (numbytes != -1) {
			    buffer.flip();  // Prepare to drain the buffer
			    download.addData(buffer); // Store the data
			    buffer.clear(); // Prepare for another read"Read " + numbytes + " bytes from " + + ":" + download.port);
			else {
			    // If there are no more bytes to read
			    key.cancel();     // We're done with the key
			    channel.close();  // And with the channel.
			    download.status = Status.DONE; 
			    if (download.listener != null)  // notify listener
				download.listener.done(download);"Download complete from " + + ":" + download.port);
		catch (Exception e) {
		    handleError(download, channel, key, e);
	}"HttpDownloadManager thread exiting.");