AES_ECB.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)13875Wed May 02 18:00:00 BST 2007com.sun.midp.crypto


public class AES_ECB extends BlockCipherBase
This class is an implementation of AES cipher in ECB mode.

Fields Summary
private static final byte[]
Substitution values.
private static final byte[]
Inverse substitution table.
private int[]
Precalculated table for matrix multiplication.
private int[]
Precalculated table for matrix multiplication.
private int[]
Precalculated table for matrix multiplication.
private int[]
Precalculated table for matrix multiplication.
private static final byte[]
Round constants.
static final int
AES ciphers encrypt/decrypt in block size of 16 bytes.
private static final int
Number of columns (32-bit words) comprising the state.
private int
Number of 32-bit words comprising the key (4, 6, 8 for 128, 192 and 256 bits).
private int
Number of rounds (10, 12, 14).
private int[]
Key Schedule. Length depends on Block and Key length. Block length = 128 bits or 16 bytes. For 128 bit key W.length = Nb * (Nr + 1) == 4(10 + 1) = 44 Words = 44 * 4 bytes = 176 bytes
protected byte[]
Internal buffer.
Constructors Summary
public AES_ECB()

        state = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
        SB0 = new int[256];
        SB1 = new int[256];
        SB2 = new int[256];
        SB3 = new int[256];
Methods Summary
private voidKeyExpansion(byte[] data, int mode)
Generates KeySchedule.

data key data
mode cipher mode

        byte[] W = new byte[Nb * (Nr + 1) << 2];

        int diff;
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, W, 0, (diff = Nk << 2));

        int round = 1;
        for (int i = Nk; i < Nb * (Nr + 1); i++) {

            int v = i << 2;

            if (i % Nk == 0) {
                int u = v - 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, v++) {
                    W[v] = (byte)((W[v - diff] ^
                            SBox[W[u - ((6 - j) & 3)] & 0xff]));
                W[i << 2] ^= Rcon[round++];
            } else
            if (Nk > 6 && i % Nk == 4) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, v++) {
                    W[v] = (byte) (W[v - diff] ^ SBox[W[v - 4] & 0xff]);
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, v++) {
                    W[v] = (byte) (W[v - diff] ^ W[v - 4]);

        int[] V = (this.W = new int[W.length >> 2]);
        for (int i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {
            V[i] = Util.getInt(W, i * 4);

        if (mode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) {
            for (int i = 4; i < Nr * 4; i++) {
                V[i] = SB0[SBox[W[i * 4] & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
                       SB1[SBox[W[i * 4 + 1] & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
                       SB2[SBox[W[i * 4 + 2] & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
                       SB3[SBox[W[i * 4 + 3] & 0xff] & 0xff];
protected voidcipherBlock()
Performs the encryption of data.

        int t0 = Util.getInt(holdData, 0) ^ W[0];
        int t1 = Util.getInt(holdData, 4) ^ W[1];
        int t2 = Util.getInt(holdData, 8) ^ W[2];
        int t3 = Util.getInt(holdData, 12) ^ W[3];

        int j = 4;
        for (int i = 1; i < Nr; i++) {
            int v0, v1, v2;
            t0 = SB0[(v0 = t0) >>> 24] ^ SB1[(v1 = t1) >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[(v2 = t2) >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[t3 & 0xff] ^ W[j];
            t1 = SB0[v1 >>> 24] ^ SB1[v2 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[t3 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[v0 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 1];
            t2 = SB0[v2 >>> 24] ^ SB1[t3 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[v0 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[v1 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 2];
            t3 = SB0[t3 >>> 24] ^ SB1[v0 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[v1 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[v2 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 3];
            j += 4;

        int k;
        byte out[];
        (out = state)[0] = (byte)(SBox[t0 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[j]) >>> 24);
        out[1] = (byte)(SBox[t1 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[2] = (byte)(SBox[t2 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[3] = (byte)(SBox[t3 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[4] = (byte)(SBox[t1 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[j + 1]) >>> 24);
        out[5] = (byte)(SBox[t2 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[6] = (byte)(SBox[t3 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[7] = (byte)(SBox[t0 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[8] = (byte)(SBox[t2 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[j + 2]) >>> 24);
        out[9] = (byte)(SBox[t3 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[10] = (byte)(SBox[t0 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[11] = (byte)(SBox[t1 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[12] = (byte)(SBox[t3 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[j + 3]) >>> 24);
        out[13] = (byte)(SBox[t0 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[14] = (byte)(SBox[t1 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[15] = (byte)(SBox[t2 & 0xff] ^ k);
protected voiddecipherBlock()
Performs the decryption of data.

        int j;
        int t0 = Util.getInt(holdData, 0) ^ W[j = Nr * 4];
        int t1 = Util.getInt(holdData, 4) ^ W[j + 1];
        int t2 = Util.getInt(holdData, 8) ^ W[j + 2];
        int t3 = Util.getInt(holdData, 12) ^ W[j + 3];

        for (int i = 1; i < Nr; i++) {
            int v0, v1, v2;
            t0 = SB0[(v0 = t0) >>> 24] ^ SB1[t3 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[(v2 = t2) >>> 8 & 0xff] ^
                 SB3[(v1 = t1) & 0xff] ^ W[j = j - 4];
            t1 = SB0[v1 >>> 24] ^ SB1[v0 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[t3 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[v2 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 1];
            t2 = SB0[v2 >>> 24] ^ SB1[v1 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[v0 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[t3 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 2];
            t3 = SB0[t3 >>> 24] ^ SB1[v2 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^
                 SB2[v1 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ SB3[v0 & 0xff] ^ W[j + 3];

        int k;
        byte out[];
        (out = state)[0] = (byte)(ISBox[t0 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[0])>>> 24);
        out[1] = (byte)(ISBox[t3 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[2] = (byte)(ISBox[t2 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[3] = (byte)(ISBox[t1 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[4] = (byte)(ISBox[t1 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[1]) >>> 24);
        out[5] = (byte)(ISBox[t0 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[6] = (byte)(ISBox[t3 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[7] = (byte)(ISBox[t2 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[8] = (byte)(ISBox[t2 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[2]) >>> 24);
        out[9] = (byte)(ISBox[t1 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[10] = (byte)(ISBox[t0 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[11] = (byte)(ISBox[t3 & 0xff] ^ k);
        out[12] = (byte)(ISBox[t3 >>> 24] ^ (k = W[3]) >>> 24);
        out[13] = (byte)(ISBox[t2 >>> 16 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 16);
        out[14] = (byte)(ISBox[t1 >>> 8 & 0xff] ^ k >>> 8);
        out[15] = (byte)(ISBox[t0 & 0xff] ^ k);
public voidinit(int mode, Key key, CryptoParameter params)
Initializes this cipher with a key and a set of algorithm parameters.

mode the operation mode of this cipher
key the encryption key
params the algorithm parameters
exception if the given key is inappropriate for initializing this cipher
exception if the given algorithm parameters are inappropriate for this cipher

        doInit(mode, "AES", key, false, null);
voidinitKey(byte[] data, int mode)
Initializes key.

data key data
mode cipher mode
InvalidKeyException if the given key is inappropriate for this cipher

        // Min key 128 bits, max key 256 bits
        if (data.length != 16 && data.length != 24 && data.length != 32) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException();

        Nk = data.length >> 2;
        Nr = 6 + Nk;

        int row = 0x0e090d0b;
        byte[] box = ISBox;
        if (mode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE) {
            row = 0x02010103;
            box = SBox;

        if (multiply(row, box[0]) != SB0[0]) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
                int j;
                SB0[i] = j = multiply(row, box[i]);
                SB1[i] = (j >>> 8) | (j << 24);
                SB2[i] = (j >>> 16) | (j << 16);
                SB3[i] = (j >>> 24) | (j << 8);

        KeyExpansion(data, mode);
private static intmultiply(int a, int b)
Calculates values for matrix multiplication.

a represents a matrix column (4 bytes).
b multiplier
result of multiplication.

        int result = 0;
        b &= 0xff;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            result ^= ((a >> i) & 0x01010101) * b;
            b = b < 128 ? b << 1 : (b << 1) ^ 0x11b;
        return result;
protected voidprocessBlock(byte[] out, int offset)
Depending on the mode, either encrypts or decrypts data block.

out will contain the result of encryption or decryption operation
offset is the offset in out

        holdCount = 0;

        if (mode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE)  {
        } else {

        System.arraycopy(state, 0, out, offset, BLOCK_SIZE);
protected voidsetChainingModeAndPadding(java.lang.String mode, java.lang.String padding)
Called by the factory method to set the mode and padding parameters. Need because Class.newInstance does not take args.

mode the mode parsed from the transformation parameter of getInstance and upper cased
padding the paddinge parsed from the transformation parameter of getInstance and upper cased

        // Note: The chaining mode is implicitly set by using this class.
