ComSunAppservMonitorTestpublic final class ComSunAppservMonitorTest extends Unit test for the com.sun.appserv monitoring MBeans relied
upon by AMX. |
(Omit source code)
Fields Summary |
private static final Set | COM_SUN_APPSERV_MONITOR_TYPEStypes to be tested as in "category=monitor,type=xxx". We can't just test all
category=monitor, or even check that getStatistics() and getStatisticNames()
are present, as many such MBeans don't work at all.
Types taken from |
Constructors Summary |
public ComSunAppservMonitorTest()
Methods Summary |
private boolean | checkMonitor( objectName)
boolean worksOK = true;
final MonitorIntf intf = getMonitorIntf( objectName );
if ( intf != null )
final String[] statisticNames = intf.getStatisticNames();
final Set<String> statisticNamesSet = GSetUtil.newStringSet( statisticNames );
// get all names as defined by Statistics
final Statistic[] statistics = intf.getStatistics();
final Set<String> statisticNamesFromStatisticsSet = new HashSet<String>();
for( final Statistic s : statistics )
statisticNamesFromStatisticsSet.add( s.getName() );
if ( ! statisticNamesSet.equals( statisticNamesFromStatisticsSet ) )
final String[] statisticNamesFromStatistics =
GSetUtil.toStringArray( statisticNamesFromStatisticsSet );
Arrays.sort( statisticNames );
Arrays.sort( statisticNamesFromStatistics );
printVerbose( "WARNING: MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" returns Statistic names from getStatisticNames() " +
"that disagree with the names actually " +
"found in Statistics from getStatistics(): " +
"getStatisticNames() = {" + ArrayStringifier.stringify( statisticNames, "," ) +
"}, getStatistics() = {" +
ArrayStringifier.stringify( statisticNamesFromStatistics, "," ) + "}" );
worksOK = false;
return( worksOK );
| private$MonitorIntf | getMonitorIntf( objectName)
final MonitorIntf intf = new MonitorImpl( objectName );
boolean basicsOK = true;
if ( ! hasStatisticSupport( objectName ) )
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" doesn't have getStatisticNames() and getStatistics() methods." );
return null;
final String[] statisticNames = intf.getStatisticNames();
if ( statisticNames == null )
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" returned null from getStatisticNames()" );
basicsOK = false;
if ( statisticNames.length == 0 )
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" returned an empty String[] from getStatisticNames()" );
basicsOK = false;
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" threw an exception from getStatisticNames(): " + rootCause );
basicsOK = false;
if ( basicsOK )
final Statistic[] statistics = intf.getStatistics();
if ( statistics == null )
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" returned null from getStatistics()" );
basicsOK = false;
if ( statistics != null && statistics.length == 0 )
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" returned an empty Statistic[] from getStatistics()" );
basicsOK = false;
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
warning( "MBean " + StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" threw an exception from getStatistics(): " + rootCause );
basicsOK = false;
return basicsOK ? intf : null;
| private boolean | hasStatisticSupport( objectName)
boolean hasSupport = false;
final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = getMBeanServerConnection().getMBeanInfo( objectName );
boolean shouldTest = false;
final MBeanOperationInfo[] candidates = mbeanInfo.getOperations();
if ( JMXUtil.findOperations( candidates, "getStatisticNames" ).length != 0 &&
JMXUtil.findOperations( candidates, "getStatistics" ).length != 0 )
hasSupport = true;
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
warning( "hasStatisticSupport: got exception: " + rootCause );
return hasSupport;
| private boolean | shouldBeTested( objectName)
final String type = objectName.getKeyProperty( "type" );
return COM_SUN_APPSERV_MONITOR_TYPES.contains( type );
| public void | testAllMonitor()
Class.forName( "com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.CountStatisticImpl" );
catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
failure( "ComSunAppservMonitorTest.testAllMonitor: " +
"CLASSPATH is missing Statistic classes, skipping tests. " +
"Use 'maven run-tests' instead of 'ant run-tests'" );
final Map<String,ObjectName> m = getAllComSunAppservMonitor();
final Collection<ObjectName> objectNames = m.values();
final Set<ObjectName> defective = new HashSet<ObjectName>();
int testedCount = 0;
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
if ( ! shouldBeTested( objectName ) )
if ( ! checkMonitor( objectName ) )
defective.add( objectName );
printVerbose( "ComSunAppservMonitorTest.testAllMonitor: checked " +
testedCount + " com.sun.appserv:category=monitor MBeans for basic functionality, " +
defective.size() + " failures." );
if ( defective.size() != 0 )
// slim down the ObjectName for better readability
final String[] names = new String[ defective.size() ];
int i = 0;
for( final ObjectName objectName : defective )
names[ i ] = objectName.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString();
Arrays.sort( names );
final boolean verbose = getVerbose();
warning( "The following " + defective.size() +
" com.sun.appserv MBeans don't work correctly, so " +
"subsequent tests (eg J2EETest) may fail:\n" +
ArrayStringifier.stringify( names, "\n") +
(verbose ? "" : "\n(set amxtest.verbose=true for details)") );