FSM.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API1379Fri Aug 26 14:54:38 BST


public interface FSM
An FSM is used to represent an instance of a finite state machine which has a transition function represented by an instance of StateEngine. An instance of an FSM may be created either by calling StateEngine.makeFSM( startState ) on a state engine, or by extending FSMImpl and using a constructor. Using FSMImpl as a base class is convenient if additional state is associated with the FSM beyond that encoded by the current state. This is especially convenient if an action needs some additional information. For example, counters are best handled by special actions rather than encoding a bounded counter in a state machine. It is also possible to create a class that implements the FSM interface by delegating to an FSM instance created by StateEngine.makeFSM.
@(#) 1.8 03/12/19
Ken Cavanaugh

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voiddoIt(Input in)
Perform the action and transition to the next state based on the current state of the FSM and the input.

public StategetState()
Get the current state of this FSM.