MediaMuxer.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API13703Thu Mar 12 22:22:30 GMT


public final class MediaMuxer extends Object
MediaMuxer facilitates muxing elementary streams. Currently only supports an mp4 file as the output and at most one audio and/or one video elementary stream.

It is generally used like this:

MediaMuxer muxer = new MediaMuxer("temp.mp4", OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4);
// More often, the MediaFormat will be retrieved from MediaCodec.getOutputFormat()
// or MediaExtractor.getTrackFormat().
MediaFormat audioFormat = new MediaFormat(...);
MediaFormat videoFormat = new MediaFormat(...);
int audioTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(audioFormat);
int videoTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(videoFormat);
ByteBuffer inputBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize);
boolean finished = false;
BufferInfo bufferInfo = new BufferInfo();

while(!finished) {
// getInputBuffer() will fill the inputBuffer with one frame of encoded
// sample from either MediaCodec or MediaExtractor, set isAudioSample to
// true when the sample is audio data, set up all the fields of bufferInfo,
// and return true if there are no more samples.
finished = getInputBuffer(inputBuffer, isAudioSample, bufferInfo);
if (!finished) {
int currentTrackIndex = isAudioSample ? audioTrackIndex : videoTrackIndex;
muxer.writeSampleData(currentTrackIndex, inputBuffer, bufferInfo);

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private int
private final dalvik.system.CloseGuard
private int
private long
Constructors Summary
public MediaMuxer(String path, int format)
Constructor. Creates a media muxer that writes to the specified path.

path The path of the output media file.
format The format of the output media file.
IOException if failed to open the file for write

        if (path == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("path must not be null");
        if (format != OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4 &&
                format != OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_WEBM) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("format is invalid");
        // Use RandomAccessFile so we can open the file with RW access;
        // RW access allows the native writer to memory map the output file.
        RandomAccessFile file = null;
        try {
            file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "rws");
            FileDescriptor fd = file.getFD();
            mNativeObject = nativeSetup(fd, format);
            mState = MUXER_STATE_INITIALIZED;
        } finally {
            if (file != null) {
Methods Summary
public intaddTrack(MediaFormat format)
Adds a track with the specified format.

format The media format for the track.
The track index for this newly added track, and it should be used in the {@link #writeSampleData}.

        if (format == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("format must not be null.");
        if (mState != MUXER_STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Muxer is not initialized.");
        if (mNativeObject == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Muxer has been released!");
        int trackIndex = -1;
        // Convert the MediaFormat into key-value pairs and send to the native.
        Map<String, Object> formatMap = format.getMap();

        String[] keys = null;
        Object[] values = null;
        int mapSize = formatMap.size();
        if (mapSize > 0) {
            keys = new String[mapSize];
            values = new Object[mapSize];
            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : formatMap.entrySet()) {
                keys[i] = entry.getKey();
                values[i] = entry.getValue();
            trackIndex = nativeAddTrack(mNativeObject, keys, values);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("format must not be empty.");

        // Track index number is expected to incremented as addTrack succeed.
        // However, if format is invalid, it will get a negative trackIndex.
        if (mLastTrackIndex >= trackIndex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format.");
        mLastTrackIndex = trackIndex;
        return trackIndex;
protected voidfinalize()

        try {
            if (mCloseGuard != null) {
            if (mNativeObject != 0) {
                mNativeObject = 0;
        } finally {
private static native intnativeAddTrack(long nativeObject, java.lang.String[] keys, java.lang.Object[] values)

private static native voidnativeRelease(long nativeObject)

private static native voidnativeSetLocation(long nativeObject, int latitude, int longitude)

private static native voidnativeSetOrientationHint(long nativeObject, int degrees)

private static native longnativeSetup( fd, int format)

private static native voidnativeStart(long nativeObject)

private static native voidnativeStop(long nativeObject)

private static native voidnativeWriteSampleData(long nativeObject, int trackIndex, java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)

public voidrelease()
Make sure you call this when you're done to free up any resources instead of relying on the garbage collector to do this for you at some point in the future.

        if (mState == MUXER_STATE_STARTED) {
        if (mNativeObject != 0) {
            mNativeObject = 0;
public voidsetLocation(float latitude, float longitude)
Set and store the geodata (latitude and longitude) in the output file. This method should be called before {@link #start}. The geodata is stored in udta box if the output format is {@link OutputFormat#MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4}, and is ignored for other output formats. The geodata is stored according to ISO-6709 standard.

latitude Latitude in degrees. Its value must be in the range [-90, 90].
longitude Longitude in degrees. Its value must be in the range [-180, 180].
IllegalArgumentException If the given latitude or longitude is out of range.
IllegalStateException If this method is called after {@link #start}.

        int latitudex10000  = (int) (latitude * 10000 + 0.5);
        int longitudex10000 = (int) (longitude * 10000 + 0.5);

        if (latitudex10000 > 900000 || latitudex10000 < -900000) {
            String msg = "Latitude: " + latitude + " out of range.";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (longitudex10000 > 1800000 || longitudex10000 < -1800000) {
            String msg = "Longitude: " + longitude + " out of range";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (mState == MUXER_STATE_INITIALIZED && mNativeObject != 0) {
            nativeSetLocation(mNativeObject, latitudex10000, longitudex10000);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't set location due to wrong state.");
public voidsetOrientationHint(int degrees)
Sets the orientation hint for output video playback.

This method should be called before {@link #start}. Calling this method will not rotate the video frame when muxer is generating the file, but add a composition matrix containing the rotation angle in the output video if the output format is {@link OutputFormat#MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4} so that a video player can choose the proper orientation for playback. Note that some video players may choose to ignore the composition matrix in a video during playback. By default, the rotation degree is 0.

degrees the angle to be rotated clockwise in degrees. The supported angles are 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

        if (degrees != 0 && degrees != 90  && degrees != 180 && degrees != 270) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported angle: " + degrees);
        if (mState == MUXER_STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            nativeSetOrientationHint(mNativeObject, degrees);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't set rotation degrees due" +
                    " to wrong state.");
public voidstart()
Starts the muxer.

Make sure this is called after {@link #addTrack} and before {@link #writeSampleData}.

        if (mNativeObject == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Muxer has been released!");
        if (mState == MUXER_STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            mState = MUXER_STATE_STARTED;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't start due to wrong state.");
public voidstop()
Stops the muxer.

Once the muxer stops, it can not be restarted.

        if (mState == MUXER_STATE_STARTED) {
            mState = MUXER_STATE_STOPPED;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't stop due to wrong state.");
public voidwriteSampleData(int trackIndex, java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuf, bufferInfo)
Writes an encoded sample into the muxer.

The application needs to make sure that the samples are written into the right tracks. Also, it needs to make sure the samples for each track are written in chronological order (e.g. in the order they are provided by the encoder.)

byteBuf The encoded sample.
trackIndex The track index for this sample.
bufferInfo The buffer information related to this sample. MediaMuxer uses the flags provided in {@link MediaCodec.BufferInfo}, to signal sync frames.

        if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex > mLastTrackIndex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("trackIndex is invalid");

        if (byteBuf == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteBuffer must not be null");

        if (bufferInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferInfo must not be null");
        if (bufferInfo.size < 0 || bufferInfo.offset < 0
                || (bufferInfo.offset + bufferInfo.size) > byteBuf.capacity()
                || bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferInfo must specify a" +
                    " valid buffer offset, size and presentation time");

        if (mNativeObject == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Muxer has been released!");

        if (mState != MUXER_STATE_STARTED) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't write, muxer is not started");

        nativeWriteSampleData(mNativeObject, trackIndex, byteBuf,
                bufferInfo.offset, bufferInfo.size,
                bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs, bufferInfo.flags);