WrapperGeneratorpublic class WrapperGenerator extends Generator This class is used to generate the type specific EJBObject implementation |
Fields Summary |
private static com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl | localStrings | private static Logger | _logger | public static final String | REMOTE_SUFFIX | public static final String | LOCAL_SUFFIX | private Class | bean | private Class | componentInterface | private Method[] | bizMethods | private String | wrapperBase | private String | wrapperImpl | private EjbDescriptor | dd | private boolean | isLocal |
Constructors Summary |
public WrapperGenerator(DeploymentContext context, EjbDescriptor dd, boolean isLocal, Vector existingClassNames)Construct the Wrapper generator with the specified deployment
descriptor and class loader.
this.dd = dd;
this.isLocal = isLocal;
ClassLoader cl = context.getClassLoader();
try {
//IASRI 4725194 this.bean = cl.loadClass(dd.getEjbClassName());
this.bean = cl.loadClass(dd.getEjbImplClassName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new InvalidBean(
"Bean class not found "));
String compIntfName;
if ( isLocal ) {
compIntfName = dd.getLocalClassName();
ejbClassSymbol = MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL;
else {
compIntfName = dd.getRemoteClassName();
ejbClassSymbol = MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE;
try {
this.componentInterface = cl.loadClass(compIntfName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new InvalidBean(
"Remote interface not found "));
String suffix;
if ( isLocal ) {
wrapperBase = "com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectImpl";
suffix = LOCAL_SUFFIX;
else {
wrapperBase = "com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectImpl";
// find a unique classname for this ejbObject/LocalObject impl
String wrapperClassName = getUniqueClassName(context, bean.getName(),
suffix, existingClassNames);
wrapperImpl = getBaseName(wrapperClassName);
bizMethods = removeDups(componentInterface.getMethods());
bizMethods = removeEJBObjectMethods(bizMethods);
Methods Summary |
public void | generate(java.io.OutputStream out)Generate the code to the specified output stream.
IndentingWriter p = new IndentingWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out));
String packageName = getPackageName(bean.getName());
if (packageName != null)
p.pln("package " + packageName + ";");
p.plnI("public final class " + wrapperImpl + " extends " +
wrapperBase + " implements " + componentInterface.getName() +
" {");
// print static variables for Method objects and static initializer
String[] methodVariables = printStaticMethodInit(p, componentInterface,
// this is the constructor
p.plnI("public " + wrapperImpl + "() "
+ (isLocal ? "" : "throws java.rmi.RemoteException ") + "{");
// each remote method
for(int i = 0; i < bizMethods.length; i++) {
printMethodImpl(p, bizMethods[i], methodVariables[i]);
| public static java.lang.String | getDefaultEJBObjectImplClassName(EjbDescriptor desc)
//IASRI 4725194 return desc.getEjbClassName() + REMOTE_SUFFIX;
return desc.getEjbImplClassName() + REMOTE_SUFFIX;
| public java.lang.String | getGeneratedClass()Get the fully qualified name of the generated class.
Note: the remote/local implementation class is in the same package
as the bean class, NOT the remote/local interface.
String pname = getPackageName(bean.getName());
if(pname != null)
return pname+"."+wrapperImpl;
return wrapperImpl;
| private boolean | isEJBObjectMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method methodToCheck)Return true is method is on javax.ejb.EJBObject/EJBLocalObject
Class ejbObjectClz = isLocal ?
javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject.class : javax.ejb.EJBObject.class;
return isEJBIntfMethod(ejbObjectClz, methodToCheck);
| private java.lang.String | marshallObjectToPrimitive(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String obj, java.lang.String retVal)
if(clazz == int.class){
return retVal+ "= ((java.lang.Integer)"+ obj+").intValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == boolean.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Boolean)"+obj+").booleanValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == byte.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Byte)"+obj+").byteValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == short.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Short)"+obj+").shortValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == long.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Long)"+obj+").longValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == float.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Float)"+obj+").floatValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == double.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Double)"+obj+").doubleValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == char.class){
return retVal+" = ((java.lang.Character)"+obj+").charValue();\n";
}else if(clazz == void.class){
return "\n";
return retVal +"= ("+printType(clazz)+") "+obj+";\n";
| private java.lang.String | marshallPrimitiveToObject(java.lang.Class clazz, int i)
if(clazz == int.class){
return " new java.lang.Integer(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == boolean.class){
return " java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == byte.class){
return " new java.lang.Byte(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == short.class){
return " new java.lang.Short(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == long.class){
return " new java.lang.Long(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == float.class){
return " new java.lang.Float(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == double.class){
return " new java.lang.Double(param"+i+");\n";
}else if(clazz == char.class){
return " new java.lang.Character(param"+i+");\n";
return "(java.lang.Object)param"+i+";\n";
| private void | printMethodImpl(sun.rmi.rmic.IndentingWriter p, java.lang.reflect.Method m, java.lang.String methodVar)Generate the code for a single method.
// print method signature and exceptions
p.p("public " + printType(m.getReturnType()) + " "
+ m.getName() + "(");
Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes();
for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
p.p(", ");
p.p(printType(params[i]) + " param" + i);
p.p(") ");
Class[] exceptions = m.getExceptionTypes();
for(int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
if (i == 0)
p.p("throws ");
p.p(", ");
p.pln("com.sun.ejb.Invocation i = new com.sun.ejb.Invocation();");
if ( isLocal ) {
p.pln("i.isLocal = true;");
// Set tx/security attrs only for local invocations.
// For remote invocations the generator does not
// run unless the interface itself has been modified,
// so the attr set in generated code could be wrong for
// remote intfs if only deployment desc was modified.
p.pln("i.transactionAttribute = com.sun.ejb.Container." +
getTxAttribute(dd, m) + ";");
p.pln("i.securityPermissions = com.sun.ejb.Container." +
getSecurityAttribute(dd, m) + ";");
p.pln("i.ejbObject = this;");
// print code for setting Method object in Invocation
p.pln("i.method = " + methodVar + ";");
p.pln(printType(m.getReturnType()) + " $retVal = null;");
else if (m.getReturnType() != void.class) {
if(m.getReturnType() == boolean.class)
p.pln(printType(m.getReturnType()) + " $retVal = false;");
p.pln(printType(m.getReturnType()) + " $retVal = 0;");
// print code for calling biz method on bean class
p.pln("try {");
p.pln("\tObject[] objarr = new Object["+params.length+"];");
for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
p.p("objarr["+i+"] = ");
Class clazz = params[i];
p.p(marshallPrimitiveToObject(clazz, i));
p.pln("\t\ti.methodParams = objarr;\n");
p.pln("\tClass ejbClass = i.ejb.getClass();");
p.pln("\tjava.lang.reflect.Method beanMethod = ejbClass.getMethod(i.method.getName(), i.method.getParameterTypes());");
p.pln("\tObject obj = com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil.runMethod(beanMethod, i, i.ejb , objarr, this.getContainer());");
Class clazz = m.getReturnType();
p.p(marshallObjectToPrimitive(clazz, "obj", "$retVal"));
p.pln("} catch(Throwable c) {");
p.pln("\ti.exception = c;");
p.pln("} finally {");
// exception handling code
p.plnI("if (i.exception != null) {");
p.pln("if(i.exception instanceof java.lang.RuntimeException) {");
p.pln("\tthrow (java.lang.RuntimeException)i.exception; ");
p.p("} ");
if ( !isLocal ) {
p.pln("else if(i.exception instanceof java.rmi.RemoteException) {");
p.pln("\tthrow (java.rmi.RemoteException)i.exception; ");
p.p("} ");
for(int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
if(!exceptions[i].getName().equals("java.rmi.RemoteException")) {
p.pln("else if(i.exception instanceof " +
exceptions[i].getName() + ") {" );
p.pln("\tthrow (" + exceptions[i].getName() + ")i.exception;");
p.p("} ");
if ( isLocal ) {
p.pln("else if (i.exception instanceof Exception) {");
p.pln("\tthrow new javax.ejb.EJBException(\"Unknown exception\", (Exception)i.exception);");
p.pln("else {");
p.pln("\tthrow new javax.ejb.EJBException(i.exception.getMessage());");
else {
p.pln("else {");
p.pln("\tthrow new java.rmi.RemoteException(\"Unknown exception\", i.exception);");
// print return code
if (m.getReturnType() != void.class)
p.pln("return $retVal;");
| private java.lang.reflect.Method[] | removeEJBObjectMethods(java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods)
// each remote method
ArrayList newArray = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if( !isEJBObjectMethod(methods[i]) )
Method[] newMethods = new Method[newArray.size()];
return (Method[])newArray.toArray(newMethods);