AgendaByDayAdapter.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API13377Wed May 06 22:42:42 BST


public class AgendaByDayAdapter extends android.widget.BaseAdapter

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private final android.content.Context
private final AgendaAdapter
private final android.view.LayoutInflater
private ArrayList
private int
private android.text.format.Time
Constructors Summary
public AgendaByDayAdapter(android.content.Context context, AgendaAdapter agendaAdapter)

        mContext = context;
        mAgendaAdapter = agendaAdapter;
        mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
Methods Summary
public booleanareAllItemsEnabled()

        return false;
public voidcalculateDays(android.database.Cursor cursor)

        ArrayList<RowInfo> rowInfo = new ArrayList<RowInfo>();
        int prevStartDay = -1;
        Time time = new Time();
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        mTodayJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(now, time.gmtoff);
        LinkedList<MultipleDayInfo> multipleDayList = new LinkedList<MultipleDayInfo>();
        for (int position = 0; cursor.moveToNext(); position++) {
            boolean allDay = cursor.getInt(AgendaActivity.INDEX_ALL_DAY) != 0;
            int startDay = cursor.getInt(AgendaActivity.INDEX_START_DAY);

            if (startDay != prevStartDay) {
                // Check if we skipped over any empty days
                if (prevStartDay == -1) {
                    rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_DAY, startDay));
                } else {
                    // If there are any multiple-day events that span the empty
                    // range of days, then create day headers and events for
                    // those multiple-day events.
                    boolean dayHeaderAdded = false;
                    for (int currentDay = prevStartDay + 1; currentDay <= startDay; currentDay++) {
                        dayHeaderAdded = false;
                        Iterator<MultipleDayInfo> iter = multipleDayList.iterator();
                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            MultipleDayInfo info =;
                            // If this event has ended then remove it from the
                            // list.
                            if (info.mEndDay < currentDay) {

                            // If this is the first event for the day, then
                            // insert a day header.
                            if (!dayHeaderAdded) {
                                rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_DAY, currentDay));
                                dayHeaderAdded = true;
                            rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_MEETING, info.mPosition));

                    // If the day header was not added for the start day, then
                    // add it now.
                    if (!dayHeaderAdded) {
                        rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_DAY, startDay));
                prevStartDay = startDay;

            // Add in the event for this cursor position
            rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_MEETING, position));

            // If this event spans multiple days, then add it to the multipleDay
            // list.
            int endDay = cursor.getInt(AgendaActivity.INDEX_END_DAY);
            if (endDay > startDay) {
                multipleDayList.add(new MultipleDayInfo(position, endDay));

        // There are no more cursor events but we might still have multiple-day
        // events left.  So create day headers and events for those.
        if (prevStartDay > 0) {
            // Get the Julian day for the last day of this month.  To do that,
            // we set the date to one less than the first day of the next month,
            // and then normalize.
            time.month += 1;
            time.monthDay = 0;  // monthDay starts with 1, so this is the previous day
            long millis = time.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */);
            int lastDayOfMonth = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);

            for (int currentDay = prevStartDay + 1; currentDay <= lastDayOfMonth; currentDay++) {
                boolean dayHeaderAdded = false;
                Iterator<MultipleDayInfo> iter = multipleDayList.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    MultipleDayInfo info =;
                    // If this event has ended then remove it from the
                    // list.
                    if (info.mEndDay < currentDay) {

                    // If this is the first event for the day, then
                    // insert a day header.
                    if (!dayHeaderAdded) {
                        rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_DAY, currentDay));
                        dayHeaderAdded = true;
                    rowInfo.add(new RowInfo(TYPE_MEETING, info.mPosition));
        mRowInfo = rowInfo;
public voidclearDayHeaderInfo()

        mRowInfo = null;
public intfindDayPositionNearestTime(android.text.format.Time time)
Searches for the day that matches the given Time object and returns the list position of that day. If there are no events for that day, then it finds the nearest day (before or after) that has events and returns the list position for that day.

time the date to search for
the cursor position of the first event for that date, or zero if no match was found

        if (mRowInfo == null) {
            return 0;
        long millis = time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
        int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(millis, time.gmtoff);
        int minDistance = 1000;  // some big number
        int minIndex = 0;
        int len = mRowInfo.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(index);
            if (row.mType == TYPE_DAY) {
                int distance = Math.abs(julianDay - row.mData);
                if (distance == 0) {
                    return index;
                if (distance < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = distance;
                    minIndex = index;

        // We didn't find an exact match so take the nearest day that had
        // events.
        return minIndex;
public intfindJulianDayFromPosition(int position)
Finds the Julian day containing the event at the given position.

position the list position of an event
the Julian day containing that event

        if (mRowInfo == null || position < 0) {
            return 0;

        int len = mRowInfo.size();
        if (position >= len) return 0;  // no row info at this position

        for (int index = position; index >= 0; index--) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(index);
            if (row.mType == TYPE_DAY) {
                return row.mData;
        return 0;
public intgetCount()

        if (mRowInfo != null) {
            return mRowInfo.size();
        return mAgendaAdapter.getCount();
public intgetCursorPosition(int listPos)
Converts a list position to a cursor position. The list contains day headers as well as events. The cursor contains only events.

listPos the list position of an event
the corresponding cursor position of that event

        if (mRowInfo != null && listPos >= 0) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(listPos);
            if (row.mType == TYPE_MEETING) {
                return row.mData;
        return listPos;
public java.lang.ObjectgetItem(int position)

        if (mRowInfo != null) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(position);
            if (row.mType == TYPE_DAY) {
                return row;
            } else {
                return mAgendaAdapter.getItem(row.mData);
        return mAgendaAdapter.getItem(position);
public longgetItemId(int position)

        if (mRowInfo != null) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(position);
            if (row.mType == TYPE_DAY) {
                return position;
            } else {
                return mAgendaAdapter.getItemId(row.mData);
        return mAgendaAdapter.getItemId(position);
public intgetItemViewType(int position)

        return mRowInfo != null && mRowInfo.size() > position ?
                mRowInfo.get(position).mType : TYPE_DAY;
public android.view.ViewgetView(int position, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent)

        if ((mRowInfo == null) || (position > mRowInfo.size())) {
            // If we have no row info, mAgendaAdapter returns the view.
            return mAgendaAdapter.getView(position, convertView, parent);

        RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(position);
        if (row.mType == TYPE_DAY) {
            ViewHolder holder;
            View agendaDayView;
            if ((convertView == null) || (convertView.getTag() == null)) {
                // Create a new AgendaView with a ViewHolder for fast access to
                // views w/o calling findViewById()
                holder = new ViewHolder();
                agendaDayView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.agenda_day, parent, false);
                holder.dateView = (TextView) agendaDayView.findViewById(;
            } else {
                agendaDayView = convertView;
                holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

            // Re-use the member variable "mTime" which is set to the local timezone.
            Time date = mTime;
            long millis = date.setJulianDay(row.mData);
            int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR
                    | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
            if (row.mData == mTodayJulianDay) {
                String dayText = mContext.getResources().getText(R.string.agenda_today) + ", ";
                holder.dateView.setText(dayText + DateUtils.formatDateTime(mContext, millis, flags));
            } else {
                flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY;
                holder.dateView.setText(DateUtils.formatDateTime(mContext, millis, flags));

            return agendaDayView;
        } else if (row.mType == TYPE_MEETING) {
            return mAgendaAdapter.getView(row.mData, convertView, parent);
        } else {
            // Error
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown event type:" + row.mType);
public intgetViewTypeCount()

        return TYPE_LAST;
public booleanisEnabled(int position)

        if (mRowInfo != null && position < mRowInfo.size()) {
            RowInfo row = mRowInfo.get(position);
            return row.mType == TYPE_MEETING;
        return true;