Methods Summary |
public void | addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener)Adds a connection event listener to the ManagedConnection
The registered ConnectionEventListener instances are notified of
connection close and error events, also of local transaction related
events on the Managed Connection.
public void | associateConnection(java.lang.Object connection)Used by the container to change the association of an
application-level connection handle with a ManagedConneciton
instance. The container should find the right ManagedConnection
instance and call the associateConnection method.
The resource adapter is required to implement the associateConnection
method. The method implementation for a ManagedConnection should
dissociate the connection handle (passed as a parameter) from its
currently associated ManagedConnection and associate the new
connection handle with itself.
public void | cleanup()Application server calls this method to force any cleanup on the
ManagedConnection instance.
The method ManagedConnection.cleanup initiates a cleanup of the
any client-specific state as maintained by a ManagedConnection instance.
The cleanup should invalidate all connection handles that had been
created using this ManagedConnection instance. Any attempt by an application
component to use the connection handle after cleanup of the underlying
ManagedConnection should result in an exception.
The cleanup of ManagedConnection is always driven by an application
server. An application server should not invoke ManagedConnection.cleanup
when there is an uncompleted transaction (associated with a
ManagedConnection instance) in progress.
The invocation of ManagedConnection.cleanup method on an already
cleaned-up connection should not throw an exception.
The cleanup of ManagedConnection instance resets its client specific
state and prepares the connection to be put back in to a connection
pool. The cleanup method should not cause resource adapter to close
the physical pipe and reclaim system resources associated with the
physical connection.
public void | destroy()Destroys the physical connection to the underlying resource manager.
To manage the size of the connection pool, an application server can
explictly call ManagedConnection.destroy to destroy a
physical connection. A resource adapter should destroy all allocated
system resources for this ManagedConnection instance when the method
destroy is called.
public java.lang.Object | getConnection( subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)Creates a new connection handle for the underlying physical connection
represented by the ManagedConnection instance. This connection handle
is used by the application code to refer to the underlying physical
connection. This connection handle is associated with its
ManagedConnection instance in a resource adapter implementation
specific way.
The ManagedConnection uses the Subject and additional ConnectionRequest
Info (which is specific to resource adapter and opaque to application
server) to set the state of the physical connection.
public LocalTransaction | getLocalTransaction()Returns an javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction instance.
The LocalTransaction interface is used by the container to manage
local transactions for a RM instance.
public | getLogWriter()Gets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and
tracing messages for this ManagedConnection instance will be printed.
ConnectionManager manages the association of output stream with the
ManagedConnection instance based on the connection pooling
The Log writer associated with a ManagedConnection instance can be
one set as default from the ManagedConnectionFactory (that created
this connection) or one set specifically for this instance by the
application server.
public ManagedConnectionMetaData | getMetaData()Gets the metadata information for this connection's underlying
EIS resource manager instance. The ManagedConnectionMetaData
interface provides information about the underlying EIS instance
associated with the ManagedConenction instance.
public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource | getXAResource()Returns an javax.transaction.xa.XAresource instance.
An application server enlists this XAResource instance with the
Transaction Manager if the ManagedConnection instance is being used
in a JTA transaction that is being coordinated by the Transaction
public void | removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener listener)Removes an already registered connection event listener from the
ManagedConnection instance.
public void | setLogWriter( out)Sets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and
tracing messages for this ManagedConnection instance will be printed.
Application Server manages the association of output stream with the
ManagedConnection instance based on the connection pooling
When a ManagedConnection object is initially created, the default
log writer associated with this instance is obtained from the
ManagedConnectionFactory. An application server can set a log writer
specific to this ManagedConnection to log/trace this instance using
setLogWriter method.