ArrowKeyMovementMethod.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API13221Thu Mar 12 22:22:10 GMT 2015android.text.method


public class ArrowKeyMovementMethod extends BaseMovementMethod implements MovementMethod
A movement method that provides cursor movement and selection. Supports displaying the context menu on DPad Center.

Fields Summary
private static final Object
private static ArrowKeyMovementMethod
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
protected booleanbottom(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            Selection.extendSelection(buffer, buffer.length());
        } else {
            Selection.setSelection(buffer, buffer.length());
        return true;
public booleancanSelectArbitrarily()

        return true;
protected booleandown(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendDown(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveDown(buffer, layout);
protected booleanend(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        return lineEnd(widget, buffer);
private static intgetCurrentLineTop(android.text.Spannable buffer, android.text.Layout layout)

        return layout.getLineTop(layout.getLineForOffset(Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer)));
public static MovementMethodgetInstance()

        if (sInstance == null) {
            sInstance = new ArrowKeyMovementMethod();

        return sInstance;
private static intgetPageHeight(android.widget.TextView widget)

        // This calculation does not take into account the view transformations that
        // may have been applied to the child or its containers.  In case of scaling or
        // rotation, the calculated page height may be incorrect.
        final Rect rect = new Rect();
        return widget.getGlobalVisibleRect(rect) ? rect.height() : 0;
protected booleanhandleMovementKey(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer, int keyCode, int movementMetaState, android.view.KeyEvent event)

        switch (keyCode) {
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
                if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasNoModifiers(movementMetaState)) {
                    if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                            && event.getRepeatCount() == 0
                            && MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer,
                                        MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING, event) != 0) {
                        return widget.showContextMenu();
        return super.handleMovementKey(widget, buffer, keyCode, movementMetaState, event);
protected booleanhome(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        return lineStart(widget, buffer);
public voidinitialize(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable text)

        Selection.setSelection(text, 0);
private static booleanisSelecting(android.text.Spannable buffer)

        return ((MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer, MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SHIFT_ON) == 1) ||
                (MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer, MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING) != 0));
private static booleanisTouchSelecting(boolean isMouse, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        return isMouse ? Touch.isActivelySelecting(buffer) : isSelecting(buffer);
protected booleanleft(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendLeft(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveLeft(buffer, layout);
protected booleanleftWord(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final int selectionEnd = widget.getSelectionEnd();
        final WordIterator wordIterator = widget.getWordIterator();
        wordIterator.setCharSequence(buffer, selectionEnd, selectionEnd);
        return Selection.moveToPreceding(buffer, wordIterator, isSelecting(buffer));
protected booleanlineEnd(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendToRightEdge(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveToRightEdge(buffer, layout);
protected booleanlineStart(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendToLeftEdge(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveToLeftEdge(buffer, layout);
public voidonTakeFocus(android.widget.TextView view, android.text.Spannable text, int dir)

        if ((dir & (View.FOCUS_FORWARD | View.FOCUS_DOWN)) != 0) {
            if (view.getLayout() == null) {
                // This shouldn't be null, but do something sensible if it is.
                Selection.setSelection(text, text.length());
        } else {
            Selection.setSelection(text, text.length());
public booleanonTouchEvent(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer, android.view.MotionEvent event)

        int initialScrollX = -1;
        int initialScrollY = -1;
        final int action = event.getAction();
        final boolean isMouse = event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE);

        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            initialScrollX = Touch.getInitialScrollX(widget, buffer);
            initialScrollY = Touch.getInitialScrollY(widget, buffer);

        boolean handled = Touch.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, event);

        if (widget.isFocused() && !widget.didTouchFocusSelect()) {
            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                // Capture the mouse pointer down location to ensure selection starts
                // right under the mouse (and is not influenced by cursor location).
                // The code below needs to run for mouse events.
                // For touch events, the code should run only when selection is active.
                if (isMouse || isTouchSelecting(isMouse, buffer)) {
                    int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY());
                    buffer.setSpan(LAST_TAP_DOWN, offset, offset, Spannable.SPAN_POINT_POINT);
                    // Disallow intercepting of the touch events, so that
                    // users can scroll and select at the same time.
                    // without this, users would get booted out of select
                    // mode once the view detected it needed to scroll.
            } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {

                // Cursor can be active at any location in the text while mouse pointer can start
                // selection from a totally different location. Use LAST_TAP_DOWN span to ensure
                // text selection will start from mouse pointer location.
                if (isMouse && Touch.isSelectionStarted(buffer)) {
                    int offset = buffer.getSpanStart(LAST_TAP_DOWN);
                    Selection.setSelection(buffer, offset);

                if (isTouchSelecting(isMouse, buffer) && handled) {
                    // Before selecting, make sure we've moved out of the "slop".
                    // handled will be true, if we're in select mode AND we're
                    // OUT of the slop

                    // Turn long press off while we're selecting. User needs to
                    // re-tap on the selection to enable long press

                    // Update selection as we're moving the selection area.

                    // Get the current touch position
                    int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY());

                    Selection.extendSelection(buffer, offset);
                    return true;
            } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                // If we have scrolled, then the up shouldn't move the cursor,
                // but we do need to make sure the cursor is still visible at
                // the current scroll offset to avoid the scroll jumping later
                // to show it.
                if ((initialScrollY >= 0 && initialScrollY != widget.getScrollY()) ||
                    (initialScrollX >= 0 && initialScrollX != widget.getScrollX())) {
                    return true;

                int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY());
                if (isTouchSelecting(isMouse, buffer)) {
                    Selection.extendSelection(buffer, offset);


                return true;
        return handled;
protected booleanpageDown(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        final boolean selecting = isSelecting(buffer);
        final int targetY = getCurrentLineTop(buffer, layout) + getPageHeight(widget);
        boolean handled = false;
        for (;;) {
            final int previousSelectionEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer);
            if (selecting) {
                Selection.extendDown(buffer, layout);
            } else {
                Selection.moveDown(buffer, layout);
            if (Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer) == previousSelectionEnd) {
            handled = true;
            if (getCurrentLineTop(buffer, layout) >= targetY) {
        return handled;
protected booleanpageUp(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        final boolean selecting = isSelecting(buffer);
        final int targetY = getCurrentLineTop(buffer, layout) - getPageHeight(widget);
        boolean handled = false;
        for (;;) {
            final int previousSelectionEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer);
            if (selecting) {
                Selection.extendUp(buffer, layout);
            } else {
                Selection.moveUp(buffer, layout);
            if (Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer) == previousSelectionEnd) {
            handled = true;
            if (getCurrentLineTop(buffer, layout) <= targetY) {
        return handled;
protected booleanright(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendRight(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveRight(buffer, layout);
protected booleanrightWord(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final int selectionEnd = widget.getSelectionEnd();
        final WordIterator wordIterator = widget.getWordIterator();
        wordIterator.setCharSequence(buffer, selectionEnd, selectionEnd);
        return Selection.moveToFollowing(buffer, wordIterator, isSelecting(buffer));
protected booleantop(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            Selection.extendSelection(buffer, 0);
        } else {
            Selection.setSelection(buffer, 0);
        return true;
protected booleanup(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer)

        final Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        if (isSelecting(buffer)) {
            return Selection.extendUp(buffer, layout);
        } else {
            return Selection.moveUp(buffer, layout);