Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getSuffix()Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this
particular alias set.
public java.lang.String[] | getSuffixedElementAliases()Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns
making up the collection's elements.
public java.lang.String | getSuffixedIdentifierAlias()Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column
defining the collection's identifier (if any).
public java.lang.String[] | getSuffixedIndexAliases()Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the collumns
making up the collection's index (map or list).
public java.lang.String[] | getSuffixedKeyAliases()Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making
up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to its owner).