ManifestTest.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.7013137Wed Dec 13 06:16:18 GMT


public class ManifestTest extends
Testcase for the Manifest class used in the jar task.

Fields Summary
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
Constructors Summary
public ManifestTest(String name)

Methods Summary
private ManifestgetManifest(java.lang.String filename)

        FileReader r = new FileReader(new File(System.getProperty("root"), filename));
        try {
            return new Manifest(r);
        } finally {
public voidsetUp()

public voidtearDown()

public voidtest1()
Empty manifest - is OK

        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        String version = manifest.getManifestVersion();
        assertEquals("Manifest was not created with correct version - ", "1.0", version);
public voidtest10()
Inline manifest - Invalid attribute without name

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test10", "Attribute has no name",
                                       "Attributes must have name and value");
public voidtest11()
Inline manifest - Invalid attribute without value

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test11", "Attribute has no value",
                                       "Attributes must have name and value");
public voidtest12()
Inline manifest - Invalid attribute without value

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test12", "Section with no name",
                                       "Sections must have a name");
public voidtest13()
Inline manifest - Duplicate attribute

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test13", "Duplicate Attribute",
                                       "The attribute \"Test\" may not occur more than once in the same section");
public voidtest14()
Inline manifest - OK since classpath entries can be duplicated.

        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        Manifest.Section mainSection = manifest.getMainSection();
        String classpath = mainSection.getAttributeValue("class-path");
        assertEquals("Class-Path attribute was not set correctly - ",
            "Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4", classpath);
public voidtest2()
Simple Manifest with version 2.0

        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        String version = manifest.getManifestVersion();
        assertEquals("Manifest was not created with correct version - ", "2.0", version);
public voidtest3()
Malformed manifest - no : on the line

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test3", "Manifest is invalid - no colon on header line",
                                       "Invalid Manifest");
public voidtest4()
Malformed manifest - starts with continuation line

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test4", "Manifest is invalid - section starts with continuation line",
                                       "Invalid Manifest");
public voidtest5()
Malformed manifest - Name attribute in main section

        String output = getLog();
        boolean hasWarning = output.indexOf("Manifest warning: \"Name\" attributes should not occur in the main section") != -1;
        assertTrue("Expected warning about Name in main section", hasWarning);
public voidtest6()
New Section not starting with Name attribute.

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test6", "Manifest is invalid - section starts with incorrect attribute",
                                       "Invalid Manifest");
        String output = getLog();
        boolean hasWarning = output.indexOf("Manifest sections should start with a \"Name\" attribute") != -1;
        assertTrue("Expected warning about section not starting with Name: attribute", hasWarning);
public voidtest7()
From attribute is illegal


        boolean hasWarning = getLog().indexOf(Manifest.ERROR_FROM_FORBIDDEN) != -1;
        assertTrue("Expected warning about From: attribute", hasWarning);
public voidtest8()
Inline manifest - OK

        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        Manifest.Section mainSection = manifest.getMainSection();
        String classpath = mainSection.getAttributeValue("class-path");
        assertEquals("Class-Path attribute was not set correctly - ", "fubar", classpath);

        Manifest.Section testSection = manifest.getSection("Test");
        String testAttr = testSection.getAttributeValue("TestAttr");
        assertEquals("TestAttr attribute was not set correctly - ", "Test", testAttr);
public voidtest9()
Inline manifest - Invalid since has a Name attribute in the section element

        expectBuildExceptionContaining("test9", "Construction is invalid - Name attribute should not be used",
                                       "Specify the section name using the \"name\" attribute of the <section> element");
public voidtestFrom()

        expectLogContaining("testFrom", Manifest.ERROR_FROM_FORBIDDEN);
public voidtestLongLine()
Tets long line wrapping

        Project p = getProject();
        p.setUserProperty("test.longline", LONG_LINE);
        p.setUserProperty("test.long68name" , LONG_68_NAME);
        p.setUserProperty("test.long70name" , LONG_70_NAME);
        p.setUserProperty("test.notlongname" , NOT_LONG_NAME);
        p.setUserProperty("test.value", VALUE);

        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        Manifest.Section mainSection = manifest.getMainSection();
        String classpath = mainSection.getAttributeValue("class-path");
        assertEquals("Class-Path attribute was not set correctly - ",
            LONG_LINE, classpath);
        String value = mainSection.getAttributeValue(LONG_68_NAME);
        assertEquals("LONG_68_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH", VALUE, value);
        value = mainSection.getAttributeValue(LONG_70_NAME);
        assertEquals("LONG_70_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH", VALUE, value);
        value = mainSection.getAttributeValue(NOT_LONG_NAME);
        assertEquals("NOT_LONG_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH", VALUE, value);
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(EXPANDED_MANIFEST));
        Set set = new HashSet();
        String read = in.readLine();
        while (read != null)
            read = in.readLine();
        assertTrue("Manifest file should have contained string ", set
                .remove(" NOT_LONG"));
        assertTrue("Manifest file should have contained string ", set
                .remove(" NG"));
        assertTrue("Manifest file should have contained string ", set
                .remove(LONG_70_NAME + ": "));
        assertTrue("Manifest file should have contained string ", set
                .remove(NOT_LONG_NAME + ": NOT_LO"));
public voidtestNoFile()
file attribute for manifest task is required.

        expectBuildException("testNoFile", "file is required");
public voidtestOrder1()
Tests ordering of sections


        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        Enumeration e = manifest.getSectionNames();
        String section1 = (String)e.nextElement();
        String section2 = (String)e.nextElement();
        assertEquals("First section name unexpected", "Test1", section1);
        assertEquals("Second section name unexpected", "Test2", section2);

        Manifest.Section section = manifest.getSection("Test1");
        e = section.getAttributeKeys();
        String attr1Key = (String)e.nextElement();
        String attr2Key = (String)e.nextElement();
        String attr1 = section.getAttribute(attr1Key).getName();
        String attr2 = section.getAttribute(attr2Key).getName();
        assertEquals("First attribute name unexpected", "TestAttr1", attr1);
        assertEquals("Second attribute name unexpected", "TestAttr2", attr2);
public voidtestOrder2()
Tests ordering of sections


        Manifest manifest = getManifest(EXPANDED_MANIFEST);
        Enumeration e = manifest.getSectionNames();
        String section1 = (String)e.nextElement();
        String section2 = (String)e.nextElement();
        assertEquals("First section name unexpected", "Test2", section1);
        assertEquals("Second section name unexpected", "Test1", section2);

        Manifest.Section section = manifest.getSection("Test1");
        e = section.getAttributeKeys();
        String attr1Key = (String)e.nextElement();
        String attr2Key = (String)e.nextElement();
        String attr1 = section.getAttribute(attr1Key).getName();
        String attr2 = section.getAttribute(attr2Key).getName();
        assertEquals("First attribute name unexpected", "TestAttr2", attr1);
        assertEquals("Second attribute name unexpected", "TestAttr1", attr2);
public voidtestReplace()
replace changes Manifest-Version from 2.0 to 1.0

        Manifest mf = getManifest("src/etc/testcases/taskdefs/");
        assertEquals(Manifest.getDefaultManifest(), mf);
public voidtestUpdate()
update keeps the Manifest-Version and adds a new attribute Foo

        Manifest mf = getManifest("src/etc/testcases/taskdefs/");
        String mfAsString = mf.toString();
        assertTrue(mfAsString.startsWith("Manifest-Version: 2.0"));
        assertTrue(mfAsString.indexOf("Foo: Bar") > -1);

        mf = getManifest("src/etc/testcases/taskdefs/");
        mfAsString = mf.toString();
        assertEquals(-1, mfAsString.indexOf("Foo: Bar"));
        assertTrue(mfAsString.indexOf("Foo: Baz") > -1);