Fields Summary |
public static final int | PLATFORM_UNKNOWN |
public static final int | PLATFORM_LINUX |
public static final int | PLATFORM_WINDOWS |
public static final int | PLATFORM_DARWIN |
public static final int | CURRENT_PLATFORMReturns current platform, one of {@link #PLATFORM_WINDOWS}, {@link #PLATFORM_DARWIN},
public static final String | FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XMLAn SDK Project's AndroidManifest.xml file |
public static final String | FN_BUILD_XMLAn SDK Project's build.xml file |
public static final String | FN_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARYName of the framework library, i.e. "android.jar" |
public static final String | FN_ATTRS_XMLName of the layout attributes, i.e. "attrs.xml" |
public static final String | FN_ATTRS_MANIFEST_XMLName of the layout attributes, i.e. "attrs_manifest.xml" |
public static final String | FN_FRAMEWORK_AIDLframework aidl import file |
public static final String | FN_LAYOUTLIB_JARlayoutlib.jar file |
public static final String | FN_WIDGETSwidget list file |
public static final String | FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_ACTIVITYIntent activity actions list file |
public static final String | FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_BROADCASTIntent broadcast actions list file |
public static final String | FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_SERVICEIntent service actions list file |
public static final String | FN_INTENT_CATEGORIESIntent category list file |
public static final String | FN_BUILD_PROPplatform build property file |
public static final String | FN_PLUGIN_PROPplugin properties file |
public static final String | FN_MANIFEST_INIadd-on manifest file |
public static final String | FN_HARDWARE_INIhardware properties definition file |
public static final String | FN_SKIN_LAYOUTSkin layout file |
public static final String | FN_DX_JARdex.jar file |
public static final String | FN_DXdx executable |
public static final String | FN_AAPTaapt executable |
public static final String | FN_AIDLaidl executable |
public static final String | FD_RESOURCESResources folder name, i.e. "res". |
public static final String | FD_ASSETSAssets folder name, i.e. "assets" |
public static final String | FD_SOURCESDefault source folder name, i.e. "src" |
public static final String | FD_GEN_SOURCESDefault generated source folder name, i.e. "gen" |
public static final String | FD_NATIVE_LIBSDefault native library folder name inside the project, i.e. "libs"
While the folder inside the .apk is "lib", we call that one libs because
that's what we use in ant for both .jar and .so and we need to make the 2 development ways
compatible. |
public static final String | FD_APK_NATIVE_LIBSNative lib folder inside the APK: "lib" |
public static final String | FD_OUTPUTDefault output folder name, i.e. "bin" |
public static final String | FD_ANIMDefault anim resource folder name, i.e. "anim" |
public static final String | FD_COLORDefault color resource folder name, i.e. "color" |
public static final String | FD_DRAWABLEDefault drawable resource folder name, i.e. "drawable" |
public static final String | FD_LAYOUTDefault layout resource folder name, i.e. "layout" |
public static final String | FD_MENUDefault menu resource folder name, i.e. "menu" |
public static final String | FD_VALUESDefault values resource folder name, i.e. "values" |
public static final String | FD_XMLDefault xml resource folder name, i.e. "xml" |
public static final String | FD_RAWDefault raw resource folder name, i.e. "raw" |
public static final String | FD_PLATFORMSName of the SDK platforms folder. |
public static final String | FD_ADDONSName of the SDK addons folder. |
public static final String | FD_TOOLSName of the SDK tools folder. |
public static final String | FD_LIBName of the SDK tools/lib folder. |
public static final String | FD_DOCSName of the SDK docs folder. |
public static final String | FD_DOCS_REFERENCEName of the doc folder containing API reference doc (javadoc) |
public static final String | FD_IMAGESName of the SDK images folder. |
public static final String | FD_SKINSName of the SDK skins folder. |
public static final String | FD_SAMPLESName of the SDK samples folder. |
public static final String | FD_TEMPLATESName of the SDK templates folder, i.e. "templates" |
public static final String | FD_DATAName of the SDK data folder, i.e. "data" |
public static final String | FD_RESName of the SDK resources folder, i.e. "res" |
public static final String | FD_FONTSName of the SDK font folder, i.e. "fonts" |
public static final String | FD_ANDROID_SOURCESName of the android sources directory |
public static final String | FD_ADDON_LIBSName of the addon libs folder. |
public static final String | NS_RESOURCESNamespace for the resource XML, i.e. "" |
public static final String | OS_SDK_DOCS_FOLDERPath of the documentation directory relative to the sdk folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_SDK_TOOLS_FOLDERPath of the tools directory relative to the sdk folder, or to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_SDK_TOOLS_LIB_FOLDERPath of the lib directory relative to the sdk folder, or to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_IMAGES_FOLDERPath of the images directory relative to a platform or addon folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_SKINS_FOLDERPath of the skin directory relative to a platform or addon folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_DATA_FOLDERPath of the data directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_SAMPLES_FOLDERPath of the samples directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_RESOURCES_FOLDERPath of the resources directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_FONTS_FOLDERPath of the fonts directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_SOURCES_FOLDERPath of the android source directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_TEMPLATES_FOLDERPath of the android templates directory relative to a platform folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_ATTRS_XMLPath of the attrs.xml file relative to a platform folder. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_ATTRS_MANIFEST_XMLPath of the attrs_manifest.xml file relative to a platform folder. |
public static final String | OS_PLATFORM_LAYOUTLIB_JARPath of the layoutlib.jar file relative to a platform folder. |
public static final String | OS_ADDON_LIBS_FOLDERPath of the images directory relative to a folder folder.
This is an OS path, ending with a separator. |
public static final String | SKIN_DEFAULTSkin default |