Fields Summary |
public static final String | UNIX_ASENV_FILENAMEField |
public static final String | WINDOWS_ASENV_FILENAMEField |
public static final String | WEB_SERVICES_LIB_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | PERL_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | IMQ_LIB_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | IMQ_BIN_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | JAVA_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | ICU_LIB_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | DEFAULT_LOCALE_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | DOMAINS_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | AGENT_CERT_NICKNAMEThe certificate nick name specified in the System-Jmx-Conenctor
of the DAS with which a Node Agent synchronizes |
public static final String | AGENT_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | AGENT_NAME_PROPERTY |
public static final String | WEBCONSOLE_LIB_PROPERTYField |
public static final String | WEBCONSOLE_APP_PROPERTY |
public static final String | JATO_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | ANT_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | ANT_LIB_PROPERTY |
public static final String | JHELP_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | SERVER_NAMEname of the server instance key |
public static final String | CLUSTER_NAMEname of the server's cluster |
public static final String | HADB_ROOT_PROPERTYname of the HADB location property |
public static final String | NSS_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | NSS_BIN_PROPERTY |
public static final String | NATIVE_LAUNCHER |
public static final String | NATIVE_LAUNCHER_LIB_PREFIX |
public static final String | KEYSTORE_PROPERTY |
public static final String | KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY |
public static final String | JKS_KEYSTORE |
public static final String | TRUSTSTORE_PROPERTY |
public static final String | TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY |
public static final String | JKS_TRUSTSTORE |
public static final String | ADMIN_REALM |
public static final String | NSS_DB_PROPERTY |
public static final String | NSS_DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY |
public static final String | CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE_PROPERTY |
public static final String | CLIENT_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY |
public static final String | PID_FILE |
public static final String | REF_TS_FILE |
public static final String | KILLSERV_SCRIPT |
public static final String | KILL_SERV_UNIX |
public static final String | KILL_SERV_WIN |
public static final String | KILL_SERV_OS |
public static final String | DEFAULT_SERVER_INSTANCE_NAME |
public static final String | JDMK_HOME_PROPERTY |
public static final String | DERBY_ROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | MFWK_HOME_PROPERTYJava ES Monitoring Framework install directory |
public static final String | DOMAIN_NAMEname of the domain key |
public static final String | HOST_NAME_PROPERTY |
public static final String | CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY |
public static final String | DOCROOT_PROPERTY |
public static final String | ACCESSLOG_PROPERTY |
public static final String | DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS |
public static final String | CLUSTER_AWARE_FEATURE_FACTORY_CLASS |
public static final String | TEMPLATE_CONFIG_NAMEName of the default config that determines the configuration for the instances |
private static final com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager | sm |
public static final String | OPEN |
public static final String | CLOSE |
Methods Summary |
public static final java.lang.String | getAccessLogDefaultValue()Returns the default value (as would appear in the domain.xml on installation)
of file where the acess log of a virtual server is stored, as a String. Never returns a null.
Returned String contains no backslashes.
Note that it is not the absolute value of the path on a file system.
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getPropertyAsValue(INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY));
return ( sb.append("/logs/access").toString() );
public static final java.lang.String | getAsAdminScriptLocation()Returns the system specific file.separator delimited path to the asadmin script. Any changes to file layout should
be reflected here. The path will contain '/' as the separator character, regardless of operating
platform. Never returns a null. Assumes the the property "INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY" is set in the VM
before calling this. As of now (September 2005) all the server instances and asadmin VM itself has
this property set. The method does not guarantee that the script exists on the given system. It should
only be used when caller wants to know the location of the script. Caller should make sure it exists.
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String ext = OS.isWindows() ? OS.WINDOWS_BATCH_FILE_EXTENSION : "";
final String ASADMIN = "asadmin";
final String suffix = new StringBuilder("bin").append(System.getProperty("file.separator")).append(ASADMIN).append(ext).toString();
final String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
if (!sb.toString().endsWith(fs))
return ( sb.toString() );
public static final java.lang.String | getDocRootDefaultValue()Returns the default value (as would appear in the domain.xml on installation)
of docroot of a virtual server, as a String. Never returns a null.
Returned String contains no backslashes.
Note that it is not the absolute value of the path on a file system.
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getPropertyAsValue(INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY));
return ( sb.append("/docroot").toString() );
public static final java.lang.String | getPropertyAsValue(java.lang.String name)A method that returns the passed String as a property that can
be replaced at run time.
if (name == null) {
final String pn = "spc.null_name";
final String pv = "property";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString(pn, pv));
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return ( sb.toString() );
public static final boolean | isSystemPropertySyntax(java.lang.String s)
if ( s == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null_arg");
boolean sp = false;
if (s.startsWith(OPEN) && s.endsWith(CLOSE))
sp = true;
return ( sp );
public static final java.lang.String | unSystemProperty(java.lang.String sp)Returns the string removing the "system-property syntax" from it.
If the given string is not in "system-property syntax" the same string is returned.
The "system-propery syntax" is "${...}"
The given String may not be null.
The returned String may be an empty String, if it is of the form "${}" (rarely so).
if (sp == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null_arg");
String ret = sp;
if (isSystemPropertySyntax(sp)) {
ret = sp.substring(2, sp.length() - 1);
return ( ret );