PerformanceTestpublic final class PerformanceTest extends Note that the tests are synchronized so that the performance numbers
are not affected by concurrent tests. |
Fields Summary |
private static boolean | BASELINE_DONE | private static final int | K | private static final int | MB |
Constructors Summary |
public PerformanceTest()
final MBeanServerConnection conn =
Util.getExtra( getDomainRoot() ).getConnectionSource().getMBeanServerConnection( false );
baselineTest( conn );
catch( IOException e )
System.err.print( "Caught exception: " + e );
Methods Summary |
public void | baselineTest( conn)
if ( ! BASELINE_DONE ) synchronized( PerformanceTest.class )
printPerf( "--- Baseline statistics for connection --- " );
final ObjectName delegateObjectName = JMXUtil.getMBeanServerDelegateObjectName();
final int ITER = 1000;
final long start = now();
for( int i = 0; i < ITER; ++i )
conn.isRegistered( delegateObjectName );
printPerf( "Time to call MBeanServerConnection.isRegistered() " + ITER + " times: " + (now() - start) + " ms" );
final Sample sample = (Sample)getDomainRoot().getContainee( XTypes.SAMPLE );
final int BANDWIDTH_ITER = 3;
for ( int i = 0; i < BANDWIDTH_ITER; ++i )
// test upload bandwidth
final byte[] uploadBytes = new byte[ 1 * MB ];
final long uploadStart = now();
sample.uploadBytes( uploadBytes );
final long uploadElapsed = now() - uploadStart;
final int uploadKBPerSec = (int)((uploadBytes.length / 1024.0) / (uploadElapsed / 1000.0));
printPerf( "Upload bandwidth (" + uploadBytes.length + " bytes): " + uploadKBPerSec + "kb/sec" );
// test download bandwidth
final long downloadStart = now();
final byte[] downloadedBytes = sample.downloadBytes( 256 * K );
final long downloadElapsed = now() - downloadStart;
final int downloadKBPerSec = (int)((downloadedBytes.length / 1024.0) / (downloadElapsed / 1000.0));
printPerf( "Download bandwidth (" + uploadBytes.length + " bytes): " + downloadKBPerSec + "kb/sec\n" );
testTransferSizePerformance( conn );
| private java.lang.reflect.Method | findMethod(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args)
final Method[] methods = target.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
final int numArgs = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
Method testMethod = null;
for( int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i )
final Method method = methods[ i];
if ( method.getName().equals( methodName ) &&
method.getParameterTypes().length == numArgs )
testMethod = method;
if ( testMethod == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't find method: " + methodName );
return( testMethod );
| public static | getCapabilities()
return getOfflineCapableCapabilities( true );
| private java.lang.String | getMethodString(java.lang.reflect.Method m, java.lang.Object[] args)
String result = null;
if ( args == null || args.length == 0 )
result = m.getName() + "()";
result = m.getName() + "(" + ArrayStringifier.stringify( args, ", ") + ")";
return result;
| private void | printPerf(java.lang.String s)
trace( s );
| private void | testMethod( target, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args, int additionalIterations)
final String interfaceName =
ClassUtil.stripPackagePrefix( Util.getExtra( target ).getInterfaceName() );
final Method testMethod = findMethod( target, methodName, args );
final long start = now();
final Object resultFirst = testMethod.invoke( target, args );
final long elapsedFirst = now() - start;
String msg = interfaceName + "." + getMethodString( testMethod, args ) +
": " + elapsedFirst + "ms";
if ( additionalIterations != 0 )
final long iterStart = now();
for( int i = 0; i < additionalIterations - 1; ++i )
final Object result = testMethod.invoke( target, args );
final long iterElapsed = now() - iterStart;
msg = msg + ", " + additionalIterations + " additional iterations: " + iterElapsed + "ms";
printPerf( msg );
| private void | testTransferSizePerformance( conn)
final Sample sample = (Sample)getDomainRoot().getContainee( XTypes.SAMPLE );
final int ITER = 10;
final int TEST_SIZE = 4 * MB;
printPerf( "Upload bandwidth, test size = " + (TEST_SIZE / (float)(MB)) + "MB X " + ITER + " iterations." );
for( int chunkSize = 8 * K; chunkSize <= TEST_SIZE; chunkSize *= 2 )
final byte[] chunk = new byte[ chunkSize ];
long totalElapsed = 0;
for( int iter = 0; iter < ITER; ++iter )
final long uploadStart = now();
int total = 0;
while ( total < TEST_SIZE )
sample.uploadBytes( chunk );
total += chunk.length;
final long uploadElapsed = now() - uploadStart;
totalElapsed += uploadElapsed;
final int uploadKBPerSec = (int)((ITER * TEST_SIZE / (float)K) / (totalElapsed / 1000.0));
printPerf( "Upload bandwidth (" + chunkSize/K + "K chunks): " + uploadKBPerSec + "kb/sec" );
| public synchronized void | xtestDomainConfig()
final DomainRoot domainRoot = getDomainRoot();
final DomainConfig domainConfig = domainRoot.getDomainConfig();
printPerf( "-- DomainConfig --- " );
final int ITER = 20;
testMethod( domainConfig, "getNodeAgentConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getConfigConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getStandaloneServerConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getClusteredServerConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getServerConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getClusterConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getCustomResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getJNDIResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getPersistenceManagerFactoryResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getJDBCResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getJDBCConnectionPoolConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getConnectorResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getConnectorConnectionPoolConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getAdminObjectResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getResourceAdapterConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getMailResourceConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getJ2EEApplicationConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getEJBModuleConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getWebModuleConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getRARModuleConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getAppClientModuleConfigMap", null, ITER );
testMethod( domainConfig, "getLifecycleModuleConfigMap", null, ITER );
| public synchronized void | xtestQueryMgr()
final DomainRoot domainRoot = getDomainRoot();
final QueryMgr queryMgr = domainRoot.getQueryMgr();
final String domain = Util.getObjectName( queryMgr ).getDomain();
printPerf( "-- QueryMgr --- " );
testMethod( domainRoot, "getQueryMgr", null, 1000 );
final int ITER = 20;
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryAllSet", null, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "querySingletonJ2EEType", new Object[] { XTypes.BULK_ACCESS}, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryJ2EETypeSet", new Object[] { XTypes.SSL_CONFIG}, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryJ2EENameSet", new Object[] { "server" }, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryJ2EETypeNames", new Object[] { XTypes.CONFIG_CONFIG }, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryPatternSet", new Object[] { domain, "j2eeType=" + XTypes.SERVLET_MONITOR }, ITER );
testMethod( queryMgr, "queryInterfaceSet", new Object[] { SSLConfig.class.getName(), null}, ITER );