// StdOutLookAndFeel.java
// A *simple* L&F that puts our StdOutButton to work. UIs for all the other
// components would be needed to make this L&F truly functional.
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
public class StdOutLookAndFeel extends LookAndFeel {
// A few simple informational methods . . .
public String getName() { return "Standard Output"; }
public String getID() { return "StdOut"; }
public String getDescription() { return "The Standard Output Look and Feel"; }
public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel() { return false; }
public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel() { return true; }
// Our only default is the UI delegate for buttons
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
UIDefaults table = new UIDefaults();
table.put("ButtonUI", "StdOutButtonUI");
// In order to function, we'd also need lines here to define UI delegates
// extending each of the following classes: CheckBoxUI, ComboBoxUI,
// DesktopIconUI, FileChooserUI, InternalFrameUI, LabelUI,
// PopupMenuSeparatorUI, ProgressBarUI, RadioButtonUI, ScrollBarUI,
// ScrollPaneUI, SeparatorUI, SliderUI, SplitPaneUI, TabbedPaneUI,
// TextFieldUI, ToggleButtonUI, ToolBarUI, ToolTipUI, TreeUI, RootPaneUI.
return table;