SocketAppender.javaAPI DocApache log4j 1.2.1512569Sat Aug 25 00:09:40 BST


public class SocketAppender extends AppenderSkeleton
Sends {@link LoggingEvent} objects to a remote a log server, usually a {@link SocketNode}.

The SocketAppender has the following properties:

  • If sent to a {@link SocketNode}, remote logging is non-intrusive as far as the log event is concerned. In other words, the event will be logged with the same time stamp, {@link org.apache.log4j.NDC}, location info as if it were logged locally by the client.

  • SocketAppenders do not use a layout. They ship a serialized {@link LoggingEvent} object to the server side.

  • Remote logging uses the TCP protocol. Consequently, if the server is reachable, then log events will eventually arrive at the server.

  • If the remote server is down, the logging requests are simply dropped. However, if and when the server comes back up, then event transmission is resumed transparently. This transparent reconneciton is performed by a connector thread which periodically attempts to connect to the server.

  • Logging events are automatically buffered by the native TCP implementation. This means that if the link to server is slow but still faster than the rate of (log) event production by the client, the client will not be affected by the slow network connection. However, if the network connection is slower then the rate of event production, then the client can only progress at the network rate. In particular, if the network link to the the server is down, the client will be blocked.

    On the other hand, if the network link is up, but the server is down, the client will not be blocked when making log requests but the log events will be lost due to server unavailability.

  • Even if a SocketAppender is no longer attached to any category, it will not be garbage collected in the presence of a connector thread. A connector thread exists only if the connection to the server is down. To avoid this garbage collection problem, you should {@link #close} the the SocketAppender explicitly. See also next item.

    Long lived applications which create/destroy many SocketAppender instances should be aware of this garbage collection problem. Most other applications can safely ignore it.

  • If the JVM hosting the SocketAppender exits before the SocketAppender is closed either explicitly or subsequent to garbage collection, then there might be untransmitted data in the pipe which might be lost. This is a common problem on Windows based systems.

    To avoid lost data, it is usually sufficient to {@link #close} the SocketAppender either explicitly or by calling the {@link org.apache.log4j.LogManager#shutdown} method before exiting the application.

Ceki Gülcü

Fields Summary
public static final int
The default port number of remote logging server (4560).
static final int
The default reconnection delay (30000 milliseconds or 30 seconds).
We remember host name as String in addition to the resolved InetAddress so that it can be returned via getOption().
private String
private Connector
private static final int
Constructors Summary
public SocketAppender()

public SocketAppender(InetAddress address, int port)
Connects to remote server at address and port.

    this.address = address;
    this.remoteHost = address.getHostName();
    this.port = port;
    connect(address, port);
public SocketAppender(String host, int port)
Connects to remote server at host and port.

    this.port = port;
    this.address = getAddressByName(host);
    this.remoteHost = host;
    connect(address, port);
Methods Summary
public voidactivateOptions()
Connect to the specified RemoteHost and Port.

    connect(address, port);
public voidappend(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent event)

    if(event == null)

    if(address==null) {
      errorHandler.error("No remote host is set for SocketAppender named \""+"\".");

    if(oos != null) {
      try {
	if(locationInfo) {
    if (application != null) {
        event.setProperty("application", application);
	if(++counter >= RESET_FREQUENCY) {
	  counter = 0;
	  // Failing to reset the object output stream every now and
	  // then creates a serious memory leak.
	  //System.err.println("Doing oos.reset()");
      } catch(IOException e) {
	oos = null;
	LogLog.warn("Detected problem with connection: "+e);
	if(reconnectionDelay > 0) {
	} else {
	    errorHandler.error("Detected problem with connection, not reconnecting.", e,
public voidcleanUp()
Drop the connection to the remote host and release the underlying connector thread if it has been created

    if(oos != null) {
      try {
      } catch(IOException e) {
	LogLog.error("Could not close oos.", e);
      oos = null;
    if(connector != null) {
      //LogLog.debug("Interrupting the connector.");
      connector.interrupted = true;
      connector = null;  // allow gc
public synchronized voidclose()
Close this appender.

This will mark the appender as closed and call then {@link #cleanUp} method.


    this.closed = true;
voidconnect( address, int port)

    if(this.address == null)
    try {
      // First, close the previous connection if any.
      oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new Socket(address, port).getOutputStream());
    } catch(IOException e) {

      String msg = "Could not connect to remote log4j server at ["
      if(reconnectionDelay > 0) {
        msg += " We will try again later.";
	fireConnector(); // fire the connector thread
      } else {
          msg += " We are not retrying.";
          errorHandler.error(msg, e, ErrorCode.GENERIC_FAILURE);

    if(connector == null) {
      LogLog.debug("Starting a new connector thread.");
      connector = new Connector();
static host)

    try {
      return InetAddress.getByName(host);
    } catch(Exception e) {
      LogLog.error("Could not find address of ["+host+"].", e);
      return null;
public java.lang.StringgetApplication()
Returns value of the Application option.

    return application;
public booleangetLocationInfo()
Returns value of the LocationInfo option.

    return locationInfo;
public intgetPort()
Returns value of the Port option.

    return port;
public intgetReconnectionDelay()
Returns value of the ReconnectionDelay option.

    return reconnectionDelay;
public java.lang.StringgetRemoteHost()
Returns value of the RemoteHost option.

    return remoteHost;
public booleanrequiresLayout()
The SocketAppender does not use a layout. Hence, this method returns false.

    return false;
public voidsetApplication(java.lang.String lapp)
The App option takes a string value which should be the name of the application getting logged. If property was already set (via system property), don't set here.

    this.application = lapp;
public voidsetLocationInfo(boolean locationInfo)
The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. If true, the information sent to the remote host will include location information. By default no location information is sent to the server.

    this.locationInfo = locationInfo;
public voidsetPort(int port)
The Port option takes a positive integer representing the port where the server is waiting for connections.

    this.port = port;
public voidsetReconnectionDelay(int delay)
The ReconnectionDelay option takes a positive integer representing the number of milliseconds to wait between each failed connection attempt to the server. The default value of this option is 30000 which corresponds to 30 seconds.

Setting this option to zero turns off reconnection capability.

    this.reconnectionDelay = delay;
public voidsetRemoteHost(java.lang.String host)
The RemoteHost option takes a string value which should be the host name of the server where a {@link SocketNode} is running.

    address = getAddressByName(host);
    remoteHost = host;