DisplayDeviceInfo.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API12478Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public final class DisplayDeviceInfo extends Object
Describes the characteristics of a physical display device.

Fields Summary
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that this display device should be considered the default display device of the system.
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that the orientation of this display device is coupled to the rotation of its associated logical display.

This flag should be applied to the default display to indicate that the user physically rotates the display when content is presented in a different orientation. The display manager will apply a coordinate transformation assuming that the physical orientation of the display matches the logical orientation of its content.

The flag should not be set when the display device is mounted in a fixed orientation such as on a desk. The display manager will apply a coordinate transformation such as a scale and translation to letterbox or pillarbox format under the assumption that the physical orientation of the display is invariant.

public static final int
Flag: Indicates that this display device has secure video output, such as HDCP.
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that this display device supports compositing from gralloc protected buffers.
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that the display device is owned by a particular application and that no other application should be able to interact with it. Should typically be used together with {@link #FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY}.
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that the display device is not blanked automatically by the power manager.
public static final int
Flag: Indicates that the display is suitable for presentations.
public static final int
Flag: Only show this display's own content; do not mirror the content of another display.
public static final int
Touch attachment: Display does not receive touch.
public static final int
Touch attachment: Touch input is via the internal interface.
public static final int
Touch attachment: Touch input is via an external interface, such as USB.
public String
Gets the name of the display device, which may be derived from EDID or other sources. The name may be localized and displayed to the user.
public String
Unique Id of display device.
public int
The width of the display in its natural orientation, in pixels. This value is not affected by display rotation.
public int
The height of the display in its natural orientation, in pixels. This value is not affected by display rotation.
public float
The refresh rate of the display, in frames per second.
public float[]
The supported refresh rates of the display at the current resolution in frames per second.
public int
The nominal apparent density of the display in DPI used for layout calculations. This density is sensitive to the viewing distance. A big TV and a tablet may have the same apparent density even though the pixels on the TV are much bigger than those on the tablet.
public float
The physical density of the display in DPI in the X direction. This density should specify the physical size of each pixel.
public float
The physical density of the display in DPI in the X direction. This density should specify the physical size of each pixel.
public long
This is a positive value indicating the phase offset of the VSYNC events provided by Choreographer relative to the display refresh. For example, if Choreographer reports that the refresh occurred at time N, it actually occurred at (N - appVsyncOffsetNanos).
public long
This is how far in advance a buffer must be queued for presentation at a given time. If you want a buffer to appear on the screen at time N, you must submit the buffer before (N - bufferDeadlineNanos).
public int
Display flags.
public int
The touch attachment, per {@link DisplayViewport#touch}.
public int
The additional rotation to apply to all content presented on the display device relative to its physical coordinate system. Default is {@link Surface#ROTATION_0}.

This field can be used to compensate for the fact that the display has been physically rotated relative to its natural orientation such as an HDMI monitor that has been mounted sideways to appear to be portrait rather than landscape.

public int
Display type.
public String
Display address, or null if none. Interpretation varies by display type.
public int
Display state.
public int
The UID of the application that owns this display, or zero if it is owned by the system.

If the display is private, then only the owner can use it.

public String
The package name of the application that owns this display, or null if it is owned by the system.

If the display is private, then only the owner can use it.

Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidcopyFrom( other)

        name =;
        uniqueId = other.uniqueId;
        width = other.width;
        height = other.height;
        refreshRate = other.refreshRate;
        supportedRefreshRates = other.supportedRefreshRates;
        densityDpi = other.densityDpi;
        xDpi = other.xDpi;
        yDpi = other.yDpi;
        appVsyncOffsetNanos = other.appVsyncOffsetNanos;
        presentationDeadlineNanos = other.presentationDeadlineNanos;
        flags = other.flags;
        touch = other.touch;
        rotation = other.rotation;
        type = other.type;
        address = other.address;
        state = other.state;
        ownerUid = other.ownerUid;
        ownerPackageName = other.ownerPackageName;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

        return o instanceof DisplayDeviceInfo && equals((DisplayDeviceInfo)o);
public booleanequals( other)

        return other != null
                && Objects.equal(name,
                && Objects.equal(uniqueId, other.uniqueId)
                && width == other.width
                && height == other.height
                && refreshRate == other.refreshRate
                && Arrays.equals(supportedRefreshRates, other.supportedRefreshRates)
                && densityDpi == other.densityDpi
                && xDpi == other.xDpi
                && yDpi == other.yDpi
                && appVsyncOffsetNanos == other.appVsyncOffsetNanos
                && presentationDeadlineNanos == other.presentationDeadlineNanos
                && flags == other.flags
                && touch == other.touch
                && rotation == other.rotation
                && type == other.type
                && Objects.equal(address, other.address)
                && state == other.state
                && ownerUid == other.ownerUid
                && Objects.equal(ownerPackageName, other.ownerPackageName);
private static java.lang.StringflagsToString(int flags)

        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
        if ((flags & FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY");
        if ((flags & FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT");
        if ((flags & FLAG_SECURE) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_SECURE");
        if ((flags & FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS");
        if ((flags & FLAG_PRIVATE) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_PRIVATE");
        if ((flags & FLAG_NEVER_BLANK) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_NEVER_BLANK");
        if ((flags & FLAG_PRESENTATION) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_PRESENTATION");
        if ((flags & FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY) != 0) {
            msg.append(", FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY");
        return msg.toString();
public inthashCode()

        return 0; // don't care
public voidsetAssumedDensityForExternalDisplay(int width, int height)

        densityDpi = Math.min(width, height) * DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XHIGH / 1080;
        // Technically, these values should be smaller than the apparent density
        // but we don't know the physical size of the display.
        xDpi = densityDpi;
        yDpi = densityDpi;
public java.lang.StringtoString()

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(name).append("\": uniqueId=\"").append(uniqueId).append("\", ");
        sb.append(width).append(" x ").append(height);
        sb.append(", ").append(refreshRate).append(" fps");
        sb.append(", supportedRefreshRates ").append(Arrays.toString(supportedRefreshRates));
        sb.append(", density ").append(densityDpi);
        sb.append(", ").append(xDpi).append(" x ").append(yDpi).append(" dpi");
        sb.append(", appVsyncOff ").append(appVsyncOffsetNanos);
        sb.append(", presDeadline ").append(presentationDeadlineNanos);
        sb.append(", touch ").append(touchToString(touch));
        sb.append(", rotation ").append(rotation);
        sb.append(", type ").append(Display.typeToString(type));
        if (address != null) {
            sb.append(", address ").append(address);
        sb.append(", state ").append(Display.stateToString(state));
        if (ownerUid != 0 || ownerPackageName != null) {
            sb.append(", owner ").append(ownerPackageName);
            sb.append(" (uid ").append(ownerUid).append(")");
        return sb.toString();
private static java.lang.StringtouchToString(int touch)

        switch (touch) {
            case TOUCH_NONE:
                return "NONE";
            case TOUCH_INTERNAL:
                return "INTERNAL";
            case TOUCH_EXTERNAL:
                return "EXTERNAL";
                return Integer.toString(touch);