Range.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API12377Thu Mar 12 22:22:10 GMT 2015android.util


public final class Range extends Object
Immutable class for describing the range of two numeric values.

A range (or "interval") defines the inclusive boundaries around a contiguous span of values of some {@link Comparable} type; for example, "integers from 1 to 100 inclusive."

All ranges are bounded, and the left side of the range is always {@code >=} the right side of the range.

Although the implementation itself is immutable, there is no restriction that objects stored must also be immutable. If mutable objects are stored here, then the range effectively becomes mutable.

Fields Summary
private final T
private final T
Constructors Summary
public Range(T lower, T upper)
Create a new immutable range.

The endpoints are {@code [lower, upper]}; that is the range is bounded. {@code lower} must be {@link Comparable#compareTo lesser or equal} to {@code upper}.

lower The lower endpoint (inclusive)
upper The upper endpoint (inclusive)
NullPointerException if {@code lower} or {@code upper} is {@code null}

        mLower = checkNotNull(lower, "lower must not be null");
        mUpper = checkNotNull(upper, "upper must not be null");

        if (lower.compareTo(upper) > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("lower must be less than or equal to upper");
Methods Summary
public Tclamp(T value)
Clamps {@code value} to this range.

If the value is within this range, it is returned. Otherwise, if it is {@code <} than the lower endpoint, the lower endpoint is returned, else the upper endpoint is returned. Comparisons are performed using the {@link Comparable} interface.

value a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
{@code value} clamped to this range.

        checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");

        if (value.compareTo(mLower) < 0) {
            return mLower;
        } else if (value.compareTo(mUpper) > 0) {
            return mUpper;
        } else {
            return value;
public booleancontains(T value)
Checks if the {@code value} is within the bounds of this range.

A value is considered to be within this range if it's {@code >=} the lower endpoint and {@code <=} the upper endpoint (using the {@link Comparable} interface.)

value a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
{@code true} if the value is within this inclusive range, {@code false} otherwise
NullPointerException if {@code value} was {@code null}

        checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");

        boolean gteLower = value.compareTo(mLower) >= 0;
        boolean lteUpper  = value.compareTo(mUpper) <= 0;

        return gteLower && lteUpper;
public booleancontains(android.util.Range range)
Checks if another {@code range} is within the bounds of this range.

A range is considered to be within this range if both of its endpoints are within this range.

range a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
{@code true} if the range is within this inclusive range, {@code false} otherwise
NullPointerException if {@code range} was {@code null}

        checkNotNull(range, "value must not be null");

        boolean gteLower = range.mLower.compareTo(mLower) >= 0;
        boolean lteUpper = range.mUpper.compareTo(mUpper) <= 0;

        return gteLower && lteUpper;
public static android.util.Rangecreate(T lower, T upper)
Create a new immutable range, with the argument types inferred.

The endpoints are {@code [lower, upper]}; that is the range is bounded. {@code lower} must be {@link Comparable#compareTo lesser or equal} to {@code upper}.

lower The lower endpoint (inclusive)
upper The upper endpoint (inclusive)
NullPointerException if {@code lower} or {@code upper} is {@code null}

        return new Range<T>(lower, upper);
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compare two ranges for equality.

A range is considered equal if and only if both the lower and upper endpoints are also equal.

{@code true} if the ranges are equal, {@code false} otherwise

        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        } else if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        } else if (obj instanceof Range) {
            Range other = (Range) obj;
            return mLower.equals(other.mLower) && mUpper.equals(other.mUpper);
        return false;
public android.util.Rangeextend(android.util.Range range)
Returns the smallest range that includes this range and another {@code range}.

E.g. if a {@code <} b {@code <} c {@code <} d, the extension of [a, c] and [b, d] ranges is [a, d]. As the endpoints are object references, there is no guarantee which specific endpoint reference is used from the input ranges:

E.g. if a {@code ==} a' {@code <} b {@code <} c, the extension of [a, b] and [a', c] ranges could be either [a, c] or ['a, c], where ['a, c] could be either the exact input range, or a newly created range with the same endpoints.

range a non-{@code null} {@code Range} reference
the extension of this range and the other range.
NullPointerException if {@code range} was {@code null}

        checkNotNull(range, "range must not be null");

        int cmpLower = range.mLower.compareTo(mLower);
        int cmpUpper = range.mUpper.compareTo(mUpper);

        if (cmpLower <= 0 && cmpUpper >= 0) {
            // other includes this
            return range;
        } else if (cmpLower >= 0 && cmpUpper <= 0) {
            // this inludes other
            return this;
        } else {
            return Range.create(
                    cmpLower >= 0 ? mLower : range.mLower,
                    cmpUpper <= 0 ? mUpper : range.mUpper);
public android.util.Rangeextend(T lower, T upper)
Returns the smallest range that includes this range and the inclusive range specified by {@code [lower, upper]}.

See {@link #extend(Range)} for more details.

lower a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
upper a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
the extension of this range and the other range.
NullPointerException if {@code lower} or {@code upper} was {@code null}

        checkNotNull(lower, "lower must not be null");
        checkNotNull(upper, "upper must not be null");

        int cmpLower = lower.compareTo(mLower);
        int cmpUpper = upper.compareTo(mUpper);

        if (cmpLower >= 0 && cmpUpper <= 0) {
            // this inludes other
            return this;
        } else {
            return Range.create(
                    cmpLower >= 0 ? mLower : lower,
                    cmpUpper <= 0 ? mUpper : upper);
public android.util.Rangeextend(T value)
Returns the smallest range that includes this range and the {@code value}.

See {@link #extend(Range)} for more details, as this method is equivalent to {@code extend(Range.create(value, value))}.

value a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
the extension of this range and the value.
NullPointerException if {@code value} was {@code null}

        checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");
        return extend(value, value);
public TgetLower()
Get the lower endpoint.

a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference

        return mLower;
public TgetUpper()
Get the upper endpoint.

a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference

        return mUpper;
public inthashCode()

        return HashCodeHelpers.hashCode(mLower, mUpper);
public android.util.Rangeintersect(T lower, T upper)
Returns the intersection of this range and the inclusive range specified by {@code [lower, upper]}.

See {@link #intersect(Range)} for more details.

lower a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
upper a non-{@code null} {@code T} reference
the intersection of this range and the other range
NullPointerException if {@code lower} or {@code upper} was {@code null}
IllegalArgumentException if the ranges are disjoint.

        checkNotNull(lower, "lower must not be null");
        checkNotNull(upper, "upper must not be null");

        int cmpLower = lower.compareTo(mLower);
        int cmpUpper = upper.compareTo(mUpper);

        if (cmpLower <= 0 && cmpUpper >= 0) {
            // [lower, upper] includes this
            return this;
        } else {
            return Range.create(
                    cmpLower <= 0 ? mLower : lower,
                    cmpUpper >= 0 ? mUpper : upper);
public android.util.Rangeintersect(android.util.Range range)
Returns the intersection of this range and another {@code range}.

E.g. if a {@code <} b {@code <} c {@code <} d, the intersection of [a, c] and [b, d] ranges is [b, c]. As the endpoints are object references, there is no guarantee which specific endpoint reference is used from the input ranges:

E.g. if a {@code ==} a' {@code <} b {@code <} c, the intersection of [a, b] and [a', c] ranges could be either [a, b] or ['a, b], where [a, b] could be either the exact input range, or a newly created range with the same endpoints.

range a non-{@code null} {@code Range} reference
the intersection of this range and the other range.
NullPointerException if {@code range} was {@code null}
IllegalArgumentException if the ranges are disjoint.

        checkNotNull(range, "range must not be null");

        int cmpLower = range.mLower.compareTo(mLower);
        int cmpUpper = range.mUpper.compareTo(mUpper);

        if (cmpLower <= 0 && cmpUpper >= 0) {
            // range includes this
            return this;
        } else if (cmpLower >= 0 && cmpUpper <= 0) {
            // this inludes range
            return range;
        } else {
            return Range.create(
                    cmpLower <= 0 ? mLower : range.mLower,
                    cmpUpper >= 0 ? mUpper : range.mUpper);
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Return the range as a string representation {@code "[lower, upper]"}.

string representation of the range

        return String.format("[%s, %s]", mLower, mUpper);