ShortMessagepublic class ShortMessage extends MidiMessage A ShortMessage contains a MIDI message that has at most
two data bytes following its status byte. The types of MIDI message
that satisfy this criterion are channel voice, channel mode, system common,
and system real-time--in other words, everything except system exclusive
and meta-events. The ShortMessage class provides methods
for getting and setting the contents of the MIDI message.
A number of ShortMessage methods have integer parameters by which
you specify a MIDI status or data byte. If you know the numeric value, you
can express it directly. For system common and system real-time messages,
you can often use the corresponding fields of ShortMessage , such as
{@link #SYSTEM_RESET SYSTEM_RESET}. For channel messages,
the upper four bits of the status byte are specified by a command value and
the lower four bits are specified by a MIDI channel number. To
convert incoming MIDI data bytes that are in the form of Java's signed bytes,
you can use the conversion code
given in the {@link MidiMessage} class description. |
(Omit source code)
Fields Summary |
public static final int | MIDI_TIME_CODEStatus byte for MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame message (0xF1, or 241). | public static final int | SONG_POSITION_POINTERStatus byte for Song Position Pointer message (0xF2, or 242). | public static final int | SONG_SELECTStatus byte for MIDI Song Select message (0xF3, or 243). | public static final int | TUNE_REQUESTStatus byte for Tune Request message (0xF6, or 246). | public static final int | END_OF_EXCLUSIVEStatus byte for End of System Exclusive message (0xF7, or 247). | public static final int | TIMING_CLOCKStatus byte for Timing Clock messagem (0xF8, or 248). | public static final int | STARTStatus byte for Start message (0xFA, or 250). | public static final int | CONTINUEStatus byte for Continue message (0xFB, or 251). | public static final int | STOPStatus byte for Stop message (0xFC, or 252). | public static final int | ACTIVE_SENSINGStatus byte for Active Sensing message (0xFE, or 254). | public static final int | SYSTEM_RESETStatus byte for System Reset message (0xFF, or 255). | public static final int | NOTE_OFFCommand value for Note Off message (0x80, or 128) | public static final int | NOTE_ONCommand value for Note On message (0x90, or 144) | public static final int | POLY_PRESSURECommand value for Polyphonic Key Pressure (Aftertouch) message (0xA0, or 128) | public static final int | CONTROL_CHANGECommand value for Control Change message (0xB0, or 176) | public static final int | PROGRAM_CHANGECommand value for Program Change message (0xC0, or 192) | public static final int | CHANNEL_PRESSURECommand value for Channel Pressure (Aftertouch) message (0xD0, or 208) | public static final int | PITCH_BENDCommand value for Pitch Bend message (0xE0, or 224) |
Constructors Summary |
public ShortMessage()Constructs a new ShortMessage . The
contents of the new message are guaranteed to specify
a valid MIDI message. Subsequently, you may set the
contents of the message using one of the setMessage
// 224
// Instance variables
this(new byte[3]);
// Default message data: NOTE_ON on Channel 0 with max volume
data[0] = (byte) (NOTE_ON & 0xFF);
data[1] = (byte) 64;
data[2] = (byte) 127;
length = 3;
| protected ShortMessage(byte[] data)Constructs a new ShortMessage .
// $$fb this may set an invalid message.
// Can't correct without compromising compatibility
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.Object | clone()Creates a new object of the same class and with the same contents
as this object.
byte[] newData = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, newData.length);
ShortMessage msg = new ShortMessage(newData);
return msg;
| public int | getChannel()Obtains the MIDI channel associated with this event. This method
assumes that the event is a MIDI channel message; if not, the return
value will not be meaningful.
// this returns 0 if an invalid message is set
return (getStatus() & 0x0F);
| public int | getCommand()Obtains the MIDI command associated with this event. This method
assumes that the event is a MIDI channel message; if not, the return
value will not be meaningful.
// this returns 0 if an invalid message is set
return (getStatus() & 0xF0);
| public int | getData1()Obtains the first data byte in the message.
if (length > 1) {
return (data[1] & 0xFF);
return 0;
| public int | getData2()Obtains the second data byte in the message.
if (length > 2) {
return (data[2] & 0xFF);
return 0;
| protected final int | getDataLength(int status)Retrieves the number of data bytes associated with a particular
status byte value.
// system common and system real-time messages
switch(status) {
case 0xF6: // Tune Request
case 0xF7: // EOX
// System real-time messages
case 0xF8: // Timing Clock
case 0xF9: // Undefined
case 0xFA: // Start
case 0xFB: // Continue
case 0xFC: // Stop
case 0xFD: // Undefined
case 0xFE: // Active Sensing
case 0xFF: // System Reset
return 0;
case 0xF1: // MTC Quarter Frame
case 0xF3: // Song Select
return 1;
case 0xF2: // Song Position Pointer
return 2;
// channel voice and mode messages
switch(status & 0xF0) {
case 0x80:
case 0x90:
case 0xA0:
case 0xB0:
case 0xE0:
return 2;
case 0xC0:
case 0xD0:
return 1;
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("Invalid status byte: " + status);
| public void | setMessage(int status)Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes no data bytes.
// check for valid values
int dataLength = getDataLength(status); // can throw InvalidMidiDataException
if (dataLength != 0) {
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("Status byte; " + status + " requires " + dataLength + " data bytes");
setMessage(status, 0, 0);
| public void | setMessage(int status, int data1, int data2)Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes one or two data
bytes. If the message takes only one data byte, the second data
byte is ignored; if the message does not take any data bytes, both
data bytes are ignored.
// check for valid values
int dataLength = getDataLength(status); // can throw InvalidMidiDataException
if (dataLength > 0) {
if (data1 < 0 || data1 > 127) {
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("data1 out of range: " + data1);
if (dataLength > 1) {
if (data2 < 0 || data2 > 127) {
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("data2 out of range: " + data2);
// set the length
length = dataLength + 1;
// re-allocate array if ShortMessage(byte[]) constructor gave array with fewer elements
if (data == null || data.length < length) {
data = new byte[3];
// set the data
data[0] = (byte) (status & 0xFF);
if (length > 1) {
data[1] = (byte) (data1 & 0xFF);
if (length > 2) {
data[2] = (byte) (data2 & 0xFF);
| public void | setMessage(int command, int channel, int data1, int data2)Sets the short message parameters for a channel message
which takes up to two data bytes. If the message only
takes one data byte, the second data byte is ignored; if
the message does not take any data bytes, both data bytes
are ignored.
// check for valid values
if (command >= 0xF0 || command < 0x80) {
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("command out of range: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(command));
if ((channel & 0xFFFFFFF0) != 0) { // <=> (channel<0 || channel>15)
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("channel out of range: " + channel);
setMessage((command & 0xF0) | (channel & 0x0F), data1, data2);