Agent.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12094Fri May 04 22:31:16 BST 2007package com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.callflow


public interface Agent
This interface exposes the call flow agent API. This is intended to be called by various container trap points. An implementation of the call flow agent would collect the data supplied, and persist it, for later querying and analysis. Further, it is possible to set filters, based on client side attributes such as caller IP address and caller security principal (USER). The trap point call sequence has a specific order: { requestStart, addRequestInfo*, requestInfoComplete, (startTime, (webMethodStart|ejbMethodStart))*, ((ejbMethodEnd|webMethodEnd), endTime)*, requestEnd } Data schema: Tables RequestStart: { RequestId, Timestamp, CallerIPAddress, RemoteUser } RequestEnd : { RequestId, Timestamp } StartTime : { RequestId, TimeStamp, ContainerTypeOrApplicationType } EndTime : { RequestId, TimeStamp, ContainerTypeOrApplicationType } MethodStart : { MethodName, RequestId, Timestamp, ComponentType, ThreadId, AppId, ModuleId, ComponentId, TransactionId, SecurityId } MethodEnd : { RequestId, Timestamp, Exception }
Ram Jeyaraman, Harpreet Singh, Nazrul Islam, Siraj Ghaffar
March 21, 2005

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidaddRequestInfo(RequestInfo requestInfo, java.lang.String value)
This method may be called by the container during request dispatch, to add request information such as caller IP address, and remote user name. This method is not required to be called by the container. This method may be called many times by the container, but only before startTime is called.

public voidclearData()
Clear all accumulated data collected in the previous CallFlow runs from the database. This is only called from AMX APIs.

public booleandeleteRequestIds(java.lang.String[] requestIds)
Delete request ids from the database

public voidejbMethodEnd(CallFlowInfo info)
This method is called by a request processor thread, after invoking a business method on a target EJB. This trap point gathers information about the outcome of the invocation such as exception, if any.

info This object encapsulates information about the outcome of the invocation such as exception, if any.

public voidejbMethodStart(CallFlowInfo info)
This method is called by a request processor thread, before invoking a business method on a target EJB. This trap point must be called after the transaction and security context for the invocation has been established. This trap point collects information about the target EJB invocation.

info This object encapsulates information such as method name, component type, application name, module name, component name, transaction id, and security id.

public voidendTime()
This method is called by a request processor thread, when the thread of execution transitions out of the container code. That is, this method is called from a method postInvoke point, after the container has completed all method call related cleanup activity.

public voidentityManagerMethodEnd()
This method is called the persistence container on a request processor thread, after invoking a method on the

javax.persistence.EntityManager EntityManager interface

public voidentityManagerMethodStart(EntityManagerMethod entityManagerMethod)
This method is called the persistence container on a request processor thread, before invoking a method on the

javax.persistence.EntityManager EntityManager interface

public voidentityManagerQueryEnd()
This method is called the persistence container on a request processor thread, after invoking a method on the

javax.persistence.Query Query interface

public voidentityManagerQueryStart(EntityManagerQueryMethod queryMethod)
This method is called the persistence container on a request processor thread, before invoking a method on the

javax.persistence.Query Query interface

public java.util.ListgetCallStackForRequest(java.lang.String requestId)

a list of Map objects. The list contains the ordered call stack flow stack information. Refer to AMX MBean API for more details.

public java.lang.StringgetCallerIPFilter()
Gets the IP address of the client, only for which, call flow information would be collected.

public java.lang.StringgetCallerPrincipalFilter()
Gets the caller principal, only for which, call flow information would be collected.

public java.util.MapgetPieInformation(java.lang.String requestID)

a Map object containing time information for a request, showing the time distribution across application code and container code. Refer to AMX MBean API for more details.

public java.util.ListgetRequestInformation()

a list of Map objects. Each entry in the list contains information pertaining to a unique request. Refer to AMX MBean API for more details.

public ThreadLocalDatagetThreadLocalData()

Callflow thread local data.

public booleanisEnabled()
Get enabled information of call flow's persistent logging. Only user of this API is Web Services Managament. Please check with author before using this API.

true if persistent logging is enabled, false otherwise.

public voidregisterListener(Listener listener)
Register a listener. Registered listeners are notified during the following call trap points: { requestStart, requestEnd, methodStart, methodEnd }.

public voidrequestEnd()
This method is called by a request processor thread, after completion of request processing. Upon being called, this method releases the thread local state.

public voidrequestStart(RequestType requestType)
This method is called by a request processor thread, dispatched by the container to process a new request on behalf of a client, before any request processing activity begins. Allowed request types are: 1. Remote HTTP Web request. 2. Remote EJB request. 3. MDB request. 4. Timer EJB. Upon being called, this method allocates a unique request id, and associates it with the thread local state.

requestType Type of the request.

public voidsetCallerIPFilter(java.lang.String ipAddress)
Specifies the IP address of the client, only for which, call flow information would be collected. That is, call flow information is gathered, only for calls originating from the client IP address. Others calls are ignored. Note, there may be other filters that may be further applied to narrow the scope of call flow data collection.

public voidsetCallerPrincipalFilter(java.lang.String callerPrincipal)
Specifies the caller principal, only for which, call flow information would be collected. That is, call flow information is gathered, only for calls originating from the caller principal. Others calls are ignored. Note, there may be other filters that may be further applied to narrow the scope of call flow data collection.

public voidsetEnable(boolean enable)
Enable or disable call flow. This is typically called from AMX MBean.

enable true, to turn on call flow.

public voidstartTime(ContainerTypeOrApplicationType type)
This method is called by a request processor thread, when the thread of execution transitions into the container code. That is, this method is called from a method preInvoke point, before the container begins method call setup activity.

type Describes the type of the container or application.

public voidunregisterListener(Listener listener)
Unregister a listener.

public voidwebMethodEnd(java.lang.Throwable exception)
This method is called by a request processor thread, after invoking a target method on a filter or servlet. This trap point gathers information on the outcome of the invocation such as exception, if any.

public voidwebMethodStart(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String moduleName, java.lang.String componentName, ComponentType componentType, java.lang.String callerPrincipal)
This method is called by a request processor thread, before invoking a target method on a filter or servlet. This trap point must be called after the invocation context for the invocation is established. This trap point collects information such as method name, component name, component type, application name, module name, callerPrincipal.