ASTFactory.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12037Wed Aug 30 15:34:04 BST 2006persistence.antlr


public class ASTFactory extends Object
AST Support code shared by TreeParser and Parser. We use delegation to share code (and have only one bit of code to maintain) rather than subclassing or superclassing (forces AST support code to be loaded even when you don't want to do AST stuff). Typically, setASTNodeType is used to specify the homogeneous type of node to create, but you can override create to make heterogeneous nodes etc...

Fields Summary
protected String
Name of AST class to create during tree construction. Null implies that the create method should create a default AST type such as CommonAST. This is for homogeneous nodes.
protected Class
protected Hashtable
How to specify the classname to create for a particular token type. Note that ANTLR allows you to say, for example, tokens { PLUS; ... } and it tracks everything statically. #[PLUS] will make you a PLUSNode w/o use of this table. For tokens that ANTLR cannot track statically like #[i], you can use this table to map PLUS (Integer) -> PLUSNode (Class) etc... ANTLR sets the class map from the tokens {...} section via the ASTFactory(Hashtable) ctor in persistence.antlr.Parser.
Constructors Summary
public ASTFactory()

public ASTFactory(Hashtable tokenTypeToClassMap)
Create factory with a specific mapping from token type to Java AST node type. Your subclasses of ASTFactory can override and reuse the map stuff.

Methods Summary
public voidaddASTChild(persistence.antlr.ASTPair currentAST, persistence.antlr.collections.AST child)
Add a child to the current AST

        if (child != null) {
            if (currentAST.root == null) {
                // Make new child the current root
                currentAST.root = child;
            else {
                if (currentAST.child == null) {
                    // Add new child to current root
                else {
            // Make new child the current child
            currentAST.child = child;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(persistence.antlr.collections.AST tr)
Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.

        if (tr == null) return null;		// create(null) == null
        AST t = create(tr.getType());
		if ( t!=null ) {
        return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(persistence.antlr.Token tok)

        AST t = create(tok.getType());
		if ( t!=null ) {
        return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(persistence.antlr.Token tok, java.lang.String className)
ANTLR generates reference to this when you reference a token that has a specified heterogeneous AST node type. This is also a special case node creation routine for backward compatibility. Before, ANTLR generated "new T(tokenObject)" and so I must call the appropriate constructor not T().


        AST t = createUsingCtor(tok,className);
        return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(java.lang.String className)


		Class c = null;
		try {
			c = Class.forName(className);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class, "+className);
		return create(c);
protected persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(java.lang.Class c)


		AST t = null;
		try {
			t = (AST)c.newInstance(); // make a new one
		catch (Exception e) {
			error("Can't create AST Node " + c.getName());
			return null;
        return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate()
Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.

		return create(Token.INVALID_TYPE);
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(int type)

		Class c = getASTNodeType(type);
		AST t = create(c);
		if ( t!=null ) {
			t.initialize(type, "");
		return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(int type, java.lang.String txt)

        AST t = create(type);
		if ( t!=null ) {
			t.initialize(type, txt);
        return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreate(int type, java.lang.String txt, java.lang.String className)
Create an AST node with the token type and text passed in, but with a specific Java object type. Typically called when you say @[PLUS,"+",PLUSNode] in an antlr action.


        AST t = create(className);
		if ( t!=null ) {
			t.initialize(type, txt);
        return t;
protected persistence.antlr.collections.ASTcreateUsingCtor(persistence.antlr.Token token, java.lang.String className)


		Class c = null;
		AST t = null;
		try {
			c = Class.forName(className);
			Class[] tokenArgType = new Class[] { persistence.antlr.Token.class };
			try {
				Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor(tokenArgType);
				t = (AST)ctor.newInstance(new Object[]{token}); // make a new one
			catch (NoSuchMethodException e){
				// just do the regular thing if you can't find the ctor
				// Your AST must have default ctor to use this.
				t = create(c);
				if ( t!=null ) {
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class or can't make instance, "+className);
		return t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTdup(persistence.antlr.collections.AST t)
Copy a single node with same Java AST objec type. Ignore the tokenType->Class mapping since you know the type of the node, t.getClass(), and doing a dup. clone() is not used because we want all AST creation to go thru the factory so creation can be tracked. Returns null if t is null.

		if ( t==null ) {
			return null;
		AST dup_t = create(t.getClass());
		return dup_t;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTdupList(persistence.antlr.collections.AST t)
Duplicate tree including siblings of root.

        AST result = dupTree(t);            // if t == null, then result==null
        AST nt = result;
        while (t != null) {						// for each sibling of the root
            t = t.getNextSibling();
            nt.setNextSibling(dupTree(t));	// dup each subtree, building new tree
            nt = nt.getNextSibling();
        return result;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTdupTree(persistence.antlr.collections.AST t)
Duplicate a tree, assuming this is a root node of a tree-- duplicate that node and what's below; ignore siblings of root node.

        AST result = dup(t);		// make copy of root
        // copy all children of root.
        if (t != null) {
        return result;
public voiderror(java.lang.String e)
To change where error messages go, can subclass/override this method and then setASTFactory in Parser and TreeParser. This method removes a prior dependency on class persistence.antlr.Tool.

public java.lang.ClassgetASTNodeType(int tokenType)
For a given token type, what is the AST node object type to create for it?


		// try node specific class
		if ( tokenTypeToASTClassMap!=null ) {
			Class c = (Class)tokenTypeToASTClassMap.get(new Integer(tokenType));
			if ( c!=null ) {
				return c;

		// try a global specified class
		if (theASTNodeTypeClass != null) {
			return theASTNodeTypeClass;

		// default to the common type
		return CommonAST.class;
public java.util.HashtablegetTokenTypeToASTClassMap()

		return tokenTypeToASTClassMap;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTmake(persistence.antlr.collections.AST[] nodes)
Make a tree from a list of nodes. The first element in the array is the root. If the root is null, then the tree is a simple list not a tree. Handles null children nodes correctly. For example, build(a, b, null, c) yields tree (a b c). build(null,a,b) yields tree (nil a b).

        if (nodes == null || nodes.length == 0) return null;
        AST root = nodes[0];
        AST tail = null;
        if (root != null) {
            root.setFirstChild(null);	// don't leave any old pointers set
        // link in children;
        for (int i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            if (nodes[i] == null) continue;	// ignore null nodes
            if (root == null) {
                // Set the root and set it up for a flat list
                root = tail = nodes[i];
            else if (tail == null) {
                tail = root.getFirstChild();
            else {
                tail = tail.getNextSibling();
            // Chase tail to last sibling
            while (tail.getNextSibling() != null) {
                tail = tail.getNextSibling();
        return root;
public persistence.antlr.collections.ASTmake(persistence.antlr.collections.impl.ASTArray nodes)
Make a tree from a list of nodes, where the nodes are contained in an ASTArray object

        return make(nodes.array);
public voidmakeASTRoot(persistence.antlr.ASTPair currentAST, persistence.antlr.collections.AST root)
Make an AST the root of current AST

        if (root != null) {
            // Add the current root as a child of new root
            // The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
            currentAST.child = currentAST.root;
            // Set the new root
            currentAST.root = root;
public voidsetASTNodeClass(java.lang.String t)

        theASTNodeType = t;
        try {
            theASTNodeTypeClass = Class.forName(t); // get class def
        catch (Exception e) {
            // either class not found,
            // class is interface/abstract, or
            // class or initializer is not accessible.
            error("Can't find/access AST Node type" + t);
public voidsetASTNodeType(java.lang.String t)
Specify the type of node to create during tree building.

since 2.7.1

public voidsetTokenTypeASTNodeType(int tokenType, java.lang.String className)
Specify an "override" for the Java AST object created for a specific token. It is provided as a convenience so you can specify node types dynamically. ANTLR sets the token type mapping automatically from the tokens{...} section, but you can change that mapping with this method. ANTLR does it's best to statically determine the node type for generating parsers, but it cannot deal with dynamic values like #[LT(1)]. In this case, it relies on the mapping. Beware differences in the tokens{...} section and what you set via this method. Make sure they are the same. Set className to null to remove the mapping.


		if ( tokenTypeToASTClassMap==null ) {
			tokenTypeToASTClassMap = new Hashtable();
		if ( className==null ) {
			tokenTypeToASTClassMap.remove(new Integer(tokenType));
		Class c = null;
		try {
			c = Class.forName(className);
			tokenTypeToASTClassMap.put(new Integer(tokenType), c);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class, "+className);
public voidsetTokenTypeToASTClassMap(java.util.Hashtable tokenTypeToClassMap)

		this.tokenTypeToASTClassMap = tokenTypeToClassMap;