SrcFileItem.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API12004Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST


public final class SrcFileItem extends Item
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
private final String
private final String
private com.vladium.util.IntObjectMap
private int
private static final Item.ItemMetadata
Constructors Summary
public SrcFileItem(IItem parent, String name, String fullVMName)

        super (parent);
        m_name = name;
        m_fullVMName = fullVMName;
Methods Summary
public voidaccept(IItemVisitor visitor, java.lang.Object ctx)

        visitor.visit (this, ctx);
public intgetAggregate(int type)

        final int [] aggregates = m_aggregates;

        int value = aggregates [type];
        if (value < 0)
            switch (type)
                case COVERAGE_CLASS_COUNT:
                case    TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT:
                    aggregates [TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT] = getChildCount ();
                    value = 0;
                    for (Iterator children = getChildren (); children.hasNext (); )
                        // SF BUG 972725: this was incorrectly using 'type' instead
                        // of the COVERAGE_CLASS_COUNT aggregate type, making class
                        // coverage computation dependent on the order of how item
                        // nodes were traversed in report generators
                        value += ((IItem) ()).getAggregate (COVERAGE_CLASS_COUNT);
                    aggregates [COVERAGE_CLASS_COUNT] = value;

                    return aggregates [type];
                case TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT:
                    return aggregates [TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT] = 1;
                case COVERAGE_LINE_COUNT:
                case    TOTAL_LINE_COUNT:
                case COVERAGE_LINE_INSTR:
                    // line aggregate types are special when used on srcfile items:
                    // unlike all others, they do not simply add up when the line
                    // info is available; instead, lines from all classes belonging
                    // to the same srcfile parent are set-merged 
                    final IntObjectMap /* line -> int[2] */ fldata = new IntObjectMap ();
                    for (Iterator classes = getChildren (); classes.hasNext (); )
                        final ClassItem cls = (ClassItem) ();
                        final boolean [][] ccoverage = cls.getCoverage (); // this can be null
                        final ClassDescriptor clsdesc = cls.getClassDescriptor ();
                        final MethodDescriptor [] methoddescs = clsdesc.getMethods ();
                        for (Iterator methods = cls.getChildren (); methods.hasNext (); )
                            final MethodItem method = (MethodItem) ();
                            final int methodID = method.getID ();
                            final boolean [] mcoverage = ccoverage == null ? null : ccoverage [methodID];
                            final MethodDescriptor methoddesc = methoddescs [methodID];                        
                            final int [] mbsizes = methoddesc.getBlockSizes ();
                            final IntObjectMap mlineMap = methoddesc.getLineMap ();
                            if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (mlineMap != null);
                            final int [] mlines = mlineMap.keys ();
                            for (int ml = 0, mlLimit = mlines.length; ml < mlLimit; ++ ml)
                                final int mline = mlines [ml];
                                int [] data = (int []) fldata.get (mline);
                                if (data == null)
                                    data = new int [4]; // { totalcount, totalinstr, coveragecount, coverageinstr }
                                    fldata.put (mline, data);
                                final int [] lblocks = (int []) mlineMap.get (mline);
                                final int bCount = lblocks.length; 
                                data [0] += bCount;
                                for (int bID = 0; bID < bCount; ++ bID)
                                    final int block = lblocks [bID];
                                    final boolean bcovered = mcoverage != null && mcoverage [block];
                                    final int instr = mbsizes [block];
                                    data [1] += instr;
                                    if (bcovered)
                                        ++ data [2];
                                        data [3] += instr;
                    final int lineCount = fldata.size ();
                    aggregates [TOTAL_LINE_COUNT] = lineCount;
                    int coverageLineCount = 0;
                    int coverageLineInstr = 0;
                    final IntObjectMap /* line_no:int -> LineCoverageData */ lineCoverage = new IntObjectMap (lineCount);
                    int firstLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    final int [] clines = fldata.keys ();
                    for (int cl = 0; cl < lineCount; ++ cl)
                        final int cline = clines [cl];
                        final int [] data = (int []) fldata.get (cline);
                        final int ltotalCount = data [0];
                        final int ltotalInstr = data [1];
                        final int lcoverageCount = data [2];
                        final int lcoverageInstr = data [3];
                        if (lcoverageInstr > 0)
                            coverageLineCount += (PRECISION * lcoverageCount) / ltotalCount;
                            coverageLineInstr += (PRECISION * lcoverageInstr) / ltotalInstr;
                        // side effect: populate line coverage data map [used by getLineCoverage()]
                        final int lcoverageStatus;
                        int [][] lcoverageRatio = null;
                        if (lcoverageInstr == 0)
                            lcoverageStatus = LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_ZERO;
                        else if (lcoverageInstr == ltotalInstr)
                            lcoverageStatus = LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_COMPLETE;
                            lcoverageStatus = LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_PARTIAL;
                            lcoverageRatio = new int [][] {{ltotalCount, lcoverageCount}, {ltotalInstr, lcoverageInstr}}; // note: ordering depends on IItemAttribute.UNITS_xxx 
                        lineCoverage.put (cline, new LineCoverageData (lcoverageStatus, lcoverageRatio));
                        // side effect: compute m_firstLine
                        if (cline < firstLine) firstLine = cline;
                    m_lineCoverage = lineCoverage; // side effect
                    m_firstLine = firstLine; // side effect
                    aggregates [COVERAGE_LINE_COUNT] = coverageLineCount;
                    aggregates [COVERAGE_LINE_INSTR] = coverageLineInstr;
                    return aggregates [type];

                default: return super.getAggregate (type);
        return value;
public intgetFirstLine()

        // TODO: state validation
        if (m_firstLine == 0)
            getAggregate (TOTAL_LINE_COUNT); // fault line coverage calculation
        return m_firstLine;
public java.lang.StringgetFullVMName()

        return m_fullVMName;
public com.vladium.util.IntObjectMapgetLineCoverage()

        if (m_lineCoverage == null)
            getAggregate (TOTAL_LINE_COUNT); // fault line coverage calculation
        return m_lineCoverage;
public final IItemMetadatagetMetadata()

        return METADATA;
public java.lang.StringgetName()

        return m_name;
public static IItemMetadatagetTypeMetadata()

        return METADATA;