ORBSocketFactory.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API11964Fri Aug 26 14:54:36 BST


public interface ORBSocketFactory


This interface gives one the ability to plug in their own socket factory class to an ORB.


One specifies a class which implements this interface via the ORBConstants.SOCKET_FACTORY_CLASS_PROPERTY property.



Typically one would use the same socket factory class on both the server side and the client side (but this is not required).

A ORBSocketFactory class should have a public default constructor which is called once per instantiating ORB.init call. That ORB then calls the methods of that ORBSocketFactory to obtain client and server sockets.

This interface also supports multiple server end points. See the documentation on createServerSocket below.

Fields Summary
public static final String

A server ORB always creates an "IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT" listening port. That port is put into IOP profiles of object references exported by an ORB.

If createServerSocket(String type, int port) is passed IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT as a type argument it should then call and return new port)

If createSocket(SocketInfo socketInfo) is passed IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT in socketInfo.getType() it should then call and return

Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public type, int port)

This method is used by a server side ORB.

When an ORB needs to create a listen socket on which connection requests are accepted it calls createServerSocket(String type, int port). The type argument says which type of socket should be created.

The interpretation of the type argument is the responsibility of an instance of ORBSocketFactory, except in the case of IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT, in which case a standard server socket should be created.

Multiple Server Port API:

In addition to the IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT listening port, it is possible to specify that an ORB listen on additional port of specific types.

This API allows one to specify that an ORB should create an X, or an X and a Y listen socket.

If X, to the user, means SSL, then one just plugs in an SSL socket factory.

Or, another example, if X and Y, to the user, means SSL without authentication and SSL with authentication respectively, then they plug in a factory which will either create an X or a Y socket depending on the type given to createServerSocket(String type, int port).

One specifies multiple listening ports (in addition to the default IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT port) using the ORBConstants.LISTEN_SOCKET_PROPERTY property.

Example usage:

... \ \
-Dcom.sun.CORBA.connection.ORBListenSocket=SSL:0,foo:1 \
The meaning of the "type" (SSL and foo above) is controlled by the user.

ORBListenSocket is only meaningful for servers.

The property value is interpreted as follows. For each type/number pair:

If number is 0 then use an emphemeral port for the listener of the associated type.

If number is greater then 0 use that port number.

An ORB creates a listener socket for each type specified by the user by calling createServerSocket(String type, int port) with the type specified by the user.

After an ORB is initialized and the RootPOA has been resolved, it is then listening on all the end points which were specified. It may be necessary to add this additional end point information to object references exported by this ORB.

Each object reference will contain the ORB's default IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT end point in its IOP profile. To add additional end point information (i.e., an SSL port) to an IOR (i.e., an object reference) one needs to intercept IOR creation using an PortableInterceptor::IORInterceptor.

Using PortableInterceptors (with a non-standard extension):

Register an IORInterceptor. Inside its establish_components operation: ext;
ext = (;

int port = ext.getServerPort("myType");

Once you have the port you may add information to references created by the associated adapter by calling IORInfo::add_ior_component

Note: if one is using a POA and the lifespan policy of that POA is persistent then the port number returned by getServerPort may be the corresponding ORBD port, depending on whether the POA/ORBD protocol is the present port exchange or if, in the future, the protocol is based on object reference template exchange. In either case, the port returned will be correct for the protocol. (In more detail, if the port exchange protocol is used then getServerPort will return the ORBD's port since the port exchange happens before, at ORB initialization. If object reference exchange is used then the server's transient port will be returned since the templates are exchanged after adding components.)

Persistent object reference support:

When creating persistent object references with alternate type/port info, ones needs to configure the ORBD to also support this alternate info. This is done as follows:

- Give the ORBD the same socket factory you gave to the client and server.

- specify ORBListenSocket ports of the same types that your servers support. You should probably specify explicit port numbers for ORBD if you embed these numbers inside IORs.

Note: when using the port exchange protocol the ORBD and servers will exchange port numbers for each given type so they know about each other. When using object reference template exchange the server's transient ports are contained in the template.

- specify your BadServerIdHandler (discussed below) using the ORBConstants.BAD_SERVER_ID_HANDLER_CLASS_PROPERTY



The BadServerIdHandler ...

See for example code on writing a bad server id handler. NOTE: This is an unsupported internal API. It will not exist in future releases.

Secure connections to other services:

If one wants secure connections to other services such as Naming then one should configure them with the same SOCKET_FACTORY_CLASS_PROPERTY and LISTEN_SOCKET_PROPERTY as used by other clients and servers in your distributed system.

public socketInfo)

This method should return a client socket of the given type/host/port.

Note: the SocketInfo is the same instance as was returned by getSocketInfo so extra cookie info may be attached.

If this method throws GetEndPointInfoAgainException then the ORB calls getEndPointInfo again, passing it the SocketInfo object contained in the exception.

public orb, ior, socketInfo)

This method is used by a client side ORB.

Each time a client invokes on an object reference, the reference's associated ORB will call

getEndPointInfo(ORB orb,
IOR ior,
SocketInfo socketInfo)
NOTE: The type of the ior argument is an internal representation for efficiency. If the ORBSocketFactory interface ever becomes standardized then the ior will most likely change to a standard type (e.g., a stringified ior, an org.omg.IOP.IOR, or ...).

Typically, this method will look at tagged components in the given ior to determine what type of socket to create.

Typically, the ior will contain a tagged component specifying an alternate port type and number.

This method should return an SocketInfo object containing the type/host/port to be used for the connection. If there are no appropriate tagged components then this method should return an SocketInfo object with the type IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT and host/port from the ior's IOP profile.

If the ORB already has an existing connection to the returned type/host/port, then that connection is used. Otherwise the ORB calls createSocket(SocketInfo socketInfo)

The orb argument is useful for handling the ior argument.

The SocketInfo given to getEndPointInfo is either null or an object obtained from GetEndPointInfoAgainException