FacebookSignatureUtil.javaAPI DocGoogle Facebook API v1.411844Tue Oct 23 20:32:32 BST 2007com.facebook.api


public final class FacebookSignatureUtil extends Object
Utility for managing Facebook-specific parameters, specifically those related to session/login aspects.

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
private FacebookSignatureUtil()

Methods Summary
public static java.util.Listconvert(java.util.Collection entries)
Converts a Map of key-value pairs into the form expected by generateSignature

entries a collection of Map.Entry's, such as can be obtained using myMap.entrySet()
a List suitable for being passed to generateSignature

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(entries.size());
    for (Map.Entry<String, CharSequence> entry: entries)
      result.add(FacebookParam.stripSignaturePrefix(entry.getKey()) + "=" + entry.getValue());
    return result;
public static java.util.ListconvertFacebookParams(java.util.Collection entries)
Converts a Map of key-value pairs into the form expected by generateSignature

entries a collection of Map.Entry's, such as can be obtained using myMap.entrySet()
a List suitable for being passed to generateSignature

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(entries.size());
    for (Map.Entry<FacebookParam, CharSequence> entry: entries)
      result.add(entry.getKey().getSignatureName() + "=" + entry.getValue());
    return result;
public static java.util.MapextractFacebookNamespaceParams(java.util.Map reqParams)
Out of the passed in reqParams, extracts the parameters that are in the FacebookParam namespace and returns them.

reqParams a map of request parameters to their values
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    if (null == reqParams)
      return null;
    Map<String,CharSequence> result = new HashMap<String,CharSequence>(reqParams.size());
    for (Map.Entry<CharSequence,CharSequence> entry : reqParams.entrySet()) {
      String key = entry.getKey().toString();
      if (FacebookParam.isInNamespace(key))
        result.put(key, entry.getValue());
    return result;
public static java.util.EnumMapextractFacebookParams(java.util.Map reqParams)
Out of the passed in reqParams, extracts the parameters that are known FacebookParams and returns them.

reqParams a map of request parameters to their values
a map suitable for being passed to verify signature

    if (null == reqParams)
      return null;

    EnumMap<FacebookParam, CharSequence> result =
      new EnumMap<FacebookParam, CharSequence>(FacebookParam.class);
    for (Map.Entry<CharSequence, CharSequence> entry: reqParams.entrySet()) {
      FacebookParam matchingFacebookParam = FacebookParam.get(entry.getKey().toString());
      if (null != matchingFacebookParam) {
        result.put(matchingFacebookParam, entry.getValue());
    return result;
public static java.util.MapextractFacebookParamsFromArray(java.util.Map reqParams)
Out of the passed in reqParams, extracts the parameters that are in the FacebookParam namespace and returns them.

reqParams A map of request parameters to their values. Values are arrays of strings, as returned by ServletRequest.getParameterMap(). Only the first element in a given array is significant.
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    if (null == reqParams)
      return null;
    Map<String,CharSequence> result = new HashMap<String,CharSequence>(reqParams.size());
    for (Map.Entry<CharSequence,CharSequence[]> entry : reqParams.entrySet()) {
      String key = entry.getKey().toString();
      if (FacebookParam.isInNamespace(key)) {
        CharSequence[] value = entry.getValue();
        if (value.length > 0)
          result.put(key, value[0]);
    return result;
public static java.lang.StringgenerateSignature(java.util.List params, java.lang.String secret)
Calculates the signature for the given set of params using the supplied secret

params Strings of the form "key=value"
the signature

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (String param: params) {

    try { md ="MD5");
      StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
      for (byte b: md.digest(buffer.toString().getBytes())) {
        result.append(Integer.toHexString((b & 0xf0) >>> 4));
        result.append(Integer.toHexString(b & 0x0f));
      return result.toString();
    catch ( ex) {
      System.err.println("MD5 does not appear to be supported" + ex);
      return "";
public static booleanverifySignature(java.util.EnumMap params, java.lang.String secret)
Verifies that a signature received matches the expected value. Removes FacebookParam.SIGNATURE from params if present.

params a map of parameters and their values, such as one obtained from extractFacebookParams; expected to the expected signature as the FacebookParam.SIGNATURE parameter
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    if (null == params || params.isEmpty() )
      return false;
    CharSequence sigParam = params.remove(FacebookParam.SIGNATURE);
    return (null == sigParam) ? false : verifySignature(params, secret, sigParam.toString()); 
public static booleanverifySignature(java.util.EnumMap params, java.lang.String secret, java.lang.String expected)
Verifies that a signature received matches the expected value.

params a map of parameters and their values, such as one obtained from extractFacebookParams
secret the developers 'secret' API key
expected the expected resulting value of computing the MD5 sum of the 'sig' params and the 'secret' key
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    assert !(null == secret || "".equals(secret));
    if (null == params || params.isEmpty() )
      return false;
    if (null == expected || "".equals(expected)) {
      return false;
    List<String> sigParams = convertFacebookParams(params.entrySet());
    return verifySignature(sigParams, secret, expected);
public static booleanverifySignature(java.util.Map params, java.lang.String secret)
Verifies that a signature received matches the expected value. Removes FacebookParam.SIGNATURE from params if present.

params a map of parameters and their values, such as one obtained from extractFacebookNamespaceParams; expected to contain the signature as the FacebookParam.SIGNATURE parameter
secret the developers 'secret' API key
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    if (null == params || params.isEmpty() )
      return false;
    CharSequence sigParam = params.remove(FacebookParam.SIGNATURE.toString());
    return (null == sigParam) ? false : verifySignature(params, secret, sigParam.toString()); 
public static booleanverifySignature(java.util.Map params, java.lang.String secret, java.lang.String expected)
Verifies that a signature received matches the expected value.

params a map of parameters and their values, such as one obtained from extractFacebookNamespaceParams
secret the developers 'secret' API key
expected the expected resulting value of computing the MD5 sum of the 'sig' params and the 'secret' key
a boolean indicating whether the calculated signature matched the expected signature

    assert !(null == secret || "".equals(secret));
    if (null == params || params.isEmpty() )
      return false;
    if (null == expected || "".equals(expected)) {
      return false;
    List<String> sigParams = convert(params.entrySet());
    return verifySignature(sigParams, secret, expected);
private static booleanverifySignature(java.util.List sigParams, java.lang.String secret, java.lang.String expected)

    if (null == expected || "".equals(expected))
      return false;
    String signature = generateSignature(sigParams, secret);
    return expected.equals(signature);