KeyToolpublic final class KeyTool extends Object Wraps the J2SE's keytool after adding our provider.
Provides the PKCS12 functionality - read a PKCS12 format
keystore and replicate it into a "JKS" type keystore. |
(Omit source code)
Fields Summary |
private static Logger | _logger | private static final String | JSSE_PROVIDER | private File | inputFile | private File | outputFile | private char[] | jksKeyStorePass | private char[] | pkcsKeyStorePass | private char[] | jksKeyPass | private char[] | pkcsKeyPass | private String | provider | private KeyStore | pkcs12KeyStore | private KeyStore | jksKeyStore | private static String | PKCS12 | private static String | INFILE | private static String | OUTFILE | private static String | PKCSKEYSTOREPASS | private static String | PKCSKEYPASS | private static String | JKSKEYSTOREPASS | private static String | JKSKEYPASS | private static LocalStringManagerImpl | localStrings |
Constructors Summary |
public KeyTool(String infile, String outfile, String pkcsKeyStorePass, String pkcsKeyPass, String jksKeyStorePass, String jksKeyPass, String provider)The class is only instantiated for PKCS12 - all other
keytool functionality is passed to the
inputFile = new File (infile);
outputFile = new File (outfile);
this.pkcsKeyStorePass = pkcsKeyStorePass.toCharArray ();
this.pkcsKeyPass = pkcsKeyPass.toCharArray ();
this.jksKeyStorePass = jksKeyStorePass.toCharArray ();
this.jksKeyPass = jksKeyPass.toCharArray ();
this.provider = provider;
// if the output file exists delete it and create a new file
if (outputFile.exists ()){
throw new IOException ("Output file already exists!");
// Get the keystores from the engines.
pkcs12KeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance ("PKCS12", provider);
jksKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance ("JKS");
} catch (Exception e) {
// catch possible security and io exceptions
throw new IOException (e.getMessage ());
readKeyStores ();
Methods Summary |
public static java.lang.String | getProviderName()Gets the provider name for JSSE
Provider p =
(Provider) Class.forName(JSSE_PROVIDER).newInstance();
return p.getName ();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
| public static void | help(boolean exit)
(localStrings.getLocalString ("",
("", "PKCS Options:"));
System.out.println (" "+ PKCS12 +
" "+ INFILE + " fileName" +
" "+ PKCSKEYSTOREPASS + " password" +
" "+PKCSKEYPASS +" password" +
" "+OUTFILE+ " outputFileName"+
" "+JKSKEYSTOREPASS + " password");
/* uncomment when support for this present in JSSE
System.Out.Println (" "+JKSKEYPASS+ " password");
if (exit)
System.exit (-1);
| public void | info()Prints the information in the PKCS12 keystore
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Keystore Information");
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Type = " + pkcs12KeyStore.getType ());
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Provider = "+ pkcs12KeyStore.getProvider ());
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," KeyStore size = "+pkcs12KeyStore.size ());
Enumeration e = pkcs12KeyStore.aliases ();
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Kstore Aliases ");
for (; e.hasMoreElements (); ){
String alias = (String)e.nextElement ();
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Alias = "+ alias);
if (pkcs12KeyStore.isKeyEntry (alias)){
_logger.log(Level.FINEST,"Alias is a key entry ");
Key key = pkcs12KeyStore.getKey (alias, pkcsKeyPass);
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Format = "+key.getFormat ());
} else if (pkcs12KeyStore.isCertificateEntry (alias)){
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," Alias is a certificate entry");
_logger.log(Level.FINEST," End of Information");
| public static void | initProvider()Initializes the provider to be the JSSE provider
try {
Provider p =
(Provider) Class.forName(JSSE_PROVIDER).newInstance();
} catch(Exception e) {
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)
boolean pkcs = false;
String provider = null;
String inFile = null;
String outFile = null;
String jksKeyPass = null;
String jksKeyStorePass = null;
String pkcsKeyPass = null;
String pkcsKeyStorePass = null;
if (args.length == 0){
help (false); (args);
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase (PKCS12)){
pkcs = true;
if (args.length != 11)
help (true);
if (!args[1].equalsIgnoreCase (INFILE))
help (true);
inFile = args[2];
if (!args[3].equalsIgnoreCase (PKCSKEYSTOREPASS))
help (true);
pkcsKeyStorePass = args[4];
if (!args[5].equalsIgnoreCase (PKCSKEYPASS))
help (true);
pkcsKeyPass = args[6];
if (!args[7].equalsIgnoreCase (OUTFILE))
help (true);
outFile = args[8];
if (!args[9].equalsIgnoreCase (JKSKEYSTOREPASS))
help (true);
jksKeyStorePass = args[10];
jksKeyPass = jksKeyStorePass;
// Uncomment the following when support
// for different keystore and key pass present in JSSE
if (!args[11].equalsIgnoreCase (JKSKEYPASS))
help ();
jksKeyPass = args[12];
if (!pkcs){;
} else{
provider = getProviderName ();
KeyTool kt = new KeyTool (inFile, outFile, pkcsKeyStorePass,
pkcsKeyPass, jksKeyStorePass,
kt.replicatePkcs12ToJks ();
kt.writeJksKeyStore ();
} catch (Exception e){
| public void | readKeyStores()Load both the keystore's into memory.
The PKCS12 is loaded from the file and the JKS file
is created.
FileInputStream pkcsFis = null;
FileInputStream jksFis = null;
try {
pkcsFis = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
jksFis = new FileInputStream (outputFile);
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
pkcs12KeyStore.load(pkcsFis, pkcsKeyStorePass);
// Dont need a password as creating a new
// keystore.
jksKeyStore.load (jksFis, null);
} catch(Exception ce) {
// Can't do much... too bad.
if(pkcsFis != null)
if (jksFis != null)
jksFis.close ();
| public void | replicatePkcs12ToJks()Copies the keys and certificates in the PKCS12 file to
the in-memory JKS keystore
Enumeration e = pkcs12KeyStore.aliases ();
for (; e.hasMoreElements (); ){
String alias = (String)e.nextElement ();
if (pkcs12KeyStore.isKeyEntry (alias)){
/* Get the key and associated certificate chain
* from PKCS12 keystore and put in JKS keystore
Key key = pkcs12KeyStore.getKey (alias, pkcsKeyPass);
Certificate[] certs =
pkcs12KeyStore.getCertificateChain (alias);
jksKeyStore.setKeyEntry (alias, key, jksKeyPass, certs);
} else if (pkcs12KeyStore.isCertificateEntry (alias)){
(alias, pkcs12KeyStore.getCertificate (alias));
| public void | writeJksKeyStore()Write the JKS keystore that is populated with values from
the PKCS12 keystore to the outputfile.
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
} catch(Exception e) {
// No problem we'll create one....
// e.printStackTrace();
} finally {
try { (fos, jksKeyStorePass);
} catch(Exception ce) {
// Can't do much... too bad.
if(fos != null)