WLJspc.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.7011811Wed Dec 13 06:16:18 GMT


public class WLJspc extends
Precompiles JSP's using WebLogic's JSP compiler (weblogic.jspc). Tested only on Weblogic 4.5.1 - NT4.0 and Solaris 5.7 required attributes src : root of source tree for JSP, ie, the document root for your weblogic server dest : root of destination directory, what you have set as WorkingDir in the weblogic properties package : start package name under which your JSP's would be compiled other attributes classpath A classpath should be set which contains the weblogic classes as well as all application classes referenced by the JSP. The system classpath is also appended when the jspc is called, so you may choose to put everything in the classpath while calling Ant. However, since presumably the JSP's will reference classes being build by Ant, it would be better to explicitly add the classpath in the task The task checks timestamps on the JSP's and the generated classes, and compiles only those files that have changed. It follows the weblogic naming convention of putting classes in _dirName/_fileName.class for dirname/fileName.jsp Limitation: It compiles the files thru the Classic compiler only. Limitation: Since it is my experience that weblogic jspc throws out of memory error on being given too many files at one go, it is called multiple times with one jsp file each.
<target name="jspcompile" depends="compile">
<wljspc src="c:\\weblogic\\myserver\\public_html"
dest="c:\\weblogic\\myserver\\serverclasses" package="myapp.jsp">
<pathelement location="${weblogic.classpath}" />
<pathelement path="${compile.dest}" />


Fields Summary
private File
root of compiled files tree
private File
root of source files tree
private String
package under which resultant classes will reside
classpath used to compile the jsp files.
private String
private Vector
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
Maybe creates a nested classpath element.

a path to be configured.

        if (compileClasspath == null) {
            compileClasspath = new Path(getProject());
        return compileClasspath;
public voidexecute()
Run the task.

BuildException if there is an error.

        if (!destinationDirectory.isDirectory()) {
            throw new BuildException("destination directory "
                + destinationDirectory.getPath() + " is not valid");

        if (!sourceDirectory.isDirectory()) {
            throw new BuildException("src directory "
                + sourceDirectory.getPath() + " is not valid");

        if (destinationPackage == null) {
            throw new BuildException("package attribute must be present.",

            = this.destinationPackage.replace('.", File.separatorChar);
        // get all the files in the sourceDirectory
        DirectoryScanner ds = super.getDirectoryScanner(sourceDirectory);

        //use the systemclasspath as well, to include the ant jar
        if (compileClasspath == null) {
            compileClasspath = new Path(getProject());

        compileClasspath = compileClasspath.concatSystemClasspath();
        String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();

        //Weblogic.jspc calls System.exit() ... have to fork
        // Therefore, takes loads of time
        // Can pass directories at a time (*.jsp) but easily runs out of
        // memory on hefty dirs (even on  a Sun)
        Java helperTask = new Java(this);
        String[] args = new String[12];

        File jspFile = null;
        String parents = "";
        int j = 0;
        //XXX  this array stuff is a remnant of prev trials.. gotta remove.
        args[j++] = "-d";
        args[j++] = destinationDirectory.getAbsolutePath().trim();
        args[j++] = "-docroot";
        args[j++] = sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath().trim();
        args[j++] = "-keepgenerated";  //TODO: Parameterise ??
        //Call compiler as class... dont want to fork again
        //Use classic compiler -- can be parameterised?
        args[j++] =  "-compilerclass";
        args[j++] = "";
        //Weblogic jspc does not seem to work unless u explicitly set this...
        // Does not take the classpath from the env....
        // Am i missing something about the Java task??
        args[j++] = "-classpath";
        args[j++] = compileClasspath.toString();

        log("Compiling " + filesToDo.size() + " JSP files");

        for (int i = 0; i < filesToDo.size(); i++) {
            // All this to get package according to weblogic standards
            // Can be written better... this is too hacky!
            // Careful.. similar code in scanDir , but slightly different!!
            String filename = (String) filesToDo.elementAt(i);
            jspFile = new File(filename);
            args[j] = "-package";
            parents = jspFile.getParent();
            if ((parents != null)  && (!("").equals(parents))) {
                parents =  this.replaceString(parents, File.separator, "_.");
                args[j + 1] = destinationPackage + "." + "_" + parents;
            } else {
                args[j + 1] = destinationPackage;

            args[j + 2] =  sourceDirectory + File.separator + filename;

            for (int x = 0; x < j + 3; x++) {

            if (helperTask.executeJava() != 0) {
                log(filename + " failed to compile", Project.MSG_WARN);
protected java.lang.StringreplaceString(java.lang.String inpString, java.lang.String escapeChars, java.lang.String replaceChars)
Replace occurances of a string with a replacement string.

inpString the string to convert.
escapeChars the string to replace.
replaceChars the string to place.
the converted string.

        String localString = "";
        int numTokens = 0;
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inpString, escapeChars, true);
        numTokens = st.countTokens();
        for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) {
            String test = st.nextToken();
            test = (test.equals(escapeChars) ? replaceChars : test);
            localString += test;
        return localString;
protected voidscanDir(java.lang.String[] files)
Scan the array of files and add the jsp files that need to be compiled to the filesToDo field.

files the files to scan.

        long now = (new Date()).getTime();
        File jspFile = null;
        String parents = null;
        String pack = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File srcFile = new File(this.sourceDirectory, files[i]);
            // All this to convert source to destination directory according
            // to weblogic standards Can be written better... this is too hacky!
            jspFile = new File(files[i]);
            parents = jspFile.getParent();

            if ((parents != null)  && (!("").equals(parents))) {
                parents =  this.replaceString(parents, File.separator, "_/");
                pack = pathToPackage + File.separator + "_" + parents;
            } else {
                pack = pathToPackage;

            String filePath = pack + File.separator + "_";
            int startingIndex = files[i].lastIndexOf(File.separator) != -1
                    ? files[i].lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1 : 0;
            int endingIndex = files[i].indexOf(".jsp");
            if (endingIndex == -1) {
                log("Skipping " + files[i] + ". Not a JSP",

            filePath += files[i].substring(startingIndex, endingIndex);
            filePath += ".class";
            File classFile = new File(this.destinationDirectory, filePath);

            if (srcFile.lastModified() > now) {
                log("Warning: file modified in the future: "
                    + files[i], Project.MSG_WARN);
            if (srcFile.lastModified() > classFile.lastModified()) {
                log("Recompiling File " + files[i], Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
public voidsetClasspath( classpath)
Set the classpath to be used for this compilation.

classpath the classpath to use.

        if (compileClasspath == null) {
            compileClasspath = classpath;
        } else {
public voidsetDest( dirName)
Set the directory containing the source jsp's

dirName the directory containg the source jsp's

        destinationDirectory = dirName;
public voidsetPackage(java.lang.String packageName)
Set the package under which the compiled classes go

packageName the package name for the clases

        destinationPackage = packageName;
public voidsetSrc( dirName)
Set the directory containing the source jsp's

dirName the directory containg the source jsp's

        sourceDirectory = dirName;