PortableRemoteObjectpublic class PortableRemoteObject extends Object implements javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectDelegateServer implementation objects may either inherit from
javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject or they may implement a remote interface
and then use the exportObject method to register themselves as a server object.
The toStub method takes a server implementation and returns a stub that
can be used to access that server object.
The connect method makes a Remote object ready for remote communication.
The unexportObject method is used to deregister a server object, allowing it to become
available for garbage collection.
The narrow method takes an object reference or abstract interface type and
attempts to narrow it to conform to
the given interface. If the operation is successful the result will be an
object of the specified type, otherwise an exception will be thrown. |
Methods Summary |
public void | connect(java.rmi.Remote target, java.rmi.Remote source)Makes a Remote object ready for remote communication. This normally
happens implicitly when the object is sent or received as an argument
on a remote method call, but in some circumstances it is useful to
perform this action by making an explicit call. See the
{@link Stub#connect} method for more information.
if (target == null || source == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("invalid argument");
ORB orb = null;
try {
if (StubAdapter.isStub( source )) {
orb = StubAdapter.getORB( source ) ;
} else {
// Is this a servant that was exported to iiop?
Tie tie = Util.getTie(source);
if (tie == null) {
/* loadTie always succeeds for dynamic RMI-IIOP
// No, can we get a tie for it? If not,
// assume that source is a JRMP object...
if (Utility.loadTie(source) != null) {
// Yes, so it is an iiop object which
// has not been exported...
throw new RemoteException(
"'source' object not exported");
} else {
orb = tie.orb();
} catch (SystemException e) {
throw new RemoteException("'source' object not connected", e );
boolean targetIsIIOP = false ;
Tie targetTie = null;
if (StubAdapter.isStub(target)) {
targetIsIIOP = true;
} else {
targetTie = Util.getTie(target);
if (targetTie != null) {
targetIsIIOP = true;
} else {
/* loadTie always succeeds for dynamic RMI-IIOP
if (Utility.loadTie(target) != null) {
throw new RemoteException("'target' servant not exported");
if (!targetIsIIOP) {
// Yes. Do we have an ORB from the source object?
// If not, we're done - there is nothing to do to
// connect a JRMP object. If so, it is an error because
// the caller mixed JRMP and IIOP...
if (orb != null) {
throw new RemoteException(
"'source' object exported to IIOP, 'target' is JRMP");
} else {
// The target object is IIOP. Make sure we have a
// valid ORB from the source object...
if (orb == null) {
throw new RemoteException(
"'source' object is JRMP, 'target' is IIOP");
// And, finally, connect it up...
try {
if (targetTie != null) {
// Is the tie already connected?
try {
ORB existingOrb = targetTie.orb();
// Yes. Is it the same orb?
if (existingOrb == orb) {
// Yes, so nothing to do...
} else {
// No, so this is an error...
throw new RemoteException(
"'target' object was already connected");
} catch (SystemException e) {}
// No, so do it...
} else {
StubAdapter.connect( target, orb ) ;
} catch (SystemException e) {
// The stub or tie was already connected...
throw new RemoteException(
"'target' object was already connected", e );
| public void | exportObject(java.rmi.Remote obj)Makes a server object ready to receive remote calls. Note
that subclasses of PortableRemoteObject do not need to call this
method, as it is called by the constructor.
if (obj == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("invalid argument");
// Has this object already been exported to IIOP?
if (Util.getTie(obj) != null) {
// Yes, so this is an error...
throw new ExportException (obj.getClass().getName() + " already exported");
// Can we load a Tie?
Tie theTie = Utility.loadTie(obj);
if (theTie != null) {
// Yes, so export it to IIOP...
} else {
// No, so export to JRMP. If this is called twice for the
// same object, it will throw an ExportException...
| public java.lang.Object | narrow(java.lang.Object narrowFrom, java.lang.Class narrowTo)Checks to ensure that an object of a remote or abstract interface type
can be cast to a desired type.
java.lang.Object result = null;
if (narrowFrom == null)
return null;
if (narrowTo == null)
throw new NullPointerException("invalid argument");
try {
if (narrowTo.isAssignableFrom(narrowFrom.getClass()))
return narrowFrom;
// Is narrowTo an interface that might be
// implemented by a servant running on iiop?
if (narrowTo.isInterface() &&
narrowTo != java.io.Serializable.class &&
narrowTo != java.io.Externalizable.class) {
org.omg.CORBA.Object narrowObj
= (org.omg.CORBA.Object) narrowFrom;
// Create an id from the narrowTo type...
String id = RepositoryId.createForAnyType(narrowTo);
if (narrowObj._is_a(id)) {
return Utility.loadStub(narrowObj,narrowTo);
} else {
throw new ClassCastException( "Object is not of remote type " +
narrowTo.getName() ) ;
} else {
throw new ClassCastException( "Class " + narrowTo.getName() +
" is not a valid remote interface" ) ;
} catch(Exception error) {
ClassCastException cce = new ClassCastException() ;
cce.initCause( error ) ;
throw cce ;
| public java.rmi.Remote | toStub(java.rmi.Remote obj)Returns a stub for the given server object.
Remote result = null;
if (obj == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("invalid argument");
// If the class is already an IIOP stub then return it.
if (StubAdapter.isStub( obj )) {
return obj;
// If the class is already a JRMP stub then return it.
if (obj instanceof java.rmi.server.RemoteStub) {
return obj;
// Has it been exported to IIOP?
Tie theTie = Util.getTie(obj);
if (theTie != null) {
result = Utility.loadStub(theTie,null,null,true);
} else {
if (Utility.loadTie(obj) == null) {
result = java.rmi.server.RemoteObject.toStub(obj);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException("object not exported");
return result;
| public void | unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote obj)Deregisters a server object from the runtime, allowing the object to become
available for garbage collection.
if (obj == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("invalid argument");
if (StubAdapter.isStub(obj) ||
obj instanceof java.rmi.server.RemoteStub) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException(
"Can only unexport a server object.");
Tie theTie = Util.getTie(obj);
if (theTie != null) {
} else {
if (Utility.loadTie(obj) == null) {
} else {
throw new NoSuchObjectException("Object not exported.");