JDiffpublic class JDiff extends Doclet Generates HTML describing the changes between two sets of Java source code.
See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details. |
Fields Summary |
static String | oldFileNameThe name of the file where the XML representing the old API is
stored. | static String | oldDirectoryThe name of the directory where the XML representing the old API is
stored. | static String | newFileNameThe name of the file where the XML representing the new API is
stored. | static String | newDirectoryThe name of the directory where the XML representing the new API is
stored. | static boolean | writeXMLIf set, then generate the XML for an API and exit. | static boolean | compareAPIsIf set, then read in two XML files and compare their APIs. | static String | DIR_SEPThe file separator for the local filesystem, forward or backward slash. | static final String | jDiffLocationDetails for where to find JDiff. | static final String | authorEmailContact email address for the primary JDiff maintainer. | static final String | jDiffDescriptionA description for HTML META tags. | static final String | jDiffKeywordsKeywords for HTML META tags. | static final String | versionThe current JDiff version. | static String | javaVersionThe current virtual machine version. | private static boolean | traceSet to enable increased logging verbosity for debugging. |
Methods Summary |
public static com.sun.javadoc.LanguageVersion | languageVersion()
return LanguageVersion.JAVA_1_5;
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)This method is only called when running JDiff as a standalone
application, and uses ANT to execute the build configuration in the
XML configuration file passed in.
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Looking for a local 'build.xml' configuration file");
} else if (args.length == 1) {
if (args[0].compareTo("-help") == 0 ||
args[0].compareTo("-h") == 0 ||
args[0].compareTo("?") == 0) {
} else if (args[0].compareTo("-version") == 0) {
System.out.println("JDiff version: " + JDiff.version);
int rc = runAnt(args);
| public static int | optionLength(java.lang.String option)This method is called by Javadoc to
parse the options it does not recognize. It then calls
{@link #validOptions} to validate them.
return Options.optionLength(option);
| public static int | runAnt(java.lang.String[] args)Invoke ANT by reflection.
String className = null;
Class c = null;
try {
className = "org.apache.tools.ant.Main";
c = Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
System.err.println("Error: ant.jar not found on the classpath");
return -1;
try {
Class[] methodArgTypes = new Class[1];
methodArgTypes[0] = args.getClass();
Method mainMethod = c.getMethod("main", methodArgTypes);
Object[] methodArgs = new Object[1];
methodArgs[0] = args;
// The object can be null because the method is static
Integer res = (Integer)mainMethod.invoke(null, methodArgs);
System.gc(); // Clean up after running ANT
return res.intValue();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e2) {
System.err.println("Error: method \"main\" not found");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e4) {
System.err.println("Error: class not permitted to be instantiated");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e5) {
System.err.println("Error: method \"main\" could not be invoked");
} catch (Exception e6) {
System.err.println("Error: ");
System.gc(); // Clean up after running ANT
return -1;
| public static void | showUsage()Display usage information for JDiff.
System.out.println("usage: java jdiff.JDiff [-version] [-buildfile <XML configuration file>]");
System.out.println("If no build file is specified, the local build.xml file is used.");
| public static boolean | start(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)Doclet-mandated start method. Everything begins here.
if (root != null)
System.out.println("JDiff: doclet started ...");
JDiff jd = new JDiff();
return jd.startGeneration(root);
| protected boolean | startGeneration(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc newRoot)Generate the summary of the APIs.
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Open the file where the XML representing the API will be stored.
// and generate the XML for the API into it.
if (writeXML) {
if (compareAPIs) {
String tempOldFileName = oldFileName;
if (oldDirectory != null) {
tempOldFileName = oldDirectory;
if (!tempOldFileName.endsWith(JDiff.DIR_SEP)) {
tempOldFileName += JDiff.DIR_SEP;
tempOldFileName += oldFileName;
// Check the file for the old API exists
File f = new File(tempOldFileName);
if (!f.exists()) {
System.out.println("Error: file '" + tempOldFileName + "' does not exist for the old API");
return false;
// Check the file for the new API exists
String tempNewFileName = newFileName;
if (newDirectory != null) {
tempNewFileName = newDirectory;
if (!tempNewFileName.endsWith(JDiff.DIR_SEP)) {
tempNewFileName += JDiff.DIR_SEP;
tempNewFileName += newFileName;
f = new File(tempNewFileName);
if (!f.exists()) {
System.out.println("Error: file '" + tempNewFileName + "' does not exist for the new API");
return false;
// Read the file where the XML representing the old API is stored
// and create an API object for it.
System.out.print("JDiff: reading the old API in from file '" + tempOldFileName + "'...");
// Read the file in, but do not add any text to the global comments
API oldAPI = XMLToAPI.readFile(tempOldFileName, false, oldFileName);
// Read the file where the XML representing the new API is stored
// and create an API object for it.
System.out.print("JDiff: reading the new API in from file '" + tempNewFileName + "'...");
// Read the file in, and do add any text to the global comments
API newAPI = XMLToAPI.readFile(tempNewFileName, true, newFileName);
// Compare the old and new APIs.
APIComparator comp = new APIComparator();
comp.compareAPIs(oldAPI, newAPI);
// Read the file where the XML for comments about the changes between
// the old API and new API is stored and create a Comments object for
// it. The Comments object may be null if no file exists.
int suffix = oldFileName.lastIndexOf('.");
String commentsFileName = "user_comments_for_" + oldFileName.substring(0, suffix);
suffix = newFileName.lastIndexOf('.");
commentsFileName += "_to_" + newFileName.substring(0, suffix) + ".xml";
commentsFileName = commentsFileName.replace(' ", '_");
if (HTMLReportGenerator.commentsDir !=null) {
commentsFileName = HTMLReportGenerator.commentsDir + DIR_SEP + commentsFileName;
} else if (HTMLReportGenerator.outputDir != null) {
commentsFileName = HTMLReportGenerator.outputDir + DIR_SEP + commentsFileName;
System.out.println("JDiff: reading the comments in from file '" + commentsFileName + "'...");
Comments existingComments = Comments.readFile(commentsFileName);
if (existingComments == null)
System.out.println(" (the comments file will be created)");
// Generate an HTML report which summarises all the API differences.
HTMLReportGenerator reporter = new HTMLReportGenerator();
reporter.generate(comp, existingComments);
// Emit messages about which comments are now unused and
// which are new.
Comments newComments = reporter.getNewComments();
Comments.noteDifferences(existingComments, newComments);
// Write the new comments out to the same file, with unused comments
// now commented out.
System.out.println("JDiff: writing the comments out to file '" + commentsFileName + "'...");
Comments.writeFile(commentsFileName, newComments);
System.out.print("JDiff: finished (took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000 + "s");
if (writeXML)
System.out.println(", not including scanning the source files).");
else if (compareAPIs)
return true;
| public static boolean | validOptions(java.lang.String[][] options, com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)After parsing the available options using {@link #optionLength},
Javadoc invokes this method with an array of options-arrays.
return Options.validOptions(options, reporter);