StringItemLFImpl.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)11639Wed May 02 18:00:22 BST 2007javax.microedition.lcdui


public class StringItemLFImpl extends ItemLFImpl implements StringItemLF
Look and feel implementation for StringItem using platform widget.

Fields Summary
private StringItem
The StringItem associated with this view.
private int
The appearance mode. The actual appearance of a StringItem could be different to the one set in StringItem. A StringItem created with PLAIN appearance will look like a HYPERLINK if commands were added.
Constructors Summary
StringItemLFImpl(StringItem strItem)
Creates a look&feel for a StringItem.

strItem The StringItem associated with this look&feel

        this.strItem = strItem;

        // when no commands are added, the actual appearance
        // is PLAIN; the actual appearance will be the same
        // as appearance set in StringItem if a command is added
        // to this StringItem
        appearanceMode = Item.PLAIN;
Methods Summary
voidcreateNativeResource(int ownerId)
Create native resource for current StringItem. Override function in ItemLFImpl.

ownerId Owner screen's native resource id

        nativeId = createNativeResource0(ownerId,
                                         strItem.label, strItem.layout,
                                         appearanceMode, strItem.font);
private native intcreateNativeResource0(int ownerId, java.lang.String label, int layout, java.lang.String text, int appearanceMode, Font font)
KNI function that create native resource for current StringItem.

ownerId Owner screen's native resource id (MidpDisplayable *)
label label to be used for this Item
layout layout directive associated with this Item
text text to be used for this StringItem
appearanceMode should be PLAIN, HYPERLINK or BUTTON
font font face to be used for rendering StringItem content
native resource id (MidpItem *) of this StringItem

Determine if this Item should have a newline after it.

true if it should have a newline after

        String label = item.label;
        String str = strItem.str;

        // If content ends with a \n, there is a newline after 
        // this StringItem
        if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
            if (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == '\n") {
                return true;
        } else if (label != null && label.length() > 0) {
            // If there is no content and our label ends with a \n, 
            // there is a newline after this StringItem
            if (label.charAt(label.length() - 1) == '\n") {
                return true;
        } else {
            // empty StringItem
            return false;
        if ((strItem.layout & Item.LAYOUT_2) == Item.LAYOUT_2) {
            return ((item.layout & Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER)
                    == Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER);
        return false;
Determine if this Item should have a newline before it.

true if it should have a newline before

        String label = strItem.label;
        String str   = strItem.str;

        // If label starts with a \n, put this StringItem on a newline
        if (label != null && label.length() > 0) {
            if (label.charAt(0) == '\n") {
                return true;
        } else if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
            // If there is no label and our content starts with a \n,
            // this StringItem starts on a newline
            if (str.charAt(0) == '\n") {
                return true;
        } else {
            // empty StringItem
            return false;
        if ((strItem.layout & Item.LAYOUT_2) == Item.LAYOUT_2) {
            return ((strItem.layout & Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE)
                    == Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE);
        // LAYOUT_2 was not set, hence we need to provide backward 
        // compatibility with MIDP1.0 where any StringItem with a 
        // non-null label would go on a new line.
        return label != null && label.length() > 0;
public FontgetDefaultFont()
Gets default font to render text in StringItem if it was not set by the application.

- the font to render text if it was not set by the app

        return Theme.curContentFont;
public voidlAddCommand(Command cmd, int i)
Notifies L&F of a command addition in the corresponding StringItem.

cmd the newly added command
i the index of the added command in the StringItem's commands[] array

        super.lAddCommand(cmd, i);

        if ((strItem.numCommands >= 1) && (appearanceMode == Item.PLAIN)) {
            appearanceMode = strItem.appearanceMode == Item.BUTTON ?
                             Item.BUTTON : Item.HYPERLINK;
            if (nativeId != DisplayableLFImpl.INVALID_NATIVE_ID) {
                setContent0(nativeId, strItem.str, appearanceMode);
            lRequestInvalidate(true, true);
public voidlRemoveCommand(Command cmd, int i)
Notifies L&F of a command removal in the corresponding StringItem.

cmd the newly removed command
i the index of the removed command in the StringItem's commands[] array

        super.lRemoveCommand(cmd, i);

        // restore the value of the original appearanceMode
        if (strItem.numCommands < 1) {
            appearanceMode = Item.PLAIN;
            if (nativeId != DisplayableLFImpl.INVALID_NATIVE_ID) {
                setContent0(nativeId, strItem.str, appearanceMode);
            lRequestInvalidate(true, true);
public voidlSetFont(Font font)
Notifies L&F of a font change in the corresponding StringItem.

font the new font set in the StringItem

        // Only update native resource if it exists.
        if (nativeId != DisplayableLFImpl.INVALID_NATIVE_ID) {
                     font.getFace(), font.getStyle(), font.getSize());

        lRequestInvalidate(true, true);
public voidlSetText(java.lang.String str)
Notifies L&F of a string change in the corresponding StringItem.

str the new string set in the StringItem

        // Only update native resource if it exists.
        if (nativeId != DisplayableLFImpl.INVALID_NATIVE_ID) {
            setContent0(nativeId, str, appearanceMode);

        lRequestInvalidate(true, true);
private native voidsetContent0(int nativeId, java.lang.String text, int appearanceMode)
KNI function that sets text on the native resource corresponding to the current StringItem.

nativeId native resource id for this item
text new text set on the current StringItem
appearanceMode the appearance mode of the text passed in

private native voidsetFont0(int nativeId, int face, int style, int size)
KNI function that sets font on the native resource corresponding to the current StringItem.

nativeId native resource id for this item
face face of the new font
style style of the new font
size size of the new font

booleanuCallPeerStateChanged(int hint)
Called by event delivery to notify an ItemLF in current FormLF of a change in its peer state. Handle special gesture of default command.

hint -1 signals that user performed the special gesture of default command
always false so ItemStateListener will not be notified

        // activate default command if hint is -1
        if (hint == -1) {

            Command defaultCommand;
            ItemCommandListener commandListener;

            synchronized (Display.LCDUILock) {

                defaultCommand  = strItem.defaultCommand;
                commandListener = strItem.commandListener;

            if (defaultCommand != null && commandListener != null) {

                // Protect from any unexpected application exceptions
                try {
                    synchronized (Display.calloutLock) {
                        commandListener.commandAction(defaultCommand, strItem);
                } catch (Throwable thr) {

        // Indicate to Form to not notify ItemStateListener
        return false;