JMXPluggableAuthenticator.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API11548Fri Aug 26 14:55:00 BST


public final class JMXPluggableAuthenticator extends Object implements JMXAuthenticator

This class represents a JAAS based implementation of the {@link JMXAuthenticator} interface.

Authentication is performed by passing the supplied user's credentials to one or more authentication mechanisms ({@link LoginModule}) for verification. An authentication mechanism acquires the user's credentials by calling {@link NameCallback} and/or {@link PasswordCallback}. If authentication is successful then an authenticated {@link Subject} filled in with a {@link Principal} is returned. Authorization checks will then be performed based on this Subject.

By default, a single file-based authentication mechanism {@link FileLoginModule} is configured (FileLoginConfig).

To override the default configuration use the management property described in the JRE/lib/management/ file. Set this property to the name of a JAAS configuration entry and ensure that the entry is loaded by the installed {@link Configuration}. In addition, ensure that the authentication mechanisms specified in the entry acquire the user's credentials by calling {@link NameCallback} and {@link PasswordCallback} and that they return a {@link Subject} filled-in with a {@link Principal}, for those users that are successfully authenticated.

Fields Summary
private LoginContext
private String
private String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final ClassLogger
Constructors Summary
public JMXPluggableAuthenticator(Map env)
Creates an instance of JMXPluggableAuthenticator and initializes it with a {@link LoginContext}.

env the environment containing configuration properties for the authenticator. Can be null, which is equivalent to an empty Map.
SecurityException if the authentication mechanism cannot be initialized.

	String loginConfigName = null;
	String passwordFile = null;

	if (env != null) {
	    loginConfigName = (String) env.get(LOGIN_CONFIG_PROP); 
	    passwordFile = (String) env.get(PASSWORD_FILE_PROP); 

	try {

	    if (loginConfigName != null) {
	        // use the supplied JAAS login configuration
	        loginContext = 
		    new LoginContext(loginConfigName, new JMXCallbackHandler());

	    } else {
	        // use the default JAAS login configuration (file-based)
                SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
                if (sm != null) {
                            new AuthPermission("createLoginContext." +

                final String pf = passwordFile;
                try {
                    loginContext = (LoginContext) AccessController.doPrivileged(
                        new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                            public Object run() throws LoginException {
                                return new LoginContext(
                                                new JMXCallbackHandler(),
                                                new FileLoginConfig(pf));
                } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
                    throw (LoginException) pae.getException();

	} catch (LoginException le) {
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", le);

	} catch (SecurityException se) {
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", se);
Methods Summary
public credentials)
Authenticate the MBeanServerConnection client with the given client credentials.

credentials the user-defined credentials to be passed in to the server in order to authenticate the user before creating the MBeanServerConnection. This parameter must be a two-element String[] containing the client's username and password in that order.
the authenticated subject containing a JMXPrincipal(username).
SecurityException if the server cannot authenticate the user with the provided credentials.

	// Verify that credentials is of type String[].
	if (!(credentials instanceof String[])) {
	    // Special case for null so we get a more informative message
	    if (credentials == null)
		authenticationFailure("authenticate", "Credentials required");

	    final String message =
		"Credentials should be String[] instead of " +
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", message);
	// Verify that the array contains two elements.
	final String[] aCredentials = (String[]) credentials;
	if (aCredentials.length != 2) {
	    final String message =
		"Credentials should have 2 elements not " +
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", message);
	// Verify that username exists and the associated
	// password matches the one supplied by the client.
	username = (String) aCredentials[0];
	password = (String) aCredentials[1];
	if (username == null || password == null) {
	    final String message = "Username or password is null";
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", message);

	// Perform authentication
	try {
	    final Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject();
            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
                    public Object run() {
                        return null;

	    return subject;

	} catch (LoginException le) {
	    authenticationFailure("authenticate", le);
	return null;
private static voidauthenticationFailure(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String message)

	final String msg = "Authentication failed! " + message;
	final SecurityException e = new SecurityException(msg);
	logException(method, msg, e);
	throw e;
private static voidauthenticationFailure(java.lang.String method, java.lang.Exception exception)

        String msg;
        SecurityException se;
        if (exception instanceof SecurityException) {
            msg = exception.getMessage();
            se = (SecurityException) exception;
        } else {
            msg = "Authentication failed! " + exception.getMessage();
            final SecurityException e = new SecurityException(msg);
            EnvHelp.initCause(e, exception);
            se = e;
        logException(method, msg, se);
        throw se;
private static voidlogException(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception e)

	if (logger.traceOn()) {
	    logger.trace(method, message);
	if (logger.debugOn()) {
	    logger.debug(method, e);