RemoteCollisionEvent.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e1149Mon May 12 12:20:40 BST


public class RemoteCollisionEvent extends RemoteEvent
Informs the RTP listener that two remote participants were using the same SSRC simultaneously. Since participants are obligated to detect collisions, the remote parties should eventually start sending data or control packets with new SSRCs. Thus, this callback will usually precede two newReceiveStream() callbacks; these new ReceiveStreams will (eventually) be associated with the existing Participants. The old ReceiveStreams associated with those participants will be discarded and no longer returned by their respective getStreams() methods.

Fields Summary
private long
collidingSSRC The remote SSRC
Constructors Summary
public RemoteCollisionEvent(SessionManager from, long ssrc)

	collidingSSRC = ssrc;
Methods Summary
public longgetSSRC()
collidingSSRC The remote SSRC

	return collidingSSRC;