SimpleTextDatabaseMetaData.javaAPI DocExample114855Sat Feb 03 11:43:40 GMT 2001jdbc.SimpleText


public class SimpleTextDatabaseMetaData extends SimpleTextObject implements DatabaseMetaData

Fields Summary
protected SimpleTextIConnection
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
protected voidadd(java.util.Hashtable h, int col, java.lang.String name, int type)

        h.put(new Integer(col), new SimpleTextColumn(name,type));
public booleanallProceduresAreCallable()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support callable statements, so
        // none are callable

        return false;
public booleanallTablesAreSelectable()

        // The SimpleText driver allows all tables returned by getTables
        // to be selected

        return true;
public booleandataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleandataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleandoesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()

        return false;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetBestRowIdentifier(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, int scope, boolean nullable)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getBestRowIdentifier(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ", " + scope + ", " + nullable + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support row identifiers.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "SCOPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 2, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "DATA_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 4, "TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "COLUMN_SIZE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 6, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 7, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 8, "PSEUDO_COLUMN", Types.SMALLINT);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetCatalogSeparator()

        // The SimpleText driver supports specifying fully qualified
        // file names, so the catalog separator is the directory
        // separator

        return "/";
public java.lang.StringgetCatalogTerm()

        return "CATALOG";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetCatalogs()

        if (traceOn()) {

        // The SimpleText driver only supports one catalog - the current
        // directory for the connection

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create a Hashtable for a single row

        Hashtable singleRow = new Hashtable();

        // Set the value for column 1, which is the directory for the
        // connection

        singleRow.put (new Integer(1),
                new CommonValue(ownerConnection.getDirectory(null)));

        rows.put (new Integer(1), singleRow);

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetColumnPrivileges(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String columnNamePattern)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getColumnPrivileges(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ", " + columnNamePattern + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support column privileges.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "GRANTOR", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "GRANTEE", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "PRIVILEGE", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "IS_GRANTABLE", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetColumns(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tableNamePattern, java.lang.String columnNamePattern)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getColumns(" + catalog + ", " + schemaPattern +
                    ", " + tableNamePattern + ", " + columnNamePattern + ")");

        // Create a statement object

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "DATA_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 6, "TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "COLUMN_SIZE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 8, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 9, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 10, "NUM_PREC_RADIX", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 11, "NULLABLE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 12, "REMARKS", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 13, "COLUMN_DEF", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 14, "SQL_DATA_TYPE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 15, "SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 16, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 17, "ORDINAL_POSITION", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 18, "IS_NULLABLE", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Get a Hashtable will all tables

        Hashtable tables = ownerConnection.getTables(
                    ownerConnection.getDirectory(catalog), tableNamePattern);

        Hashtable singleRow;
        Hashtable columnList;
        SimpleTextTable table;
        SimpleTextColumn column;

        int count = 0;

        // Create a row for each column in each table in the Hashtable

        for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
            table = (SimpleTextTable) tables.get(new Integer(i));

            // Get the columns

            columnList = ownerConnection.getColumns(table.dir,;

            if (columnList == null) {

            for (int ii = 1; ii <= columnList.size(); ii++) {

                column = (SimpleTextColumn) columnList.get(new Integer(ii));

                // Create a new Hashtable for a single row

                singleRow = new Hashtable();

                // Build the row
                singleRow.put(new Integer(1), new CommonValue(table.dir));
                singleRow.put(new Integer(3), new CommonValue(;
                singleRow.put(new Integer(4), new CommonValue(;
                singleRow.put(new Integer(5), new CommonValue(column.type));
                singleRow.put(new Integer(6),
                            new CommonValue(typeToName(column.type)));
                singleRow.put(new Integer(7),
                                    new CommonValue(column.precision));

                // Add it to the row list (column numbers are 1-based)
                rows.put(new Integer(count), singleRow);


        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetCrossReference(java.lang.String primaryCatalog, java.lang.String primarySchema, java.lang.String primaryTable, java.lang.String foreignCatalog, java.lang.String foreignSchema, java.lang.String foreignTable)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getCrossReference(" + primaryCatalog + ", " +
                    primarySchema + ", " + primaryTable + ", " +
                    foreignCatalog + ", " +    foreignSchema + ", " +
                    foreignTable + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "PKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "PKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "FKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "FKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 9, "KEY_SEQ", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 10, "UPDATE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 11, "DELETE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 12, "FK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 13, "PK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetDatabaseProductName()

        return "Simple Text JDBC Driver";
public java.lang.StringgetDatabaseProductVersion()

        return "1.00";
public intgetDefaultTransactionIsolation()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE;
public intgetDriverMajorVersion()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MAJOR_VERSION;
public intgetDriverMinorVersion()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MINOR_VERSION;
public java.lang.StringgetDriverName()

        return "SimpleText";
public java.lang.StringgetDriverVersion()

        String s = "";
        int minorVersion = getDriverMinorVersion();

        // Format the minor version to have 4 places, with leading 0's

        if (minorVersion < 1000) s += "0";
        if (minorVersion < 100) s += "0";
        if (minorVersion < 10) s += "0";
        s += "" + minorVersion;

        return "" + getDriverMajorVersion() + "." + s;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetExportedKeys(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getExportedKeys(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "PKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "PKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "FKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "FKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 9, "KEY_SEQ", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 10, "UPDATE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 11, "DELETE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 12, "FK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 13, "PK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetExtraNameCharacters()

        // The SimpleText driver does not allow any special characters
        // in indentifier names

        return "";
public java.lang.StringgetIdentifierQuoteString()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support quoting

        return " ";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetImportedKeys(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getImportedKeys(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "PKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "PKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "FKTABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "FKTABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 9, "KEY_SEQ", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 10, "UPDATE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 11, "DELETE_RULE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 12, "FK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 13, "PK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetIndexInfo(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getIndexInfo(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                    table + ", " + unique + ", " + approximate + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "NON_UNIQUE", Types.BIT);
        add(columns, 5, "INDEX_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "INDEX_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 8, "ORDINAL_POSITION", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 9, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 10, "ASC_OR_DESC", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 11, "CARDINALITY", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 12, "PAGES", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 13, "FILTER_CONDITION", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public intgetMaxBinaryLiteralLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxCatalogNameLength()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN;
public intgetMaxCharLiteralLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxColumnNameLength()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN;
public intgetMaxColumnsInGroupBy()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support GROUP BY

        return 0;
public intgetMaxColumnsInIndex()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes

        return 0;
public intgetMaxColumnsInOrderBy()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support ORDER BY

        return 0;
public intgetMaxColumnsInSelect()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxColumnsInTable()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE;
public intgetMaxConnections()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxCursorNameLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support named cursors

        return 0;
public intgetMaxIndexLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes

        return 0;
public intgetMaxProcedureNameLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support stored procedures

        return 0;
public intgetMaxRowSize()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxSchemaNameLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return 0;
public intgetMaxStatementLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxStatements()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit.  0 indicates no
        // limit, or the limit is not known.

        return 0;
public intgetMaxTableNameLength()

        return SimpleTextDefine.MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
public intgetMaxTablesInSelect()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support joins, so only 1 table
        // is allowed to be specified in a SELECT statement

        return 1;
public intgetMaxUserNameLength()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support users

        return 0;
public java.lang.StringgetNumericFunctions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support any math functions

        return "";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getPrimaryKeys(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "KEY_SEQ", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 6, "PK_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetProcedureColumns(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String procedureNamePattern, java.lang.String columnNamePattern)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getProcedureColumns(" + catalog + ", " + schemaPattern +
                    ", " + procedureNamePattern + ", " +
                    columnNamePattern + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support procedures.  Instead of
        // throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "PROCEDURE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "PROCEDURE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "PROCEDURE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "COLUMN_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 6, "DATA_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 7, "TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "PRECISION", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 9, "LENGTH", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 10, "LENGTH", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 11, "RADIX", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 12, "NULLABLE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 13, "REMARKS", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetProcedureTerm()

        return "PROCEDURE";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetProcedures(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String procedureNamePattern)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getProcedures(" + catalog + ", " + schemaPattern + ", " +
                    procedureNamePattern + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support procedures.  Instead of
        // throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "PROCEDURE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "PROCEDURE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "PROCEDURE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "REMARKS", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "PROCEDURE_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetSQLKeywords()

        return "";
public java.lang.StringgetSchemaTerm()

        return "SCHEMA";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetSchemas()

        if (traceOn()) {

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas.  Instead of
        // throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetSearchStringEscape()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support search patterns, so
        // return an empty string

        return "";
public java.lang.StringgetStringFunctions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support any String functions

        return "";
public java.lang.StringgetSystemFunctions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support any System functions

        return "";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetTablePrivileges(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tableNamePattern)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getTablePrivileges(" + catalog + ", " + schemaPattern +
                            ", " + tableNamePattern + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support table privileges.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "GRANTOR", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "GRANTEE", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "PRIVILEGE", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 8, "IS_GRANTABLE", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetTableTypes()

        if (traceOn()) {

        // The SimpleText driver only supports one table type - TABLE

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_TYPE", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create a Hashtable for a single row

        Hashtable singleRow = new Hashtable();

        // Set the value for column 1, which is the only table type - TABLE

        singleRow.put (new Integer(1), new CommonValue("TABLE"));

        rows.put (new Integer(1), singleRow);

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetTables(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tableNamePattern, java.lang.String[] types)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getTables(" + catalog + ", " + schemaPattern +
                    ", " + tableNamePattern + ")");

        // Create a statement object

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TABLE_CAT", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "TABLE_SCHEM", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "TABLE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 4, "TABLE_TYPE", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "REMARKS", Types.VARCHAR);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // If any of the parameters will return an empty result set, do so

        boolean willBeEmpty = false;

        // If table types are specified, make sure that 'TABLE' is
        // included.  If not, no rows will be returned

        if (types != null) {
            willBeEmpty = true;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < types.length; ii++) {
                if (types[ii].equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
                    willBeEmpty = false;

        if (!willBeEmpty) {

            // Get a Hashtable will all tables

            Hashtable tables = ownerConnection.getTables(
                    ownerConnection.getDirectory(catalog), tableNamePattern);

            Hashtable singleRow;
            SimpleTextTable table;

            // Create a row for each table in the Hashtable

            for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
                table = (SimpleTextTable) tables.get(new Integer(i));

                // Create a new Hashtable for a single row

                singleRow = new Hashtable();

                // Build the row
                singleRow.put(new Integer(1), new CommonValue(table.dir));
                singleRow.put(new Integer(3), new CommonValue(;
                singleRow.put(new Integer(4), new CommonValue("TABLE"));

                // Add it to the row list
                rows.put(new Integer(i + 1), singleRow);

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetTimeDateFunctions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support any Time or Date functions

        return "";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetTypeInfo()

        if (traceOn()) {

        // The SimpleText driver only supports the following data types:
        //    VARCHAR
        //    INTEGER
        //    VARBINARY

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 2, "DATA_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 3, "PRECISION", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 4, "LITERAL_PREFIX", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "LITERAL_SUFFIX", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 6, "CREATE_PARAMS", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 7, "NULLABLE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 8, "CASE_SENSITIVE", Types.BIT);
        add(columns, 9, "SEARCHABLE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 10, "UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE", Types.BIT);
        add(columns, 11, "FIXED_PREC_SCALE", Types.BIT);
        add(columns, 12, "AUTO_INCREMENT", Types.BIT);
        add(columns, 13, "LOCAL_TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 14, "MINIMUM_SCALE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 15, "MAXIMUM_SCALE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 16, "SQL_DATA_TYPE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 17, "SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 18, "NUM_PREC_RADIX", Types.INTEGER);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create a Hashtable for a single row

        Hashtable singleRow;

        // Create the VARCHAR entry

        singleRow = new Hashtable();
        singleRow.put(new Integer(1),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.VARCHAR)));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(2), new CommonValue(Types.VARCHAR));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(3),
                    new CommonValue(SimpleTextDefine.MAX_VARCHAR_LEN));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(4), new CommonValue("'"));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(5), new CommonValue("'"));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(7), new CommonValue(typeNoNulls));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(9), new CommonValue(typePredBasic));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(13),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.VARCHAR)));
        rows.put (new Integer(1), singleRow);

        // Create the INTEGER entry

        singleRow = new Hashtable();
        singleRow.put(new Integer(1),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.INTEGER)));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(2), new CommonValue(Types.INTEGER));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(3),
                    new CommonValue(SimpleTextDefine.MAX_INTEGER_LEN));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(7), new CommonValue(typeNoNulls));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(9), new CommonValue(typePredBasic));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(13),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.INTEGER)));
        rows.put (new Integer(2), singleRow);

        // Create the VARBINARY entry

        singleRow = new Hashtable();
        singleRow.put(new Integer(1),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.VARBINARY)));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(2), new CommonValue(Types.VARBINARY));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(3),
                    new CommonValue(SimpleTextDefine.MAX_VARBINARY_LEN));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(4), new CommonValue("'"));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(5), new CommonValue("'"));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(7), new CommonValue(typeNoNulls));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(9), new CommonValue(typePredNone));
        singleRow.put(new Integer(13),
                    new CommonValue(typeToName(Types.VARBINARY)));
        rows.put (new Integer(3), singleRow);

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public java.lang.StringgetURL()

        // Can't generate a URL

        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetUserName()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support user names

        return "";
public java.sql.ResultSetgetVersionColumns(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@getVersionColumns(" + catalog + ", " + schema + ", " +
                            table + ")");

        // The SimpleText driver does not support version columns.  Instead
        // of throwing a 'Driver not capable' SQLException, we'll be
        // graceful and return an empty result set

        SimpleTextStatement stmt =
                (SimpleTextStatement) ownerConnection.createStatement();

        // Create a Hashtable for all of the columns

        Hashtable columns = new Hashtable();

        add(columns, 1, "SCOPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 2, "COLUMN_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 3, "DATA_TYPE", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 4, "TYPE_NAME", Types.VARCHAR);
        add(columns, 5, "COLUMN_SIZE", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 6, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Types.INTEGER);
        add(columns, 7, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Types.SMALLINT);
        add(columns, 8, "PSEUDO_COLUMN", Types.SMALLINT);

        // Create an empty Hashtable for the rows

        Hashtable rows = new Hashtable();

        // Create the ResultSet object and return it

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(stmt, columns, rows);

        return rs;
public voidinitialize(SimpleTextIConnection con)

        // Save the owning connection object

        ownerConnection = con;
public booleanisCatalogAtStart()

        // The SimpleText driver supports specifying fully qualified
        // file names, so the catalog (directory) is specified first

        return true;
public booleanisReadOnly()

        return ownerConnection.isReadOnly();
public booleannullPlusNonNullIsNull()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls

        return false;
public booleannullsAreSortedAtEnd()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls (or sorting, for
        // that matter)

        return false;
public booleannullsAreSortedAtStart()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls (or sorting, for
        // that matter)

        return false;
public booleannullsAreSortedHigh()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls (or sorting, for
        // that matter)

        return false;
public booleannullsAreSortedLow()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls (or sorting, for
        // that matter)

        return false;
public booleanstoresLowerCaseIdentifiers()

        return false;
public booleanstoresLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()

        return false;
public booleanstoresMixedCaseIdentifiers()

        return false;
public booleanstoresMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()

        return false;
public booleanstoresUpperCaseIdentifiers()

        return true;
public booleanstoresUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()

        return true;
public booleansupportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsANSI92FullSQL()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support ALTER TABLE at all

        return false;
public booleansupportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support ALTER TABLE at all

        return false;
public booleansupportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()

        // The SimpleText driver does support catalogs (path names)

        return true;
public booleansupportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support indexes

        return false;
public booleansupportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support privileges

        return false;
public booleansupportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support stored procedures

        return false;
public booleansupportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does support catalogs (path names)

        return true;
public booleansupportsColumnAliasing()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support column alias names

        return false;
public booleansupportsConvert()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support the CONVERT function

        return false;
public booleansupportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)

        // The SimpleText driver does not support the CONVERT function

        return false;
public booleansupportsCoreSQLGrammar()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsCorrelatedSubqueries()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support subqueries

        return false;
public booleansupportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleansupportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleansupportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support table correlation names

        return false;
public booleansupportsExpressionsInOrderBy()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support ORDER BY

        return false;
public booleansupportsExtendedSQLGrammar()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsFullOuterJoins()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support outer joins

        return false;
public booleansupportsGroupBy()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support GROUP BY

        return false;
public booleansupportsGroupByBeyondSelect()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support GROUP BY

        return false;
public booleansupportsGroupByUnrelated()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support GROUP BY

        return false;
public booleansupportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()

        // The SimpleText driver does support referential integrity

        return false;
public booleansupportsLikeEscapeClause()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support the LIKE clause

        return false;
public booleansupportsLimitedOuterJoins()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support outer joins

        return false;
public booleansupportsMinimumSQLGrammar()

        // The SimpleText driver does not even support the most minimum
        // SQL grammar

        return false;
public booleansupportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()

        return true;
public booleansupportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()

        return true;
public booleansupportsMultipleResultSets()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support multiple result sets

        return false;
public booleansupportsMultipleTransactions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleansupportsNonNullableColumns()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support nulls, so all columns by
        // default are non-nullable.  This, however, specifies whether the
        // column can be defined as NON NULL in the DDL (Data Definition
        // Language) statement, which is not supported.

        return false;
public booleansupportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions; it is
        // always in auto-commit mode.  The cursor remains open after
        // a transaction is auto-committed

        return true;
public booleansupportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions; it is
        // always in auto-commit mode.  The cursor remains open after
        // a transaction is auto-committed.  A rollback has no effect.

        return true;
public booleansupportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions; it is
        // always in auto-commit mode.  The statement remains open after
        // a transaction is auto-committed

        return true;
public booleansupportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions; it is
        // always in auto-commit mode.  The statement remains open after
        // a transaction is auto-committed.  A rollback has no effect.

        return true;
public booleansupportsOrderByUnrelated()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support ORDER BY

        return false;
public booleansupportsOuterJoins()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support outer joins

        return false;
public booleansupportsPositionedDelete()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support positioned deletes

        return false;
public booleansupportsPositionedUpdate()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support positioned updates

        return false;
public booleansupportsSchemasInDataManipulation()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return false;
public booleansupportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return false;
public booleansupportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return false;
public booleansupportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return false;
public booleansupportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support schemas

        return false;
public booleansupportsSelectForUpdate()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support the FOR UPDATE clause

        return false;
public booleansupportsStoredProcedures()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support stored procedures

        return false;
public booleansupportsSubqueriesInComparisons()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support subqueries

        return false;
public booleansupportsSubqueriesInExists()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support subqueries

        return false;
public booleansupportsSubqueriesInIns()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support subqueries

        return false;
public booleansupportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support subqueries

        return false;
public booleansupportsTableCorrelationNames()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support table correlation names

        return false;
public booleansupportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transaction.  Return
        // false for any level except for TRANSACTION_NONE

        boolean rc = false;
        if (level == Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
            rc = true;
        return rc;
public booleansupportsTransactions()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support transactions

        return false;
public booleansupportsUnion()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support unions

        return false;
public booleansupportsUnionAll()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support unions

        return false;
protected java.lang.StringtypeToName(int type)

        String s = "";

        switch(type) {
        case Types.VARCHAR:
            s = "VARCHAR";
        case Types.INTEGER:
            s = "INTEGER";
        case Types.VARBINARY:
            s = "BINARY";
        return s;
public booleanusesLocalFilePerTable()

        // The SimpleText driver uses a file for each table

        return true;
public booleanusesLocalFiles()

        // The SimpleText driver stores all database data in files

        return true;