BarChartpublic class BarChart extends Applet
Fields Summary |
private static final int | VERTICAL | private static final int | HORIZONTAL | private static final int | SOLID | private static final int | STRIPED | private int | orientation | private String | title | private Font | font | private FontMetrics | metrics | private int | fontHeight | private int | columns | private int[] | values | private Color[] | colors | private String[] | labels | private int[] | styles | private int | scale | private int | maxLabelWidth | private int | barSpacing | private int | maxValue |
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getAppletInfo()
return "Title: Bar Chart \n"
+ "Author: Sami Shaio \n"
+ "A simple bar chart demo.";
| public java.lang.String[][] | getParameterInfo()
String[][] info = {
{"title", "string", "The title of bar graph. Default is 'Chart'"},
{"scale", "int", "The scale of the bar graph. Default is 10."},
{"columns", "int", "The number of columns/rows. Default is 5."},
{"orientation", "{VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL}",
"The orienation of the bar graph. Default is VERTICAL."},
{"c#", "int", "Subsitute a number for #. "
+ "The value/size of bar #. Default is 0."},
{"c#_label", "string", "The label for bar #. "
+ "Default is an empty label."},
{"c#_style", "{SOLID, STRIPED}", "The style of bar #. "
+ "Default is SOLID."},
"The color of bar #. Default is GRAY."}
return info;
| private void | getSettings()
font = new java.awt.Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 12);
metrics = getFontMetrics(font);
title = getParameter("title");
if (title == null) {
title = "Chart";
String temp = getParameter("columns");
if (temp == null) {
columns = 5;
} else {
columns = Integer.parseInt(temp);
temp = getParameter("scale");
if (temp == null) {
scale = 10;
} else {
scale = Integer.parseInt(temp);
temp = getParameter("orientation");
if (temp == null) {
orientation = VERTICAL;
} else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase("horizontal")) {
orientation = HORIZONTAL;
} else {
orientation = VERTICAL;
| public void | init()
values = new int[columns];
labels = new String[columns];
styles = new int[columns];
colors = new Color[columns];
for (int i=0; i < columns; i++) {
| public void | paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
// draw the title centered at the bottom of the bar graph
g.drawRect(0, 0, getSize().width - 1, getSize().height - 1);
int titleWidth = metrics.stringWidth(title);
int cx = Math.max((getSize().width - titleWidth) / 2, 0);
int cy = getSize().height - metrics.getDescent();
g.drawString(title, cx, cy);
// draw the bars and their titles
if(orientation == HORIZONTAL) {
} else { // VERTICAL
| private void | paintHorizontal(java.awt.Graphics g)
// x and y coordinates to draw/write to
int cx, cy;
int barHeight = metrics.getHeight();
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
// set the X coordinate for this bar and label and center it
int widthOfItems = maxLabelWidth + 3 + (maxValue * scale) + 5
+ metrics.stringWidth(Integer.toString(maxValue));
cx = Math.max((getSize().width - widthOfItems) / 2, 0);
// set the Y coordinate for this bar and label
cy = getSize().height - metrics.getDescent() - metrics.getHeight()
- barSpacing - ((columns - i - 1) * (barSpacing + barHeight));
// draw the label
g.drawString(labels[i], cx, cy);
cx += maxLabelWidth + 3;
// draw the shadow
g.fillRect(cx + 4, cy - barHeight + 4,
(values[i] * scale), barHeight);
// draw the bar
if (styles[i] == STRIPED) {
for (int k = 0; k <= values[i] * scale; k += 2) {
g.drawLine(cx + k, cy - barHeight, cx + k, cy);
} else { // SOLID
g.fillRect(cx, cy - barHeight,
(values[i] * scale) + 1, barHeight + 1);
cx += (values[i] * scale) + 4;
// draw the value at the end of the bar
g.drawString(Integer.toString(values[i]), cx, cy);
| private void | paintVertical(java.awt.Graphics g)
int barWidth = maxLabelWidth;
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
// X coordinate for this label and bar (centered)
int widthOfItems = (barWidth + barSpacing) * columns - barSpacing;
int cx = Math.max((getSize().width - widthOfItems) / 2, 0);
cx += (maxLabelWidth + barSpacing) * i;
// Y coordinate for this label and bar
int cy = getSize().height - metrics.getHeight()
- metrics.getDescent() - 4;
// draw the label
g.drawString(labels[i], cx, cy);
cy -= metrics.getHeight() - 3;
// draw the shadow
g.fillRect(cx + 4, cy - (values[i] * scale) - 4,
barWidth, (values[i] * scale));
// draw the bar
if (styles[i] == STRIPED) {
for (int k=0; k <= values[i] * scale; k+=2) {
g.drawLine(cx, cy - k,
cx + barWidth, cy - k);
} else {
g.fillRect(cx, cy - (values[i] * scale),
barWidth + 1, (values[i] * scale) + 1);
cy -= (values[i] * scale) + 5;
// draw the value on top of the bar
g.drawString(Integer.toString(values[i]), cx, cy);
| private void | parseColor(int i)
String temp = getParameter("C" + (i+1) + "_color");
if (temp != null) {
temp = temp.toLowerCase();
if (temp.equals("red")) {
colors[i] =;
} else if (temp.equals("green")) {
colors[i] =;
} else if (temp.equals("blue")) {
colors[i] =;
} else if (temp.equals("pink")) {
colors[i] =;
} else if (temp.equals("orange")) {
colors[i] =;
} else if (temp.equals("magenta")) {
colors[i] = Color.magenta;
} else if (temp.equals("cyan")) {
colors[i] = Color.cyan;
} else if (temp.equals("white")) {
colors[i] = Color.white;
} else if (temp.equals("yellow")) {
colors[i] = Color.yellow;
} else if (temp.equals("gray")) {
colors[i] = Color.gray;
} else if (temp.equals("darkgray")) {
colors[i] = Color.darkGray;
} else {
colors[i] = Color.gray;
} else {
colors[i] = Color.gray;
| private void | parseLabel(int i)
String temp = getParameter("C" + (i+1) + "_label");
if (temp==null) {
labels[i] = "";
} else {
labels[i] = temp;
maxLabelWidth = Math.max(metrics.stringWidth
((String) (labels[i])), maxLabelWidth);
| private void | parseStyle(int i)
String temp = getParameter("C" + (i+1) + "_style");
if (temp == null || temp.equalsIgnoreCase("solid")) {
styles[i] = SOLID;
} else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase("striped")) {
styles[i] = STRIPED;
} else {
styles[i] = SOLID;
| private void | parseValue(int i)
String temp = getParameter("C" + (i+1));
try {
values[i] = Integer.parseInt(temp);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
values[i] = 0;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
values[i] = 0;
maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, values[i]);