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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.mbean.config;
//JMX imports
import javax.management.Attribute;
//Config imports
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerXPathHelper;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerTags;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.EjbModule;
//Admin imports
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.ObjectNames;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.EntityStatus;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.constant.ConfigAttributeName;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.exception.MBeanConfigException;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.exception.J2EEConnectorModuleException;
//for jsr77
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.InstanceEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEvent;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventCache;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventResult;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.ModuleDeployEvent;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.BaseDeployEvent;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.channel.RMIClient;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.channel.AdminChannel;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.Status;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext;
A class that represents a Standalone Managed J2EE Connector module. Note that this is a
standalone J2EE module, because it is deployed independently and not
as a part of an application. Such a Connector Module has certain additional
manageable interface.
When a Connector is deployed, an instance of this MBean is created in
the MBeanServer. The MBean is deregistered when the module is removed.
ObjectName of this MBean is:
ias:type=StandaloneConnectorModule, ModuleName=<moduleName>
public class ManagedStandaloneConnectorModule extends ConfigMBeanBase
implements ConfigAttributeName.StandaloneConnectorModule
private static final String[][] MAPLIST =
{kName , ATTRIBUTE + ServerTags.NAME},
{kLocation , ATTRIBUTE + ServerTags.LOCATION},
//ms1 {kEnabled , ATTRIBUTE + ServerTags.ENABLED},
private static final String[] ATTRIBUTES =
kName + ", String, R" ,
kLocation + ", String, RW" ,
//ms1 kEnabled + ", boolean, RW" ,
kDescription + ", String, RW" ,
private static final String[] OPERATIONS =
"getStatus(), INFO",
"enable(), ACTION",
"disable(), ACTION",
"start(), ACTION",
"stop(), ACTION",
"getState(), INFO"
Default constructor sets MBean description tables
public ManagedStandaloneConnectorModule() throws MBeanConfigException
public ManagedStandaloneConnectorModule(String instanceName, String moduleName)
throws MBeanConfigException
this(); //set description tables
initialize(ObjectNames.kConnectorModule, new String[]{instanceName, moduleName});
* Returns the Status of this module.
* @throws J2EEConnectorModuleException if the status can't be retrieved.
public EntityStatus getStatus() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException
EntityStatus status = null;
boolean isModuleEnabled = true; //FIXME for RI only
// Object value = super.getAttribute(kEnabled);
// boolean isModuleEnabled = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue();
status = new EntityStatus();
if (isModuleEnabled)
catch (Exception e)
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "getStatus", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
return status;
* Disables this module.
* @throws J2EEConnectorModuleException if there is some error during
* disabling.
public void disable() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException
return; //FIXME for RI only;
/* try
super.setAttribute(new Attribute(kEnabled, new Boolean(false)));
catch (Exception e)
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "disable", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
* Disables the application. Difference between this method
* and disable is persistence of the state. Disable method persists
* the state and this method does not persist the state.
public void stop() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException {
try {
String moduleName = (String)this.getAttribute(kName);
multicastAdminEvent(moduleName, BaseDeployEvent.DISABLE);
} catch (Exception e) {
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "stop", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
* Gets the jsr77 state corresponding to this module
public Integer getState() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException {
try {
String moduleName = (String)this.getAttribute(kName);
MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.getMBeanServer();
ServerContext serverContext = ApplicationServer.getServerContext();
ObjectName objName = new ObjectName(
serverContext.getDefaultDomainName() + ":" +
"j2eeType=ResourceAdapterModule," +
"name=" + ((String)this.getAttribute(kName)) + "," +
"J2EEApplication=" + "null" + "," +
"J2EEServer=" + serverContext.getInstanceName());
Integer intObj = (Integer) mbs.getAttribute(objName, "state");
return intObj;
} catch (Exception e) {
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "getState", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
* Enables this module.
* @throws J2EEConnectorModuleException if there is some error during
* enablement.
public void enable() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException
return; //FIXME for RI only;
/* try
super.setAttribute(new Attribute(kEnabled, new Boolean(true)));
catch (Exception e)
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "enable", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
* Enables the application. Difference between this method
* and enable is persistence of the state. Enable method persists
* the state and this method does not persist the state.
public void start() throws J2EEConnectorModuleException {
try {
String moduleName = (String)this.getAttribute(kName);
multicastAdminEvent(moduleName, BaseDeployEvent.ENABLE);
} catch (Exception e) {
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "start", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
* Multicasts the admin event so that the application gets loaded
* dynamically without the need for reconfig.
private void multicastAdminEvent(String entityName, String actionCode)
throws J2EEConnectorModuleException {
String instanceName = super.getServerInstanceName();
InstanceEnvironment instEnv = new InstanceEnvironment(instanceName);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
sLogger.throwing(getClass().getName(), "getBeansByType", e);
throw new J2EEConnectorModuleException(e.getMessage());
AdminEvent event = new ModuleDeployEvent(instanceName, entityName,
ModuleDeployEvent.TYPE_CONNECTOR, actionCode);
//AdminEventCache.populateConfigChange(super.getConfigContext(), event);
RMIClient serverInstancePinger = AdminChannel.getRMIClient(instanceName);
if (serverInstancePinger.getInstanceStatusCode() != Status.kInstanceRunningCode) {
AdminEventResult multicastResult = AdminEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(event);
if (!AdminEventResult.SUCCESS.equals(multicastResult.getResultCode())) {
AdminEventCache cache = AdminEventCache.getInstance(instanceName);