CorbalocURL.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API10912Fri Aug 26 14:54:26 BST


public class CorbalocURL extends INSURLBase
The corbaloc: URL definitions from the -ORBInitDef and -ORBDefaultInitDef's will be parsed and converted to this object. This object is capable of storing multiple Host profiles as defined in the CorbaLoc grammer.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public CorbalocURL(String aURL)
This constructor parses the URL and initializes all the variables. Once the URL Object is constructed it is immutable. URL parameter is a corbaloc: URL string with 'corbaloc:' prefix stripped.

        String url = aURL;

        if( url != null ) {
            try {
                // First Clean the URL Escapes if there are any
                url = Utility.cleanEscapes( url );
            } catch( Exception e ) {
                // There is something wrong with the URL escapes used
                // so throw an exception
                badAddress( e );
            int endIndex = url.indexOf( '/" );
            if( endIndex == -1 ) {
                // If there is no '/' then the endIndex is at the end of the URL
                endIndex = url.length();
            // _REVISIT_: Add a testcase to check 'corbaloc:/'
            if( endIndex == 0 )  {
                // The url starts with a '/', it's an error
                badAddress( null );
            // Anything between corbaloc: and / is the host,port information
            // of the server where the Service Object is located
            StringTokenizer endpoints = new StringTokenizer(
                url.substring( 0, endIndex ), "," );
            // NOTE:
            // There should be atleast one token, because there are checks
            // to make sure that there is host information before the 
            // delimiter '/'. So no need to explicitly check for number of
            // tokens != 0
            while( endpoints.hasMoreTokens( ) ) {
                String endpointInfo = endpoints.nextToken();
                IIOPEndpointInfo iiopEndpointInfo = null;
                if( endpointInfo.startsWith( "iiop:" ) ) {
                    iiopEndpointInfo = handleIIOPColon( endpointInfo );
                } else if( endpointInfo.startsWith( "rir:" ) ) {
                    handleRIRColon( endpointInfo );
                    rirFlag = true;
                } else if( endpointInfo.startsWith( ":" ) ) {
                    iiopEndpointInfo = handleColon( endpointInfo );
                } else {
                    // Right now we are not allowing any other protocol
                    // other than iiop:, rir: so raise exception indicating
                    // that the URL is malformed
                    badAddress( null );
                if ( rirFlag == false ) {
                    // Add the Host information if RIR flag is set,
                    // If RIR is set then it means use the internal Boot
                    // Strap protocol for Key String resolution
                    if( theEndpointInfo == null ) {
                        theEndpointInfo = new java.util.ArrayList( );
                    theEndpointInfo.add( iiopEndpointInfo );
            // If there is something after corbaloc:endpointInfo/
            // then that is the keyString
            if( url.length() > (endIndex + 1) ) {
                theKeyString = url.substring( endIndex + 1 );
Methods Summary
private voidbadAddress(java.lang.Throwable e)
A Utility method to throw BAD_PARAM exception to signal malformed INS URL.

	throw wrapper.insBadAddress( e ) ;
private java.lang.StringgetIPV6Host(java.lang.String endpointInfo)
Returns an IPV6 Host that is inside [ ] tokens. There is no validation done here, if it is an incorrect IPV6 address then the request through this URL results in a COMM_FAILURE, otherwise malformed list will result in BAD_PARAM exception thrown in checkcorbalocGrammer.

          // ipv6Host should be enclosed in
          // [ ], if not it will result in a
          // BAD_PARAM exception
          int squareBracketEndIndex = endpointInfo.indexOf ( ']" );
          // get the host between [ ]
          String ipv6Host = endpointInfo.substring( 1, squareBracketEndIndex  );
          return ipv6Host;
private java.lang.StringgetIPV6Port(java.lang.String endpointInfo)
Returns an IPV6 Port that is after []:. There is no validation done here, if it is an incorrect port then the request through this URL results in a COMM_FAILURE, otherwise malformed list will result in BAD_PARAM exception thrown in checkcorbalocGrammer.

         int squareBracketEndIndex = endpointInfo.indexOf ( ']" );
         // If there is port information, then it has to be after ] bracket
         // indexOf returns the count from the index of zero as the base, so
         // equality check requires squareBracketEndIndex + 1.
         if( (squareBracketEndIndex + 1) != (endpointInfo.length( )) ) {
             if( endpointInfo.charAt( squareBracketEndIndex + 1 ) != ':" ) {
                  throw new RuntimeException(
                      "Host and Port is not separated by ':'" );
             // PortInformation  should be after ']:' delimiter
             // If there is an exception then it will be caught in
             // checkcorbaGrammer method and rethrown as BAD_PARAM
             return endpointInfo.substring( squareBracketEndIndex + 2 );
         return null;
private IIOPEndpointInfohandleColon(java.lang.String iiopInfo)
This is to handle the case of host information with no 'iiop:' prefix. instead if ':' is specified then iiop is assumed.

         // String after ":"
         iiopInfo = iiopInfo.substring( 1 );
         String hostandport = iiopInfo;
         // The format can be 1.2@<host>:<port>
         StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( iiopInfo, "@" );
         IIOPEndpointInfo iiopEndpointInfo = new IIOPEndpointInfo( );
         int tokenCount = tokenizer.countTokens( );
         // There can be 1 or 2 tokens with '@' as the delimiter 
         //  - if there is only 1 token then there is no GIOP version 
         //    information.  A Default GIOP version of 1.2 is used.
         //  - if there are 2 tokens then there is GIOP version is specified
         //  - if there are no tokens or more than 2 tokens, then that's an 
         //    error
         if( ( tokenCount == 0 )
           ||( tokenCount > 2 )) 
             badAddress( null );
         if( tokenCount == 2 ) {
            // There is VersionInformation after iiop:
            String version     = tokenizer.nextToken( );
            int dot = version.indexOf('.");
            // There is a version without ., which means
            // Malformed list
            if (dot == -1) {
                badAddress( null );
            try {
                    Integer.parseInt( version.substring( 0, dot )),
                    Integer.parseInt( version.substring(dot+1)) );
                hostandport = tokenizer.nextToken( );
            } catch( Throwable e ) {
                badAddress( e );
         try {
           // A Hack to differentiate IPV6 address
           // from IPV4 address, Current Resolution
           // is to use [ ] to differentiate ipv6 host
           int squareBracketBeginIndex = hostandport.indexOf ( '[" );
           if( squareBracketBeginIndex != -1 ) {
               // ipv6Host should be enclosed in
               // [ ], if not it will result in a
               // BAD_PARAM exception
               String ipv6Port = getIPV6Port( hostandport );
               if( ipv6Port != null ) {
                   iiopEndpointInfo.setPort( Integer.parseInt( ipv6Port ));
               iiopEndpointInfo.setHost( getIPV6Host( hostandport ));
               return iiopEndpointInfo;
           tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( hostandport, ":" );
           // There are three possible cases here
           // 1. Host and Port is explicitly specified by using ":" as a
           //    a separator
           // 2. Only Host is specified without the port
           // 3. HostAndPort info is null
           if( tokenizer.countTokens( ) == 2 ) {
               // Case 1: There is Host and Port Info
               iiopEndpointInfo.setHost( tokenizer.nextToken( ) );
               iiopEndpointInfo.setPort( Integer.parseInt(
                   tokenizer.nextToken( )));
           } else {
               if( ( hostandport != null )
                 &&( hostandport.length() != 0 ) )
                   // Case 2: Only Host is specified. iiopEndpointInfo is
                   // initialized to use the default INS port, if no port is
                   // specified
                   iiopEndpointInfo.setHost( hostandport );
               // Case 3: If no Host and Port info is provided then we use the
               // the default LocalHost and INSPort. iiopEndpointInfo is
               // already initialized with this info.
       } catch( Throwable e ) {
           // Any kind of Exception is bad here.
           // Possible causes: A Number Format exception because port info is
           // malformed
           badAddress( e );
       Utility.validateGIOPVersion( iiopEndpointInfo );
       return iiopEndpointInfo;
private IIOPEndpointInfohandleIIOPColon(java.lang.String iiopInfo)
If there is 'iiop:' token in the URL, this method will parses and validates that host and port information.

         // Check the iiop syntax
         iiopInfo = iiopInfo.substring( NamingConstants.IIOP_LENGTH  );
         return handleColon( iiopInfo );
private voidhandleRIRColon(java.lang.String rirInfo)
Validate 'rir:' case.

        if( rirInfo.length() != NamingConstants.RIRCOLON_LENGTH ) {
            badAddress( null );
public booleanisCorbanameURL()
Will be true only in CorbanameURL class.

        return false;