DeploymentContext.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10688Fri May 04 22:34:36 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing

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 * Created on May 22, 2003, 2:26 PM
 * @author  sandhyae
 * <BR> <I>$Source: /cvs/glassfish/appserv-core/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/phasing/,v $

package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerTags;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentRequest;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ApplicationRef;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

 * This class is used to pass the common context needed by all deployment phases
 * @author Sandhya E
public class DeploymentContext {
     * Creates a new instance of DeploymentContext
    public DeploymentContext() 
     * Set the config context as specified
     * @param configContext config context object
    public void setConfigContext(ConfigContext configContext)
        this.configContext = configContext;
     * returns the stored configContext
     * @return configContext
    public ConfigContext getConfigContext() 
        return configContext;

    public void addApplication(String appID, Application app) {
        if (app != null) {
            cachedApps.put(appID, app);    

    public Application getApplication(String appID) {
        return cachedApps.get(appID);
    public Application removeApplication(String appID) {
        return cachedApps.remove(appID);
      *Saves an app ref for retrieval during a later phase of the deployment.
      *@param appID the name of the application the reference refers to
      *@param ref the ApplicationRef to be saved
     public SavedApplicationRefInfo saveAppRef(String appID, String targetName, ApplicationRef ref, 
             DeploymentRequest req) {
         SavedApplicationRefInfo result = null;
         synchronized(savedAppRefsByApp) {
              *Try to locate this app's HashMap of targets to refs.
             HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo> refMapForApp = savedAppRefsByApp.get(appID);
             if (refMapForApp == null) {
                 refMapForApp = new HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo>();
                 savedAppRefsByApp.put(appID, refMapForApp);
             result = new SavedApplicationRefInfo(ref, req);
             refMapForApp.put(targetName, result);
         return result;
      *Retrieves a saved app ref, if one was saved, for the specified target.
      *@param appID the name of the application to be checked for a reference 
      * to the specified target
      *@param target the name of the target of interest
      *@return a SavedApplicationRefInfo object if one was saved for this target; null otherwise
     public SavedApplicationRefInfo getSavedAppRef(String appID, String targetName) {
         SavedApplicationRefInfo result = getSavedApplicationRefInfo(appID, targetName);
         return result;
     private SavedApplicationRefInfo getSavedApplicationRefInfo(String appID, String targetName) {
         SavedApplicationRefInfo result = null;
         synchronized(savedAppRefsByApp) {
              *Try to find saved references for this application.
             HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo> refMapForApp = savedAppRefsByApp.get(appID);
             if (refMapForApp != null) {
                result = refMapForApp.get(targetName);
         return result;         

     * Removes the saved ApplicationRef for a given app and target.
     * <p>
     * As a side effect, if the application's map to targets becomes empty,
     * remove that map from the map of app IDs to saved result maps.
     * @param appID the name of the app
     * @param target the name of the target
     * @return ApplicationRef the corresponding saved app ref, if any; null otherwise
     public SavedApplicationRefInfo removeSavedAppRef(String appID, String targetName) {
         SavedApplicationRefInfo result = null;
         synchronized(savedAppRefsByApp) {
             result = getSavedApplicationRefInfo(appID, targetName);
             if (result != null) {
                 HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo> refMapForApp= savedAppRefsByApp.get(appID);
                 if (refMapForApp.isEmpty()) {
         return result;
    /** config context */
    private ConfigContext configContext = null;
    // cache DOL object
    private Hashtable<String, Application> cachedApps = 
        new Hashtable<String, Application>();

    /** during redeployment saves non-defaulted values of pre-existing app refs */
    private HashMap<String,HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo>> savedAppRefsByApp = 
            new HashMap<String,HashMap<String,SavedApplicationRefInfo>>();
     *Records, for the redeployment of a single app, information about a single
     *app ref for that app on a single target.
    public class SavedApplicationRefInfo {
        /** pointer to the original app ref */
        private ApplicationRef appRef;
        /** whether any app ref attributes are changing as a result of the redeployment */
        private boolean isChanging;
         * Creates a new instance of SavedApplicationRefInfo
        public SavedApplicationRefInfo(ApplicationRef appRef, DeploymentRequest req) {
            this.appRef = appRef;
            isChanging = isAppRefChanging(req);
        public ApplicationRef appRef() {
            return appRef;
        public boolean isChanging() {
            return isChanging;
        public String toString() {
            return "AppRefInfo: isChanging = " + isChanging + " app ref: " + appRef.toString();
         *Determines, given the specified deployment request, whether the app
         *ref will be changing as a result of this redeployment.
         *@param req the DeploymentRequest object prepared for the current operation
         *@returns true if at least one app ref attribute value will changes as
         *a result of this redeployment.
         *@throws ConfigException in case of errors 
        private boolean isAppRefChanging(
                DeploymentRequest req) {
            boolean result = true;

            String refVirtualServers = appRef.getVirtualServers();
            Properties optionalAttrs = req.getOptionalAttributes();
            String reqVirtualServers = null;
            if (optionalAttrs != null) {
                reqVirtualServers = (String) optionalAttrs.get(ServerTags.VIRTUAL_SERVERS);
            result = (appRef.isEnabled() != req.isStartOnDeploy()) ||
                     ( ! commaStringsMatch(refVirtualServers, reqVirtualServers)
            return result;
         *Returns whether two comma-separated lists contain the same elements.
         *The comma-separated strings match if they contain
         *exactly the same elements, regardless of order.
         *@param a one String to compare
         *@param b the other String to compare
         *@return true if both strings specify the same list of elements; false otherwise
        private boolean commaStringsMatch(String a, String b) {
             *Optimize the simple case if the strings are really identical.
            if ((a == b) || (a != null && a.equals(b))) {
                return true;

             *a cannot be null at this point.  If b is, they are not equal.
            if (b == null) {
                return false;

             *Use set operations to see conveniently if the strings specify the same elements.
            Set<String> aSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(a.split(",")));
            Set<String> bSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(b.split(",")));
            return aSet.equals(bSet);