Methods Summary |
public void | addField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)Create the field based on the generic key and add it to the tag
This is handled differently by different formats
public void | addField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork artwork)Create artwork field based on the data in artwork and then add it to the tag itself
public void | addField(TagField field)Adds a field to the structure, used internally by the library
public TagField | createField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork artwork)Create artwork field based on the data in artwork
public TagField | createField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)Create a new field based on generic key, used internally by the library
Only textual data supported at the moment. The genericKey will be mapped
to the correct implementation key and return a TagField.
public void | deleteArtworkField()Delete any instance of tag fields used to store artwork
We need this additional deleteField method because in some formats artwork can be stored
in multiple fields
public void | deleteField(FieldKey fieldKey)Delete any fields with this key
public void | deleteField(java.lang.String key)Delete any fields with this Flac (Vorbis Comment) id
public java.util.List | getArtworkList()
public int | getFieldCount()Return the number of fields
Fields with the same identifiers are counted separately
i.e two TITLE fields in a Vorbis Comment file would count as two
public int | getFieldCountIncludingSubValues()Return the number of fields taking multiple value fields into consideration
Fields that actually contain multiple values are counted seperately
i.e. a TCON frame in ID3v24 frame containing multiple genres would add to count for each genre.
public java.util.List | getFields(java.lang.String id)Returns a {@linkplain List list} of {@link TagField} objects whose "{@linkplain TagField#getId() id}"
is the specified one.
Can be used to retrieve fields with any identifier, useful if the identifier is not within {@link FieldKey}
public java.util.List | getFields(FieldKey id)Returns a {@linkplain List list} of {@link TagField} objects whose "{@linkplain TagField#getId() id}"
is the specified one.
public java.util.Iterator | getFields()Iterator over all the fields within the tag, handle multiple fields with the same id
public java.lang.String | getFirst(java.lang.String id)Retrieve String value of the first value that exists for this format specific key
Can be used to retrieve fields with any identifier, useful if the identifier is not within {@link FieldKey}
public java.lang.String | getFirst(FieldKey id)Retrieve String value of the first tag field that exists for this generic key
public org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork | getFirstArtwork()
public TagField | getFirstField(java.lang.String id)Retrieve the first field that exists for this format specific key
Can be used to retrieve fields with any identifier, useful if the identifier is not within {@link FieldKey}
public TagField | getFirstField(FieldKey id)
public java.lang.String | getSubValue(FieldKey id, int n, int m)Retrieve String value of the mth field within the nth tag field that exists for this id
This method id useful for formats that hold multiple values within one field, namely ID3v2 can
hold multiple values within one Text Frame. the #getValue() method will return all values within the
frame but this method lets you retrieve just the individual values.
public java.lang.String | getValue(FieldKey id, int n)Retrieve String value of the nth tag field that exists for this generic key
public boolean | hasCommonFields()Returns true , if at least one of the contained
{@linkplain TagField fields} is a common field ({@link TagField#isCommon()}).
public boolean | hasField(FieldKey fieldKey)Determines whether the tag has at least one field with the specified field key.
public boolean | hasField(java.lang.String id)Determines whether the tag has at least one field with the specified
public boolean | isEmpty()Determines whether the tag has no fields specified.
public boolean | setEncoding(java.lang.String enc)
public void | setField(FieldKey genericKey, java.lang.String value)Create the field based on the generic key and set it in the tag
public void | setField(org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork artwork)Create artwork field based on the data in artwork and then set it in the tag itself
public void | setField(TagField field)Sets a field in the structure, used internally by the library
public java.lang.String | toString()