Options.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.410285Sat Apr 22 18:57:28 BST 2006org.apache.axis.utils


public class Options extends Object
General purpose command line options parser. If this is used outside of Axis just remove the Axis specific sections.
Doug Davis (

Fields Summary
protected static Log
Constructors Summary
public Options(String[] _args)
Constructor - just pass in the args from the command line.

    // SOASS (Start of Axis Specific Stuff)

    // EOASS

        if (_args == null) {
            _args = new String [] {};
        args = _args ;
        usedArgs = null ;
        defaultURL = new URL("http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet");
        // SOASS

        /* Process these well known options first */
        try {
        } catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
            log.error( Messages.getMessage("cantDoURL00") );
            throw e ;

        // EOASS
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetHost()

        try {
            URL url = new URL(getURL());
            return( url.getHost() );
        catch( Exception exp ) {
            return( "localhost" );
public java.lang.StringgetPassword()

        return( isValueSet('w") );
public intgetPort()

        try {
            URL url = new URL(getURL());
            return( url.getPort() );
        catch( Exception exp ) {
            return( -1 );
public java.lang.String[]getRemainingArgs()
This returns an array of unused args - these are the non-option args from the command line.

        ArrayList  al = null ;
        int        loop ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) == '-" ) continue ;
            if ( al == null ) al = new ArrayList();
            al.add( (String) args[loop] );
        if ( al == null ) return( null );
        String a[] = new String[ al.size() ];
        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < al.size() ; loop++ )
            a[loop] = (String) al.get(loop);
        return( a );
public java.lang.StringgetRemainingFlags()
This just returns a string with the unprocessed flags - mainly for error reporting - so you can report the unknown flags.

        StringBuffer sb = null ;
        int          loop ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-" ) continue ;
            if ( sb == null ) sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append( args[loop].substring(1) );
        return( sb == null ? null : sb.toString() );
public java.lang.StringgetURL()

        String  tmp ;
        String  host = null ;      // -h    also -l (url)
        String  port = null ;      // -p
        String  servlet = null ;   // -s    also -f (file)
        String  protocol = null ;

        URL     url = null ;
        // Just in case...

        if ( (tmp = isValueSet( 'l" )) != null ) {
            url = new URL( tmp );
            host = url.getHost();
            port = "" + url.getPort();
            servlet = url.getFile();
            protocol = url.getProtocol();

        if ( (tmp = isValueSet( 'f" )) != null ) {
            host = "";
            port = "-1";
            servlet = tmp;
            protocol = "file";

        tmp = isValueSet( 'h" ); if ( host == null ) host = tmp ;
        tmp = isValueSet( 'p" ); if ( port == null ) port = tmp ;
        tmp = isValueSet( 's" ); if ( servlet == null ) servlet = tmp ;

        if ( host == null ) host = defaultURL.getHost();
        if ( port == null ) port = "" + defaultURL.getPort();
        if ( servlet == null ) servlet = defaultURL.getFile();
            if ( servlet.length()>0 && servlet.charAt(0)!='/" ) 
                servlet = "/" + servlet ;

        if (url == null) {
            if (protocol == null) protocol = defaultURL.getProtocol();
            tmp = protocol + "://" + host ;
            if ( port != null && !port.equals("-1")) tmp += ":" + port ;
            if ( servlet != null ) tmp += servlet ;
        } else tmp = url.toString();
        log.debug( Messages.getMessage("return02", "getURL", tmp) );
        return( tmp );
public java.lang.StringgetUser()

        return( isValueSet('u") );
public intisFlagSet(char optChar)
Returns an int specifying the number of times that the flag was specified on the command line. Once this flag is looked for you must save the result because if you call it again for the same flag you'll get zero.

        int  value = 0 ;
        int  loop ;
        int  i ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; usedArgs != null && loop < usedArgs.size() ; loop++ ) {
            String arg = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(loop);
            if ( arg.charAt(0) != '-" ) continue ;
            for ( i = 0 ; i < arg.length() ; i++ )
                if ( arg.charAt(i) == optChar ) value++ ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-" ) continue ;
            while (args[loop] != null && 
                   (i = args[loop].indexOf(optChar)) != -1) {
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i) + args[loop].substring(i+1) ;
                if ( args[loop].length() == 1 ) 
                    args[loop] = null ;
                value++ ;
                if ( usedArgs == null ) usedArgs = new Vector();
                usedArgs.add( "-" + optChar );
        return( value );
public java.lang.StringisValueSet(char optChar)
Returns a string (or null) specifying the value for the passed option. If the option isn't there then null is returned. The option's value can be specified one of two ways: -x value -xvalue Note that: -ax value is not value (meaning flag 'a' followed by option 'x'. Options with values must be the first char after the '-'. If the option is specified more than once then the last one wins.

        String  value = null ;
        int     loop ;
        int     i ;

        for ( loop = 0 ; usedArgs != null && loop < usedArgs.size() ; loop++ ) {
            String arg = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(loop);
            if ( arg.charAt(0) != '-" || arg.charAt(1) != optChar )
                continue ;
            value = arg.substring(2);
            if ( loop+1 < usedArgs.size() )
                value = (String) usedArgs.elementAt(++loop);

        for ( loop = 0 ; loop < args.length ; loop++ ) {
            if ( args[loop] == null || args[loop].length() == 0 ) continue ;
            if ( args[loop].charAt(0) != '-" ) continue ;
            i = args[loop].indexOf( optChar );
            if ( i != 1 ) continue ;
            if ( i != args[loop].length()-1 ) {
                // Not at end of arg, so use rest of arg as value 
                value = args[loop].substring(i+1) ;
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i);
            else {
                // Remove the char from the current arg
                args[loop] = args[loop].substring(0, i);

                // Nothing after char so use next arg
                if ( loop+1 < args.length && args[loop+1] != null ) {
                    // Next arg is there and non-null
                    if ( args[loop+1].charAt(0) != '-" ) {
                        value = args[loop+1];
                        args[loop+1] = null ;
                else {
                    // Next is null or not there - do nothing
                    // value = null ;
            if ( args[loop].length() == 1 ) 
                args[loop] = null ;
            // For now, keep looping to get that last on there
            // break ; 
        if ( value != null ) {
            if ( usedArgs == null ) usedArgs = new Vector();
            usedArgs.add( "-" + optChar );
            if ( value.length() > 0 ) usedArgs.add( value );
        return( value );
public voidsetDefaultURL(java.lang.String url)

        defaultURL = new URL(url);
public voidsetDefaultURL( url)

        defaultURL = url ;