Statement.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API10258Tue Jun 10 00:25:32 BST 2008java.beans


public class Statement extends Object
A Statement object represents a primitive statement in which a single method is applied to a target and a set of arguments - as in "a.setFoo(b)". Note that where this example uses names to denote the target and its argument, a statement object does not require a name space and is constructed with the values themselves. The statement object associates the named method with its environment as a simple set of values: the target and an array of argument values.
1.31 05/23/06
Philip Milne

Fields Summary
private static Object[]
static ExceptionListener
Constructors Summary
public Statement(Object target, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
Creates a new Statement object with a target, methodName and arguments as per the parameters.

target The target of this statement.
methodName The methodName of this statement.
arguments The arguments of this statement. If null then an empty array will be used.

    = target;
        this.methodName = methodName;
        this.arguments = (arguments == null) ? emptyArray : arguments;
Methods Summary
public voidexecute()
The execute method finds a method whose name is the same as the methodName property, and invokes the method on the target. When the target's class defines many methods with the given name the implementation should choose the most specific method using the algorithm specified in the Java Language Specification (15.11). The dynamic class of the target and arguments are used in place of the compile-time type information and, like the java.lang.reflect.Method class itself, conversion between primitive values and their associated wrapper classes is handled internally.

The following method types are handled as special cases:

  • Static methods may be called by using a class object as the target.
  • The reserved method name "new" may be used to call a class's constructor as if all classes defined static "new" methods. Constructor invocations are typically considered Expressions rather than Statements as they return a value.
  • The method names "get" and "set" defined in the java.util.List interface may also be applied to array instances, mapping to the static methods of the same name in the Array class.

public java.lang.Object[]getArguments()
Returns the arguments of this statement.

the arguments of this statement.

        return arguments;
public java.lang.StringgetMethodName()
Returns the name of the method.

The name of the method.

        return methodName;
public java.lang.ObjectgetTarget()
Returns the target of this statement.

The target of this statement.

        return target;
java.lang.StringinstanceName(java.lang.Object instance)

	if (instance == null) {
	    return "null";
	} else if (instance.getClass() == String.class) {
	    return "\""+(String)instance + "\"";
	} else {
	    // Note: there is a minor problem with using the non-caching
	    // NameGenerator method. The return value will not have 
	    // specific information about the inner class name. For example,
	    // In 1.4.2 an inner class would be represented as JList$1 now
	    // would be named Class.

	    return NameGenerator.unqualifiedClassName(instance.getClass());

        Object target = getTarget();
        String methodName = getMethodName();

	if (target == null || methodName == null) {
	    throw new NullPointerException((target == null ? "target" : 
					    "methodName") + " should not be null");

        Object[] arguments = getArguments();
        // Class.forName() won't load classes outside
        // of core from a class inside core. Special
        // case this method.
        if (target == Class.class && methodName.equals("forName")) {
            return ObjectHandler.classForName((String)arguments[0]);
        Class[] argClasses = new Class[arguments.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            argClasses[i] = (arguments[i] == null) ? null : arguments[i].getClass();

        AccessibleObject m = null;
        if (target instanceof Class) {
            For class methods, simluate the effect of a meta class
            by taking the union of the static methods of the
            actual class, with the instance methods of "Class.class"
            and the overloaded "newInstance" methods defined by the
            This way "System.class", for example, will perform both
            the static method getProperties() and the instance method
            getSuperclass() defined in "Class.class".
            if (methodName.equals("new")) {
                methodName = "newInstance";
            // Provide a short form for array instantiation by faking an nary-constructor. 
            if (methodName.equals("newInstance") && ((Class)target).isArray()) {
                Object result = Array.newInstance(((Class)target).getComponentType(), arguments.length); 
                for(int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { 
                    Array.set(result, i, arguments[i]); 
                return result; 
            if (methodName.equals("newInstance") && arguments.length != 0) {
                // The Character class, as of 1.4, does not have a constructor
                // which takes a String. All of the other "wrapper" classes
                // for Java's primitive types have a String constructor so we
                // fake such a constructor here so that this special case can be
                // ignored elsewhere.
                if (target == Character.class && arguments.length == 1 && 
		    argClasses[0] == String.class) {
                    return new Character(((String)arguments[0]).charAt(0));
		m = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor((Class)target, argClasses);
            if (m == null && target != Class.class) {
                m = ReflectionUtils.getMethod((Class)target, methodName, argClasses);
            if (m == null) {
		m = ReflectionUtils.getMethod(Class.class, methodName, argClasses);
        else {
            This special casing of arrays is not necessary, but makes files
            involving arrays much shorter and simplifies the archiving infrastrcure.
            The Array.set() method introduces an unusual idea - that of a static method
            changing the state of an instance. Normally statements with side
            effects on objects are instance methods of the objects themselves
            and we reinstate this rule (perhaps temporarily) by special-casing arrays.
            if (target.getClass().isArray() && 
		(methodName.equals("set") || methodName.equals("get"))) {
                int index = ((Integer)arguments[0]).intValue();
                if (methodName.equals("get")) {
                    return Array.get(target, index);
                else {
                    Array.set(target, index, arguments[1]);
                    return null;
            m = ReflectionUtils.getMethod(target.getClass(), methodName, argClasses);
        if (m != null) {
            try {
                if (m instanceof Method) {
                    return MethodUtil.invoke((Method)m, target, arguments);
                else {
                    return ((Constructor)m).newInstance(arguments);
            catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
                throw new Exception("Statement cannot invoke: " + 
				    methodName + " on " + target.getClass(),
            catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
                Throwable te = ite.getTargetException();
                if (te instanceof Exception) {
                    throw (Exception)te;
                else {
                    throw ite;
        throw new NoSuchMethodException(toString());
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Prints the value of this statement using a Java-style syntax.

        // Respect a subclass's implementation here.
        Object target = getTarget();
        String methodName = getMethodName();
        Object[] arguments = getArguments();

        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(instanceName(target) + "." + methodName + "(");
        int n = arguments.length;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (i != n -1) {
                result.append(", ");
        return result.toString();