Methods Summary |
public static void | addShutdownHook(java.lang.Thread hook)Registers a new virtual-machine shutdown hook. This is equivalent to the
1.3 API of the same name.
public static java.lang.ClassLoader | bootCallerClassLoader()This method must be provided by the vm vendor, as it is used by
org.apache.harmony.luni.util.MsgHelp.setLocale() to get the bootstrap
ClassLoader. MsgHelp uses the bootstrap ClassLoader to find the resource
bundle of messages packaged with the bootstrap classes. The reference
implementation of this method uses the getStackClassLoader() method.
Returns the ClassLoader of the method that called the caller. i.e. A.x()
calls B.y() calls callerClassLoader(), A's ClassLoader will be returned.
Returns null for the bootstrap ClassLoader.
return null;
public static java.lang.ClassLoader | callerClassLoader()This method must be included, as it is used by
ResourceBundle.getBundle(), and other places as well. The reference
implementation of this method uses the getStackClassLoader() method.
Returns the ClassLoader of the method that called the caller. i.e. A.x()
calls B.y() calls callerClassLoader(), A's ClassLoader will be returned.
Returns null for the bootstrap ClassLoader.
return null;
public static void | closeJars()This method must be provided by the vm vendor. Called to signal that the
class has been loaded and JarURLConnection.closeCachedFiles() should be
called on VM shutdown.
public static void | deleteOnExit()This method must be provided by the vm vendor. Called to signal that the
org.apache.harmony.luni.util.DeleteOnExit class has been loaded and
DeleteOnExit.deleteOnExit() should be called on VM shutdown.
public static void | dumpString(java.lang.String str)Native used to dump a string to the system console for debugging.
static java.lang.Class | findClassOrNull(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)Native used to find and load a class using the VM
return null;
static int | getCPIndexImpl(java.lang.Class targetClass)Get the classpath entry that was used to load the class that is the arg.
This method is for internal use only.
return 0;
static int | getClassPathCount()Return the number of entries on the bootclasspath.
return 0;
static final int | getClassPathEntryType(java.lang.Object classLoader, int cpIndex)Return the type of the specified entry on the class path for a
return 0;
public static int | getKernelVersion()This method must be provided by the vm vendor.
Returns an int containing the version number of the kernel. Used to check for kernel
return kernelVersion;
public static final java.lang.ClassLoader | getNonBootstrapClassLoader()This method must be provided by the vm vendor, as it is used by other
provided class implementations. For example, and It is also useful for
other classes, such as java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader. Walk the stack and
answer the most recent non-null and non-bootstrap ClassLoader on the
stack of the calling thread. If no such ClassLoader is found, null is
returned. Notes: 1) This method operates on the defining classes of
methods on stack. NOT the classes of receivers.
return null;
static byte[] | getPathFromClassPath(int index)Return the specified bootclasspath entry.
return null;
static final java.lang.ClassLoader | getStackClassLoader(int depth)This method must be provided by the vm vendor, as it is used by
org.apache.harmony.kernel.vm.MsgHelp.setLocale() to get the bootstrap
ClassLoader. MsgHelp uses the bootstrap ClassLoader to find the resource
bundle of messages packaged with the bootstrap classes. Returns the
ClassLoader of the method (including natives) at the specified depth on
the stack of the calling thread. Frames representing the VM
implementation of java.lang.reflect are not included in the list. This is
not a public method as it can return the bootstrap class loader, which
should not be accessed by non-bootstrap classes. Notes:
- This method operates on the defining classes of methods on stack.
NOT the classes of receivers.
- The item at depth zero is the caller of this method
return null;
public static java.lang.String[] | getVMArgs()Returns command line arguments passed to the VM. Internally these are
broken into optionString and extraInfo. This only returns the
optionString part.
return null;
public static final void | initializeClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader loader, boolean bootLoader)Initialize the classloader.
static void | initializeVM()Does internal initialization required by VM.
public static final java.lang.String | intern(java.lang.String string)This method must be provided by the vm vendor.
Searches an internal table of strings for a string equal to the specified
String. If the string is not in the table, it is added. Returns the
string contained in the table which is equal to the specified String. The
same string object is always answered for strings which are equal.
return null;
public static boolean | removeShutdownHook(java.lang.Thread hook)De-registers a previously-registered virtual-machine shutdown hook. This
is equivalent to the 1.3 API of the same name.
return false;