AbstractSynchronizationListener.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10155Tue May 22 16:54:54 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction


public abstract class AbstractSynchronizationListener extends Object

Purpose: Abstract Synchronization Listener class Description: This abstract class is paired with the AbstractTransactionController class. It contains most of the implementation logic to handle callback notifications from an external transaction manager to ensure consistency between the global transaction and the TopLink unit of work. It does not assume any particular specification or interface, but can be called by any implementation subclass.


Fields Summary
protected AbstractTransactionController
The external txn controller that is intimate with the transaction manager and knows how to do things like rolling back transactions, etc.
protected AbstractSession
The parent of the uow.
protected UnitOfWorkImpl
The unit of work associated with the global txn that this listener is bound to.
protected Object
The global transaction object.
Constructors Summary
public AbstractSynchronizationListener()

protected AbstractSynchronizationListener(UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, AbstractSession session, Object transaction, AbstractTransactionController controller)

        this.session = session;
        this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
        this.transaction = transaction;
        this.controller = controller;
Methods Summary
public voidafterCompletion(java.lang.Object status)
INTERNAL: The method performs the logic that should be executed after the transaction has been completed. The status passed in indicates whether the transaction was committed or rolled back. This status flag may be different for different implementations. This method executes without a transaction context.

status The status code of the transaction completion.

        UnitOfWorkImpl uow = getUnitOfWork();
        try {
            // Log the fact that we got invoked
            getTransactionController().logTxStateTrace(uow, "TX_afterCompletion", status);
            // The uow should still be active even in rollback case
            if (!uow.isActive()) {
                throw TransactionException.inactiveUnitOfWork(uow);

            // Only do merge if txn was committed
            if (getTransactionController().canMergeUnitOfWork_impl(status)) {
                uow.afterTransaction(true, true);// committed=true; externalTxn=true
                if (uow.isMergePending()) {
                    // uow in PENDING_MERGE state, merge clones
            } else {
                uow.afterTransaction(false, true);// committed=false; externalTxn=true
        } catch (RuntimeException rtEx) {
            // First log the exception so it gets seen
            uow.log(new SessionLogEntry(uow, SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, rtEx));
            // Rethrow it just for fun (app servers tend to ignore them at this stage)
            throw rtEx;
        } finally {

        // Clean up by releasing the uow and client session
        if (uow.shouldResumeUnitOfWorkOnTransactionCompletion() && getTransactionController().canMergeUnitOfWork_impl(status)){
            // Release the session explicitly
            if (getSession().isClientSession()) {
public voidbeforeCompletion()
INTERNAL: This method performs the logic that occurs at transaction completion time. This includes issuing the SQL, etc. This method executes within the transaction context of the caller of transaction.commit(), or in the case of container-managed transactions, in the context of the method for which the Container started the transaction.

        UnitOfWorkImpl uow = getUnitOfWork();
        try {
            Object status = getTransactionController().getTransactionStatus();
            getTransactionController().logTxStateTrace(uow, "TX_beforeCompletion", status);
            //CR# 3452053 

            // If the uow is not active then somebody somewhere messed up 
            if (!uow.isActive()) {
                throw TransactionException.inactiveUnitOfWork(uow);

            // Bail out if we don't think we should actually issue the SQL
            if (!getTransactionController().canIssueSQLToDatabase_impl(status)) {

            // Must force concurrency mgrs active thread if in nested transaction
            if (getSession().isInTransaction()) {

            // Send the SQL to the DB

            // Fix up our merge state in the unit of work and the session

        } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
            // Something went wrong (probably while sending SQL to the database).
            uow.log(new SessionLogEntry(uow, SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, exception));
            // Handle the exception according to transaction manager requirements
        } finally {
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSessiongetSession()

        return session;
protected java.lang.ObjectgetTransaction()

        return transaction;
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction.AbstractTransactionControllergetTransactionController()

        return controller;
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImplgetUnitOfWork()

        return unitOfWork;
public voidhandleException(java.lang.RuntimeException exception)
INTERNAL: Do the appropriate thing for when an exception occurs during SQL issuance. The default thing to do is to simply mark the transaction to be rolled back, for those transaction managers that support this, and rethrow the exception. We hope that the exception will do the trick for those that do not allow marking rollback. This method may optionally be overridden by concrete subclass implementations. Different transaction manager vendors may have different reactions to exceptions that get signalled during the commit phase of synchronization.

        // Don't do this just yet, since some may not be able to handle it
        //	getTransactionController().markTransactionForRollback();
        throw exception;
protected voidsetSession(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)

        this.session = session;
protected voidsetTransaction(java.lang.Object transaction)

        this.transaction = transaction;
protected voidsetTransactionController(oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction.AbstractTransactionController newController)

        controller = newController;
protected voidsetUnitOfWork(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork)

        this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;