StringParser.javaAPI DocJ2ME CLDC 1.19894Wed Feb 05 15:56:04 GMT 2003kdp.classparser

 * Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package kdp.classparser;

import java.util.*;

 * A class that is used to parse the strings encountered in 
 * a Java class file into their "correct" representation.
 * i.e. in a class file the parameters to the main method
 * are encoded as 
 *            "[Ljava/lang/String;" 
 * and should be displayed as 
 *            "java.lang.String[]"
 * @author             Aaron Dietrich
 * @version            $Id:,v 2000/07/07 13:34:23 jrv Exp $
 * Revision History
 *   $Log:,v $
 *   Revision  2000/07/07 13:34:23  jrv
 *   Initial import of kdp code
 *   Revision  2000/05/31 19:14:47  ritsun
 *   Initial import of kvmdt to CVS
 *   Revision 1.1  2000/04/25 00:36:43  ritsun
 *   Initial revision
public class StringParser
    * Parses the String s into a string that contains
    * a list of parameters and a return value.  The String
    * s must be a properly formatted method signature
    * as read in from a Java class file.
    * @param        s        properly formatted method signature as read in
    *                         from a Java class file.
    * @return        String    string containing a list of method parameters and
    *                         the return value.
   public static String parseSignature (String s)
      //build the return string in retVal
      String    retVal = new String ("");
      //the method parameters are extracted into this string
      String    methodParams;
      //the method return value is extracted into this string
      String    methodReturnVal;
      //used to determine what parameter we are on so a
      // ", " can be put in the string if necessary to
      //separate parameters
      int        timesThrough = 0;

      //index is the index of the character denoting the
      //end of the parameter list
      int        index = s.lastIndexOf (')');

      //extract out the list of method parameters from
      //the method signature
      methodParams = new String (s.substring (1, index));

      //build the parameter list
      retVal = retVal + "Params: ";
      if (methodParams.length () == 0)
        //there are no parameters
        retVal = retVal + "None";
        {//loop until there are no parameters left to decode
         while (methodParams.length () != 0)
            //grab the first parameter out of the list
            String        firstParam = getFirstParam (methodParams);
            //if this is not the first parameter we examined put
            //a ", " in the new list to separate the parameters
            if (timesThrough > 0)
              retVal = retVal + ", ";

            //convert the class file representation of the first
            //parameter into the "correct" readable format  
            retVal = retVal + parseDataType (firstParam);
            //get the length of the method parameter string
            int length = methodParams.length ();
            //get the length of the first parameter
            int firstParamLength = firstParam.length ();
            //remove the first parameter from the method parameter
            methodParams = methodParams.substring (firstParamLength, length);
      //get the length of the input string
      int         length = s.length ();
      //grab the return value by taking a substring out of
      //the input from the end of the parameter list to the end
      methodReturnVal = new String (s.substring (index + 1, length));
      //build the final string
      retVal = retVal + "\n\t\t\tReturn: " + getReturnValue (methodReturnVal);
      return retVal;
    * Convert the passed in encoded string into it's full form
    * @param        s         an encoded method return value
    * @return       String    the full form of s
   public static String getReturnValue (String s)
      int      lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf (")");

      String   returnValue = s.substring (lastIndex + 1);

      return parseDataType (returnValue);

    * Copies the first parameter from the input string
    * and returns it.  It does not alter the input string.
    * @param        s        the list of parameters to a method
    * @return        String    the first parameter of the method
   private static String getFirstParam (String s)
      //build the first parameter in this String
      String        retVal = new String ("");

      //examine the first character to determine the parameter
      switch (s.charAt (0))
         case 'V' : retVal = "V"; break; //void

         case 'B' : retVal = "B"; break; //byte

         case 'C' : retVal = "C"; break; //char

         case 'D' : retVal = "D"; break; //double

         case 'F' : retVal = "F"; break; //float

         case 'I' : retVal = "I"; break; //integer

         case 'J' : retVal = "J"; break; //long

         //a class... the class name is terminated by a ";"
         case 'L' : int index = s.indexOf (';');
                       retVal = s.substring (0, index + 1);

         case 'S' : retVal = "S"; break; //short

         case 'Z' : retVal = "Z"; break; //boolean

         //an array...  recursively call without the "["
         //but put the "[" back on after the parameter
         //has been extracted so that it can be pattern matched
         //later for the whole parameter signature
         case '[' : retVal = "[" + getFirstParam (s.substring (1));

         //something weird... just use the input string
         default : retVal = s; break;
      return retVal;

    * Parses an input string representing a Java
    * primitive ID or class name, or array as
    * extracted from a Java class file.  It returns
    * the "correct" readable representation of the
    * string.
    * @param        s        input string as read from a Java class file.
    * @return        String    the resulting string
   public static String parseDataType (String s)
      //build the result in here by branching based on
      //the first character of the input string
      //and placing the appropriate word form of the
      //datatype or class name in the result string
      String        retVal = new String ("");

      switch (s.charAt (0))
         case 'V' : retVal = "void"; break;

         case 'B' : retVal = "byte"; break;

         case 'C' : retVal = "char"; break;

         case 'D' : retVal = "double"; break;

         case 'F' : retVal = "float"; break;

         case 'I' : retVal = "int"; break;

         case 'J' : retVal = "long"; break;

         case 'L' : retVal = parseClassNameRemoveFirst (s); break;

         case 'S' : retVal = "short"; break;

         case 'Z' : retVal = "boolean"; break;

         case '[' : retVal = parseDataType (s.substring (1, s.length ())) + "[]"; break;

         default : retVal = s; break;
      return retVal;

    * Extracts the parameters from the passed in method signature and
    * puts them in a linked list of strings.
    * @param        s              Encoded method signature
    * @return       LinkedList     the parameters of a method
    *                              in a linked list of strings
   public static LinkedList getParametersAsLL (String s)
      LinkedList         paramList = new LinkedList ();
      //the method parameters are extracted into this string
      String    methodParams;

      //index is the index of the character denoting the
      //end of the parameter list
      int        index = s.lastIndexOf (')');

      //extract out the list of method parameters from
      //the method signature
      methodParams = new String (s.substring (1, index));

      if (methodParams.length () == 0)
        return null;
        {//loop until there are no parameters left to decode
         while (methodParams.length () != 0)
            //grab the first parameter out of the list
            String        firstParam = getFirstParam (methodParams);

            paramList.add (parseDataType (firstParam));
            //get the length of the method parameter string
            int length = methodParams.length ();
            //get the length of the first parameter
            int firstParamLength = firstParam.length ();

            //remove the first parameter from the method parameter string
            methodParams = methodParams.substring (firstParamLength, length);

      return paramList;

    * A simpler version of class name parsing.
    * Just replaces "/" with ".".
    * @param        s        the input string
    * @return        String    the parsed output string
   public static String parseClassName (String s)
      String        retVal = new String (s);

      retVal = retVal.replace ('/', '.');

      return retVal;

    * Another local method that converts a class name to
    * it's "correct" form.  It replaces "/" with "." and
    * removes ";" and removes the first character, often
    * an "L".
   private static String parseClassNameRemoveFirst (String s)
      String        retVal = new String (s);

      retVal = retVal.substring (1);

      retVal = retVal.replace ('/', '.');
      retVal = retVal.replace (';', ' ');
      retVal = retVal.trim ();

      return retVal;