PopClean.javaAPI DocExample9869Sat Jan 24 10:44:28 GMT


public class PopClean extends Object
A simple utility program for deleting messages from a POP3 mailbox based on message size and Subject line. Don't run this program unless you understand what it is doing. It deletes e-mail without downloading it: YOU MAY PERMANENTLY LOSE DATA! Typical usage: 1) Look at the subject lines for the big messages you've got java PopClean -host host -user user -pass pass -size 100000 2) Create a regular expression to match viral subject lines, and use it to delete large matching messages java PopClean -host h -user u -pass p -delete -size 100000 \ -subject 'Thank you!|Re: Your application' This will ask for confirmation before proceeding. 3) If you're confident that all big messages are virus-infected, then you can skip the -subject argument and delete on size alone java PopClean -host h -user u -pass p -delete -size 100000 This will ask for confirmation before proceeding.

Fields Summary
static Socket
static BufferedReader
static PrintWriter
static boolean
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static java.lang.StringcheckResponse()

	String response;
	for(;;) {
	    response = in.readLine();
	    if (response == null) 
		throw new IOException("Server unexpectedly closed connection");
	    else if (response.startsWith("-ERR"))
		throw new IOException("Error from server: " + response);
	    else if (response.startsWith("+OK"))
		return response.substring(3);
public static java.lang.StringgetSubject(int msgnum)

	send("TOP " + msgnum + " 0");
	String subject = null, line;
	for(;;) {
	    line = in.readLine();
	    if (line == null) throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF");
	    if (line.startsWith("Subject: ")) subject = line.substring(9);
	    if (line.equals(".")) break;
	return subject;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

     // Are we in debug mode?

	try {
	    String hostname = null, username = null, password = null;
	    int port = 110;
	    int sizelimit = -1;
	    String subjectPattern = null;
	    Pattern pattern = null;
	    Matcher matcher = null;
	    boolean delete = false;
	    boolean confirm = true;

	    // Handle command-line arguments
	    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
		if (args[i].equals("-user"))
		    username = args[++i];
		else if (args[i].equals("-pass"))
		    password = args[++i];
		else if (args[i].equals("-host"))
		    hostname = args[++i];
		else if (args[i].equals("-port"))
		    port = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
		else if (args[i].equals("-size")) 
		    sizelimit = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
		else if (args[i].equals("-subject")) 
		    subjectPattern = args[++i];
		else if (args[i].equals("-debug"))
		    debug = true;
		else if (args[i].equals("-delete"))
		    delete = true;
		else if (args[i].equals("-force"))  // don't confirm
		   confirm = false;
	    // Verify them
	    if (hostname == null || username == null || password == null ||
		sizelimit == -1)
	    // Make sure the pattern is a valid regexp
	    if (subjectPattern != null) {
		pattern = Pattern.compile(subjectPattern);
		matcher = pattern.matcher("");

	    // Say what we are going to do
	    System.out.println("Connecting to " + hostname + " on port " +
			       port + " with username " + username + ".");
	    if (delete) {
		System.out.println("Will delete all messages longer than "+
				   sizelimit + " bytes");
		if (subjectPattern != null) 
		    System.out.println("that have a subject matching: [" +
				       subjectPattern + "]");
	    else {
		System.out.println("Will list subject lines for messages " +
				   "longer than " + sizelimit + " bytes");
		if (subjectPattern != null) 
		    System.out.println("that have a subject matching: [" +
				       subjectPattern + "]");
	    // If asked to delete, ask for confirmation unless -force is given
	    if (delete && confirm) {
		System.out.print("Do you want to proceed (y/n) [n]: ");
		BufferedReader console =
		    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
		String response = console.readLine();
		if (!response.equals("y")) {
		    System.out.println("No messages deleted.");

	    // Connect to the server, and set up streams
	    s = new Socket(hostname, port);
	    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
	    out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream()));

	    // Read the welcome message from the server, confirming it is OK.
	    System.out.println("Connected: " + checkResponse());
	    // Now log in
	    send("USER " + username);   // Send username, wait for response
	    send("PASS " + password);   // Send password, wait for response
	    System.out.println("Logged in");

	    // Check how many messages are waiting, and report it
	    String stat = send("STAT");
	    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(stat);
	    System.out.println(t.nextToken() + " messages in mailbox.");
	    System.out.println("Total size: " + t.nextToken());
	    // Get a list of message numbers and sizes
	    send("LIST");  // Send LIST command, wait for OK response.
	    // Now read lines from the server until we get . by itself
	    List msgs = new ArrayList();
	    String line;
	    for(;;) {
		line = in.readLine();
		if (line == null) throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF");
		if (line.equals(".")) break;

	    // Now loop through the lines we read one at a time.
	    // Each line should specify the message number and its size.
	    int nummsgs = msgs.size();
	    for(int i = 0; i < nummsgs; i++) {
		String m = (String) msgs.get(i);
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(m);
		int msgnum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int msgsize = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

		// If the message is too small, ignore it.
		if (msgsize <= sizelimit) continue;

		// If we're listing messages, or matching subject lines
		// find the subject line for this message
		String subject = null;
		if (!delete || pattern != null) {
		    subject = getSubject(msgnum);  // get the subject line

		    // If we couldn't find a subject, skip the message
		    if (subject == null) continue;

		    // If this subject does not match the pattern, then
		    // skip the message
		    if (pattern != null) {
			if (!matcher.matches()) continue;

		    // If we are listing, list this message
		    if (!delete) {
			System.out.println("Subject " + msgnum + ": " +
			continue;  // so we never delete it

		// If we were asked to delete, then delete the message
		if (delete) {
		    send("DELE " + msgnum);
		    if (pattern == null) 
			System.out.println("Deleted message " + msgnum);
			System.out.println("Deleted message " + msgnum +
					   ": " + subject);

	    // When we're done, log out and shutdown the connection
	catch(Exception e) {
	    // If anything goes wrong print exception and show usage
	    // Always try to shutdown nicely so the server doesn't hang on us
public static java.lang.Stringsend(java.lang.String cmd)

	if (debug) System.out.println(">>>" + cmd);
	out.print(cmd);        // Send command
	out.print("\r\n");     // and line terminator.
	out.flush();           // Send it now!
	String response = checkResponse();  // Get the response.
	if (debug) System.out.println("<<<+OK " + response);
	return response;
public static voidshutdown()

	try {
	    if (out != null) {
	    if (in != null) in.close();
	    if (s != null) s.close();
	catch(IOException e) {}
public static voidusage()

	System.err.println("java PopClean <options>");
"Options are:\n" +
"-host <hostname>  # Required\n" +
"-port <port>      # Optional; default is 110\n" +
"-user <username>  # Required\n" +
"-pass <password>  # Required and sent as cleartext; APOP not supported\n" +
"-size <limit>     # Message size in bytes. Shorter messages are ignored.\n" +
"-subject <regexp> # Optional java.util.regex.Pattern regular expression\n" +
"                  # only messages with a matching Subject line are deleted\n"+
"-delete           # Delete messages; the default is just to list them\n" +
"-force            # Don't ask for confirmation before deleting\n" +
"-debug            # Display POP3 protocol requests and responses\n");
