RemoteHomeInterfaceSuperInterface.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API9466Fri May 04 22:33:52 BST


public class RemoteHomeInterfaceSuperInterface extends implements
Enterprise beans home interface test. The following are the requirements for the enterprise Bean's home interface signature: The home interface is allowed to have superinterfaces. Use of interface inheritance is subject to the RMI-IIOP rules for the definition of remote interfaces.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public descriptor)
Enterprise beans home interface test. The following are the requirements for the enterprise Bean's home interface signature: The home interface is allowed to have superinterfaces. Use of interface inheritance is subject to the RMI-IIOP rules for the definition of remote interfaces.

descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
Result the results for this assertion

        Result result = getInitializedResult();
        ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
        if(descriptor.getHomeClassName() == null || "".equals(descriptor.getHomeClassName())){
            addNaDetails(result, compName);
                    "Not Applicable because, EJB [ {0} ] has Local Interfaces only.",
                    new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()}));
            return result;
        if ((descriptor instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) ||
                (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor)) {
            boolean oneFailed = false;
            boolean ok = false;
            try {
                ClassLoader jcl = getVerifierContext().getClassLoader();
                Class c = Class.forName(descriptor.getHomeClassName(), false, jcl);
                Class remote = c;
                boolean validHomeInterface = false;
                // walk up the class tree 
                do {
                    Class[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces();
                    if ( interfaces.length == 0 ) {
                        ok = true;
                    for (Class intf: interfaces) {
                        logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug1",
                                new Object[] {intf.getName()});
                        // check to see that interface is a valid RMI-IIOP interface
                        // requirement is met if one superinterface complies.
                        if (!ok) {
                            ok = RmiIIOPUtils.isValidRmiIIOPInterface(intf);
                        if (RmiIIOPUtils.isValidRmiIIOPInterfaceMethods(intf)) {
                            // this interface is valid, continue
                            if (intf.getName().equals("javax.ejb.EJBHome")) {
                                validHomeInterface = true;
                        } else {
                            // before you determine if this is EJBHome interface, and break
                            // out of loop, report status of SuperInterface
                            oneFailed = true;
                            addErrorDetails(result, compName);
                                    (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
                                    "Error: [ {0} ] does not properly conform to " +
                                    "rules of RMI-IIOP for superinterfaces.  All " +
                                    "enterprise beans home interfaces are allowed " +
                                    "to have superinterfaces that conform to the " +
                                    "rules of RMI-IIOP for superinterfaces .  [ {1} ] " +
                                    "is not a valid home interface.",
                                    new Object[] {intf.getName(),descriptor.getHomeClassName()}));
                } while ((((c=c.getSuperclass()) != null) && (!validHomeInterface)));
                // check that superinterface check was a success
                if ( !ok ) {
                    oneFailed = true;
                    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
                            (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
                            "Error: [ {0} ] does not properly conform to rules of " +
                            "RMI-IIOP for superinterfaces.  All enterprise beans " +
                            "home interfaces are allowed to have superinterfaces " +
                            "that conform to the rules of RMI-IIOP for superinterfaces . " +
                            " [{1} ] is not a valid home interface.",
                            new Object[] {remote.getName(),descriptor.getHomeClassName()}));
                if (validHomeInterface) {
                    addGoodDetails(result, compName);
                            (getClass().getName() + ".passed",
                            "[ {0} ] properly conforms to rules of RMI-IIOP for superinterfaces.",
                            new Object[] {descriptor.getHomeClassName()}));
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                addErrorDetails(result, compName);
                        (getClass().getName() + ".failedException",
                        "Error: Home interface [ {0} ] does not exist or is not " +
                        "loadable within bean [ {1} ]",
                        new Object[] {descriptor.getHomeClassName(), descriptor.getName()}));
                oneFailed = true;
            if (oneFailed) {
            } else {
            return result;
        } else {
            addNaDetails(result, compName);
                    (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable",
                    "{0} expected {1} bean or {2} bean, but called with {3}.",
                    new Object[] {getClass(),"Session","Entity",descriptor.getName()}));
            return result;