InstConstraintVisitor.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API94373Fri Aug 26 14:55:26 BST


public class InstConstraintVisitor extends EmptyVisitor implements Visitor
A Visitor class testing for valid preconditions of JVM instructions. The instance of this class will throw a StructuralCodeConstraintException instance if an instruction is visitXXX()ed which has preconditions that are not satisfied. TODO: Currently, the JVM's behaviour concerning monitors (MONITORENTER, MONITOREXIT) is not modeled in JustIce.
$Id:,v 2001/10/29 20:00:41 jvanzyl Exp $
Enver Haase

Fields Summary
private static ObjectType
private Frame
The Execution Frame we're working on.
private ConstantPoolGen
The ConstantPoolGen we're working on.
private MethodGen
The MethodGen we're working on.
Constructors Summary
public InstConstraintVisitor()
The constructor. Constructs a new instance of this class.

Methods Summary
private void_visitStackAccessor( o)
/ /** Ensures the general preconditions of an instruction that accesses the stack. This method is here because BCEL has no such superinterface for the stack accessing instructions; and there are funny unexpected exceptions in the semantices of the superinterfaces and superclasses provided. E.g. SWAP is a StackConsumer, but DUP_X1 is not a StackProducer. Therefore, this method is called by all StackProducer, StackConsumer, and StackInstruction instances via their visitXXX() method. Unfortunately, as the superclasses and superinterfaces overlap, some instructions cause this method to be called two or three times. [TODO: Fix this.]

#visitStackConsumer(StackConsumer o)
#visitStackProducer(StackProducer o)
#visitStackInstruction(StackInstruction o)

		int consume = o.consumeStack(cpg); // Stack values are always consumed first; then produced.
		if (consume > stack().slotsUsed()){
			constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Cannot consume "+consume+" stack slots: only "+stack().slotsUsed()+" slot(s) left on stack!\nStack:\n"+stack());

		int produce = o.produceStack(cpg) - ((Instruction) o).consumeStack(cpg); // Stack values are always consumed first; then produced.
		if ( produce + stack().slotsUsed() > stack().maxStack() ){
			constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Cannot produce "+produce+" stack slots: only "+(stack().maxStack()-stack().slotsUsed())+" free stack slot(s) left.\nStack:\n"+stack());
private booleanarrayrefOfArrayType( o, arrayref)
Assures arrayref is of ArrayType or NULL; returns true if and only if arrayref is non-NULL.

throws if the above constraint is violated.

		if (! ((arrayref instanceof ArrayType) || arrayref.equals(Type.NULL)) )
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array but is of type "+arrayref+".");
		return (arrayref instanceof ArrayType);
private voidconstraintViolated( violator, java.lang.String description)
This method is called by the visitXXX() to notify the acceptor of this InstConstraintVisitor that a constraint violation has occured. This is done by throwing an instance of a StructuralCodeConstraintException.

throws always.

		String fq_classname = violator.getClass().getName();
		throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException("Instruction "+ fq_classname.substring(fq_classname.lastIndexOf('.")+1) +" constraint violated: " + description);
private voidindexOfInt( o, index)
Assures index is of type INT.

throws if the above constraint is not satisfied.

		if (! index.equals(Type.INT))
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'index' is not of type int but of type "+index+".");
private LocalVariableslocals()
The LocalVariables we're working on.

#setFrame(Frame f)

		return frame.getLocals();
private voidreferenceTypeIsInitialized( o, r)
Assures the ReferenceType r is initialized (or Type.NULL). Formally, this means (!(r instanceof UninitializedObjectType)), because there are no uninitialized array types.

throws if the above constraint is not satisfied.

		if (r instanceof UninitializedObjectType){
			constraintViolated(o, "Working on an uninitialized object '"+r+"'.");
public voidsetConstantPoolGen( cpg)
Sets the ConstantPoolGen instance needed for constraint checking prior to execution.

		this.cpg = cpg;
public voidsetFrame(Frame f)
This returns the single instance of the InstConstraintVisitor class. To operate correctly, other values must have been set before actually using the instance. Use this method for performance reasons.

#setConstantPoolGen(ConstantPoolGen cpg)
#setMethodGen(MethodGen mg)

		this.frame = f;
		//if ( == null || singleInstance.cpg == null) throw new AssertionViolatedException("Forgot to set important values first.");
public voidsetMethodGen( mg)
Sets the MethodGen instance needed for constraint checking prior to execution. = mg;
private OperandStackstack()
The OperandStack we're working on.

#setFrame(Frame f)

		return frame.getStack();
private voidvalueOfInt( o, value)
Assures value is of type INT.

		if (! value.equals(Type.INT))
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'value' is not of type int but of type "+value+".");
public voidvisitAALOAD( o)
/ /** Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(1);
		Type index    = stack().peek(0);
		indexOfInt(o, index);
		if (arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref)){
			if (! (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType() instanceof ReferenceType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array with elements of a ReferenceType but to an array of "+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+".");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()));
public voidvisitAASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(2);
		Type index    = stack().peek(1);
		Type value    = stack().peek(0);

		indexOfInt(o, index);
		if (!(value instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'value' is not of a ReferenceType but of type "+value+".");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) value);
		// Don't bother further with "referenceTypeIsInitialized()", there are no arrays
		// of an uninitialized object type. 
		if (arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref)){
			if (! (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType() instanceof ReferenceType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array with elements of a ReferenceType but to an array of "+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+".");
			if (! ((ReferenceType)value).isAssignmentCompatibleWith((ReferenceType) ((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType())){
				constraintViolated(o, "The type of 'value' ('"+value+"') is not assignment compatible to the components of the array 'arrayref' refers to. ('"+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+"')");
public voidvisitACONST_NULL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Nothing needs to be done here.
public voidvisitALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitLoadInstruction(LoadInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitANEWARRAY( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (!stack().peek().equals(Type.INT))
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'count' at the stack top is not of type '"+Type.INT+"' but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		// The runtime constant pool item at that index must be a symbolic reference to a class,
		// array, or interface type. See Pass 3a.
public voidvisitARETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (! (stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' at the stack top is not of a ReferenceType but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		ReferenceType objectref = (ReferenceType) (stack().peek());
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, objectref);
		// The check below should already done via visitReturnInstruction(ReturnInstruction), see there.
		// It cannot be done using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types" instead of a
		// "wider cast object type", anyway.
		//if (! objectref.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(mg.getReturnType() )){
		//	constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' type "+objectref+" at the stack top is not assignment compatible with the return type '"+mg.getReturnType()+"' of the method.");
public voidvisitARRAYLENGTH( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(0);
		arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref);
public voidvisitASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (! ( (stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType) || (stack().peek() instanceof ReturnaddressType) ) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' is not of a ReferenceType or of ReturnaddressType but of "+stack().peek()+".");
		if (stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType){
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );
public voidvisitATHROW( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// It's stated that 'objectref' must be of a ReferenceType --- but since Throwable is
		// not derived from an ArrayType, it follows that 'objectref' must be of an ObjectType or Type.NULL.
		if (! ((stack().peek() instanceof ObjectType) || (stack().peek().equals(Type.NULL))) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' is not of an (initialized) ObjectType but of type "+stack().peek()+".");
		// NULL is a subclass of every class, so to speak.
		if (stack().peek().equals(Type.NULL)) return;
		ObjectType exc = (ObjectType) (stack().peek());
		ObjectType throwable = (ObjectType) (Type.getType("Ljava/lang/Throwable;"));
		if ( (! (exc.subclassOf(throwable)) ) && (! (exc.equals(throwable))) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' is not of class Throwable or of a subclass of Throwable, but of '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitBALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(1);
		Type index    = stack().peek(0);
		indexOfInt(o, index);
		if (arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref)){
			if (! ( (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType().equals(Type.BOOLEAN)) ||
		 	       (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType().equals(Type.BYTE)) ) ){
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array with elements of a Type.BYTE or Type.BOOLEAN but to an array of '"+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+"'.");
public voidvisitBASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(2);
		Type index    = stack().peek(1);
		Type value    = stack().peek(0);

		indexOfInt(o, index);
		valueOfInt(o, index);
		if (arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref)){
			if (! ( (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType().equals(Type.BOOLEAN)) ||
			        (((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType().equals(Type.BYTE)) ) )
					constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array with elements of a Type.BYTE or Type.BOOLEAN but to an array of '"+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+"'.");
public voidvisitBIPUSH( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Nothing to do...
public voidvisitBREAKPOINT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		throw new AssertionViolatedException("In this JustIce verification pass there should not occur an illegal instruction such as BREAKPOINT.");
public voidvisitCALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(1);
		Type index = stack().peek(0);
		indexOfInt(o, index);
		arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref);
public voidvisitCASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type arrayref = stack().peek(2);
		Type index = stack().peek(1);
		Type value = stack().peek(0);
		indexOfInt(o, index);
		valueOfInt(o, index);
		if (arrayrefOfArrayType(o, arrayref)){
			if (! ((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType().equals(Type.CHAR) ){
				constraintViolated(o, "The 'arrayref' does not refer to an array with elements of type char but to an array of type "+((ArrayType) arrayref).getElementType()+".");
public voidvisitCHECKCAST( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// The objectref must be of type reference.
		Type objectref = stack().peek(0);
		if (!(objectref instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' is not of a ReferenceType but of type "+objectref+".");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) objectref);
		// The unsigned indexbyte1 and indexbyte2 are used to construct an index into the runtime constant pool of the
		// current class (÷3.6), where the value of the index is (indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2. The runtime constant
		// pool item at the index must be a symbolic reference to a class, array, or interface type.
		Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
		if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The Constant at 'index' is not a ConstantClass, but '"+c+"'.");
public voidvisitCPInstruction( o)
/ /** Ensures the general preconditions of a CPInstruction instance.

		int idx = o.getIndex();
		if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= cpg.getSize())){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Huh?! Constant pool index of instruction '"+o+"' illegal? Pass 3a should have checked this!");
public voidvisitD2F( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitD2I( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitD2L( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitDADD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		if (stack().peek(1) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(1) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type double[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(1))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type double[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek(1));
		if (stack().peek(2) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(2) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type double[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(2))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type double[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
public voidvisitDCMPG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDCMPL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDCONST( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// There's nothing to be done here.
public voidvisitDDIV( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDLOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitLoadInstruction(LoadInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitDMUL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDNEG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitDREM( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDRETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitDSTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitStoreInstruction(StoreInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitDSUB( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.DOUBLE){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'double', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitDUP( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "Won't DUP type on stack top '"+stack().peek()+"' because it must occupy exactly one slot, not '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitDUP2( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() == 2){
			return; // Form 2, okay.
		else{ //stack().peek().getSize() == 1.
			if (stack().peek(1).getSize() != 1){
				constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 1, then stack next-to-top's size must also be 1. But it is '"+stack().peek(1)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(1).getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitDUP2_X1( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() == 2){
			if (stack().peek(1).getSize() != 1){
				constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 2, then stack next-to-top's size must be 1. But it is '"+stack().peek(1)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(1).getSize()+"'.");
				return; // Form 2
		else{ // stack top is of size 1
			if ( stack().peek(1).getSize() != 1 ){
				constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 1, then stack next-to-top's size must also be 1. But it is '"+stack().peek(1)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(1).getSize()+"'.");
			if ( stack().peek(2).getSize() != 1 ){
				constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 1, then stack next-to-next-to-top's size must also be 1. But it is '"+stack().peek(2)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(2).getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitDUP2_X2( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek(0).getSize() == 2){
		 	if (stack().peek(1).getSize() == 2){
				return; // Form 4
			else{// stack top size is 2, next-to-top's size is 1
				if ( stack().peek(2).getSize() != 1 ){
					constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 2 and stack-next-to-top's size is 1, then stack next-to-next-to-top's size must also be 1. But it is '"+stack().peek(2)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(2).getSize()+"'.");
					return; // Form 2
		else{// stack top is of size 1
			if (stack().peek(1).getSize() == 1){
				if ( stack().peek(2).getSize() == 2 ){
					return; // Form 3
					if ( stack().peek(3).getSize() == 1){
						return; // Form 1
		constraintViolated(o, "The operand sizes on the stack do not match any of the four forms of usage of this instruction.");
public voidvisitDUP_X1( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "Type on stack top '"+stack().peek()+"' should occupy exactly one slot, not '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1).getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "Type on stack next-to-top '"+stack().peek(1)+"' should occupy exactly one slot, not '"+stack().peek(1).getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitDUP_X2( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack top type must be of size 1, but is '"+stack().peek()+"' of size '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1).getSize() == 2){
			return; // Form 2, okay.
		else{   //stack().peek(1).getSize == 1.
			if (stack().peek(2).getSize() != 1){
				constraintViolated(o, "If stack top's size is 1 and stack next-to-top's size is 1, stack next-to-next-to-top's size must also be 1, but is: '"+stack().peek(2)+"' of size '"+stack().peek(2).getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitF2D( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitF2I( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitF2L( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitFADD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		if (stack().peek(1) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(1) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type float[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(1))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type float[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek(1));
		if (stack().peek(2) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(2) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type float[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(2))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type float[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
public voidvisitFCMPG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFCMPL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFCONST( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here.
public voidvisitFDIV( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFLOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitLoadInstruction(LoadInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitFMUL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFNEG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitFREM( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFRETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitFSTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitStoreInstruction(StoreInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitFSUB( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.FLOAT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'float', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitFieldInstruction( o)
Ensures the general preconditions of a FieldInstruction instance.

	 	// visitLoadClass(o) has been called before: Every FieldOrMethod
	 	// implements LoadClass.
	 	// visitCPInstruction(o) has been called before.
			Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
			if (!(c instanceof ConstantFieldref)){
				constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+o.getIndex()+"' should refer to a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info structure, but refers to '"+c+"'.");
			// the o.getClassType(cpg) type has passed pass 2; see visitLoadClass(o).
			Type t = o.getType(cpg);
			if (t instanceof ObjectType){
				String name = ((ObjectType)t).getClassName();
				Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier( name );
				VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
				if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
					constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+name+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");
public voidvisitGETFIELD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type objectref = stack().peek();
		if (! ( (objectref instanceof ObjectType) || (objectref == Type.NULL) ) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack top should be an object reference that's not an array reference, but is '"+objectref+"'.");
		String field_name = o.getFieldName(cpg);
		JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(o.getClassType(cpg).getClassName());
		Field[] fields = jc.getFields();
		Field f = null;
		for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
			if (fields[i].getName().equals(field_name)){
				f = fields[i];
		if (f == null){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Field not found?!?");

		if (f.isProtected()){
			ObjectType classtype = o.getClassType(cpg);
			ObjectType curr = new ObjectType(mg.getClassName());

			if (	classtype.equals(curr) ||
						curr.subclassOf(classtype)	){
				Type t = stack().peek();
				if (t == Type.NULL){
				if (! (t instanceof ObjectType) ){
					constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' must refer to an object that's not an array. Found instead: '"+t+"'.");
				ObjectType objreftype = (ObjectType) t;
				if (! ( objreftype.equals(curr) ||
						    objreftype.subclassOf(curr) ) ){
					//TODO: One day move to Staerk-et-al's "Set of object types" instead of "wider" object types
					//      created during the verification.
					//      "Wider" object types don't allow us to check for things like that below.
					//constraintViolated(o, "The referenced field has the ACC_PROTECTED modifier, and it's a member of the current class or a superclass of the current class. However, the referenced object type '"+stack().peek()+"' is not the current class or a subclass of the current class.");
		// TODO: Could go into Pass 3a.
		if (f.isStatic()){
			constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+f+"' is static which it shouldn't be.");
public voidvisitGETSTATIC( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Field must be static: see Pass 3a.
public voidvisitGOTO( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here.
public voidvisitGOTO_W( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here.
public voidvisitI2B( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitI2C( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitI2D( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitI2F( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitI2L( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitI2S( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIADD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		if (stack().peek(1) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(1) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type int[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(1))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type int[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIAND( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek(1));
		if (stack().peek(2) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(2) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type int[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(2))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type int[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
public voidvisitICONST( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//nothing to do here.
public voidvisitIDIV( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIFEQ( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFGE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFGT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFLE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFLT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFNE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitIFNONNULL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (!(stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );	
public voidvisitIFNULL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (!(stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );	
public voidvisitIF_ACMPEQ( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (!(stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );
		if (!(stack().peek(1) instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek(1)) );
public voidvisitIF_ACMPNE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (!(stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );
		if (!(stack().peek(1) instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of a ReferenceType, but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek(1)) );
public voidvisitIF_ICMPEQ( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIF_ICMPGE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIF_ICMPGT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIF_ICMPLE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIF_ICMPLT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIF_ICMPNE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIINC( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Mhhh. In BCEL, at this time "IINC" is not a LocalVariableInstruction.
		if (locals().maxLocals() <= (o.getType(cpg).getSize()==1? o.getIndex() : o.getIndex()+1) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'index' is not a valid index into the local variable array.");

		indexOfInt(o, locals().get(o.getIndex()));
public voidvisitILOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// All done by visitLocalVariableInstruction(), visitLoadInstruction()
public voidvisitIMPDEP1( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		throw new AssertionViolatedException("In this JustIce verification pass there should not occur an illegal instruction such as IMPDEP1.");
public voidvisitIMPDEP2( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		throw new AssertionViolatedException("In this JustIce verification pass there should not occur an illegal instruction such as IMPDEP2.");
public voidvisitIMUL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitINEG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitINSTANCEOF( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// The objectref must be of type reference.
		Type objectref = stack().peek(0);
		if (!(objectref instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' is not of a ReferenceType but of type "+objectref+".");
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) objectref);
		// The unsigned indexbyte1 and indexbyte2 are used to construct an index into the runtime constant pool of the
		// current class (÷3.6), where the value of the index is (indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2. The runtime constant
		// pool item at the index must be a symbolic reference to a class, array, or interface type.
		Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
		if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The Constant at 'index' is not a ConstantClass, but '"+c+"'.");
public voidvisitINVOKEINTERFACE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Method is not native, otherwise pass 3 would not happen.
		int count = o.getCount();
		if (count == 0){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'count' argument must not be 0.");
		// It is a ConstantInterfaceMethodref, Pass 3a made it sure.
		ConstantInterfaceMethodref cimr = (ConstantInterfaceMethodref) (cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex()));
		// the o.getClassType(cpg) type has passed pass 2; see visitLoadClass(o).

		Type t = o.getType(cpg);
		if (t instanceof ObjectType){
			String name = ((ObjectType)t).getClassName();
			Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier( name );
			VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
			if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
				constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+name+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");

		Type[] argtypes = o.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
		int nargs = argtypes.length;
		for (int i=nargs-1; i>=0; i--){
			Type fromStack = stack().peek( (nargs-1) - i );	// 0 to nargs-1
			Type fromDesc = argtypes[i];
			if (fromDesc == Type.BOOLEAN ||
					fromDesc == Type.BYTE ||
					fromDesc == Type.CHAR ||
					fromDesc == Type.SHORT){
				fromDesc = Type.INT;
			if (! fromStack.equals(fromDesc)){
				if (fromStack instanceof ReferenceType && fromDesc instanceof ReferenceType){
					ReferenceType rFromStack = (ReferenceType) fromStack;
					ReferenceType rFromDesc = (ReferenceType) fromDesc;
					// TODO: This can only be checked when using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types"
					// instead of a "wider cast object type" created during verification.
					//if ( ! rFromStack.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(rFromDesc) ){
					//	constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack (which is not assignment compatible).");
					constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack.");
		Type objref = stack().peek(nargs);
		if (objref == Type.NULL){
		if (! (objref instanceof ReferenceType) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a reference type as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) objref);
		if (!(objref instanceof ObjectType)){
			if (!(objref instanceof ArrayType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "Expecting an ObjectType as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'."); // could be a ReturnaddressType
				objref = GENERIC_ARRAY;
		String objref_classname = ((ObjectType) objref).getClassName();

		String theInterface = o.getClassName(cpg);
		// TODO: This can only be checked if we're using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types"
		//       instead of "wider cast object types" generated during verification.
		//if ( ! Repository.implementationOf(objref_classname, theInterface) ){
		//	constraintViolated(o, "The 'objref' item '"+objref+"' does not implement '"+theInterface+"' as expected.");

		int counted_count = 1; // 1 for the objectref
		for (int i=0; i<nargs; i++){
			counted_count += argtypes[i].getSize();
		if (count != counted_count){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'count' argument should probably read '"+counted_count+"' but is '"+count+"'.");
public voidvisitINVOKESPECIAL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Don't init an object twice.
		if ( (o.getMethodName(cpg).equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) && (!(stack().peek(o.getArgumentTypes(cpg).length) instanceof UninitializedObjectType)) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Possibly initializing object twice. A valid instruction sequence must not have an uninitialized object on the operand stack or in a local variable during a backwards branch, or in a local variable in code protected by an exception handler. Please see The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, 4.9.4 (pages 147 and 148) for details.");

		// the o.getClassType(cpg) type has passed pass 2; see visitLoadClass(o).

		Type t = o.getType(cpg);
		if (t instanceof ObjectType){
			String name = ((ObjectType)t).getClassName();
			Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier( name );
			VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
			if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
				constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+name+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");

		Type[] argtypes = o.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
		int nargs = argtypes.length;
		for (int i=nargs-1; i>=0; i--){
			Type fromStack = stack().peek( (nargs-1) - i );	// 0 to nargs-1
			Type fromDesc = argtypes[i];
			if (fromDesc == Type.BOOLEAN ||
					fromDesc == Type.BYTE ||
					fromDesc == Type.CHAR ||
					fromDesc == Type.SHORT){
				fromDesc = Type.INT;
			if (! fromStack.equals(fromDesc)){
				if (fromStack instanceof ReferenceType && fromDesc instanceof ReferenceType){
					ReferenceType rFromStack = (ReferenceType) fromStack;
					ReferenceType rFromDesc = (ReferenceType) fromDesc;
					// TODO: This can only be checked using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types", not
					// using a "wider cast object type".
					//if ( ! rFromStack.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(rFromDesc) ){
					//	constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack (which is not assignment compatible).");
					constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack.");
		Type objref = stack().peek(nargs);
		if (objref == Type.NULL){
		if (! (objref instanceof ReferenceType) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a reference type as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'.");
		String objref_classname = null;
		if ( !(o.getMethodName(cpg).equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME))){
			referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) objref);
			if (!(objref instanceof ObjectType)){
				if (!(objref instanceof ArrayType)){
					constraintViolated(o, "Expecting an ObjectType as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'."); // could be a ReturnaddressType
					objref = GENERIC_ARRAY;

			objref_classname = ((ObjectType) objref).getClassName();		
			if (!(objref instanceof UninitializedObjectType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "Expecting an UninitializedObjectType as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'. Otherwise, you couldn't invoke a method since an array has no methods (not to speak of a return address).");
			objref_classname = ((UninitializedObjectType) objref).getInitialized().getClassName();

		String theClass = o.getClassName(cpg);
		if ( ! Repository.instanceOf(objref_classname, theClass) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objref' item '"+objref+"' does not implement '"+theClass+"' as expected.");
public voidvisitINVOKESTATIC( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Method is not native, otherwise pass 3 would not happen.
		Type t = o.getType(cpg);
		if (t instanceof ObjectType){
			String name = ((ObjectType)t).getClassName();
			Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier( name );
			VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
			if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
				constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+name+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");

		Type[] argtypes = o.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
		int nargs = argtypes.length;
		for (int i=nargs-1; i>=0; i--){
			Type fromStack = stack().peek( (nargs-1) - i );	// 0 to nargs-1
			Type fromDesc = argtypes[i];
			if (fromDesc == Type.BOOLEAN ||
					fromDesc == Type.BYTE ||
					fromDesc == Type.CHAR ||
					fromDesc == Type.SHORT){
				fromDesc = Type.INT;
			if (! fromStack.equals(fromDesc)){
				if (fromStack instanceof ReferenceType && fromDesc instanceof ReferenceType){
					ReferenceType rFromStack = (ReferenceType) fromStack;
					ReferenceType rFromDesc = (ReferenceType) fromDesc;
					// TODO: This check can only be done using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types"
					// instead of a "wider cast object type" created during verification.
					//if ( ! rFromStack.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(rFromDesc) ){
					//	constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack (which is not assignment compatible).");
					constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack.");
public voidvisitINVOKEVIRTUAL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// the o.getClassType(cpg) type has passed pass 2; see visitLoadClass(o).

		Type t = o.getType(cpg);
		if (t instanceof ObjectType){
			String name = ((ObjectType)t).getClassName();
			Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier( name );
			VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
			if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
				constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+name+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");

		Type[] argtypes = o.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
		int nargs = argtypes.length;
		for (int i=nargs-1; i>=0; i--){
			Type fromStack = stack().peek( (nargs-1) - i );	// 0 to nargs-1
			Type fromDesc = argtypes[i];
			if (fromDesc == Type.BOOLEAN ||
					fromDesc == Type.BYTE ||
					fromDesc == Type.CHAR ||
					fromDesc == Type.SHORT){
				fromDesc = Type.INT;
			if (! fromStack.equals(fromDesc)){
				if (fromStack instanceof ReferenceType && fromDesc instanceof ReferenceType){
					ReferenceType rFromStack = (ReferenceType) fromStack;
					ReferenceType rFromDesc = (ReferenceType) fromDesc;
					// TODO: This can only be checked when using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types" instead
					// of a single "wider cast object type" created during verification.
					//if ( ! rFromStack.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(rFromDesc) ){
					//	constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack (which is not assignment compatible).");
					constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a '"+fromDesc+"' but found a '"+fromStack+"' on the stack.");
		Type objref = stack().peek(nargs);
		if (objref == Type.NULL){
		if (! (objref instanceof ReferenceType) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a reference type as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) objref);
		if (!(objref instanceof ObjectType)){
			if (!(objref instanceof ArrayType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "Expecting an ObjectType as 'objectref' on the stack, not a '"+objref+"'."); // could be a ReturnaddressType
				objref = GENERIC_ARRAY;
		String objref_classname = ((ObjectType) objref).getClassName();

		String theClass = o.getClassName(cpg);
		if ( ! Repository.instanceOf(objref_classname, theClass) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'objref' item '"+objref+"' does not implement '"+theClass+"' as expected.");
public voidvisitIOR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIREM( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIRETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitISHL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitISHR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitISTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitStoreInstruction(StoreInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitISUB( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIUSHR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitIXOR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitInvokeInstruction( o)
Ensures the general preconditions of an InvokeInstruction instance.

	 	// visitLoadClass(o) has been called before: Every FieldOrMethod
	 	// implements LoadClass.
	 	// visitCPInstruction(o) has been called before.
public voidvisitJSR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here.
public voidvisitJSR_W( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here.
public voidvisitL2D( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitL2F( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitL2I( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitLADD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		if (stack().peek(1) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(1) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type long[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(1))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type long[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLAND( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek(1));
		if (stack().peek(2) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(2) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type long[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(2))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type long[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
public voidvisitLCMP( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLCONST( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// Nothing to do here.
public voidvisitLDC( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// visitCPInstruction is called first.
		Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
		if 	(!	(	( c instanceof ConstantInteger) ||
							( c instanceof ConstantFloat	)	||
							( c instanceof ConstantString )	)	){
			constraintViolated(o, "Referenced constant should be a CONSTANT_Integer, a CONSTANT_Float or a CONSTANT_String, but is '"+c+"'.");
public voidvisitLDC2_W( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// visitCPInstruction is called first.
		Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
		if 	(!	(	( c instanceof ConstantLong) ||
							( c instanceof ConstantDouble )	)	){
			constraintViolated(o, "Referenced constant should be a CONSTANT_Integer, a CONSTANT_Float or a CONSTANT_String, but is '"+c+"'.");
public voidvisitLDC_W( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// visitCPInstruction is called first.
		Constant c = cpg.getConstant(o.getIndex());
		if 	(!	(	( c instanceof ConstantInteger) ||
							( c instanceof ConstantFloat	)	||
							( c instanceof ConstantString )	)	){
			constraintViolated(o, "Referenced constant should be a CONSTANT_Integer, a CONSTANT_Float or a CONSTANT_String, but is '"+c+"'.");
public voidvisitLDIV( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLLOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitLoadInstruction(LoadInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitLMUL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLNEG( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitLOOKUPSWITCH( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		// See also pass 3a.
public voidvisitLOR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLREM( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLRETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitLSHL( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLSHR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLSTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitStoreInstruction(StoreInstruction) is called before.
		// Nothing else needs to be done here.
public voidvisitLSUB( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLUSHR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLXOR( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1) != Type.LONG){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of type 'long', but of type '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitLoadClass( o)
/ /** Assures the generic preconditions of a LoadClass instance. The referenced class is loaded and pass2-verified.

		ObjectType t = o.getLoadClassType(cpg);
		if (t != null){// null means "no class is loaded"
			Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(t.getClassName());
			VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2();
			if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK){
				constraintViolated((Instruction) o, "Class '"+o.getLoadClassType(cpg).getClassName()+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded and resolved: '"+vr+"'.");
public voidvisitLoadInstruction( o)
Assures the generic preconditions of a LoadInstruction instance.

		//visitLocalVariableInstruction(o) is called before, because it is more generic.

		// LOAD instructions must not read Type.UNKNOWN
		if (locals().get(o.getIndex()) == Type.UNKNOWN){
			constraintViolated(o, "Read-Access on local variable "+o.getIndex()+" with unknown content.");

		// LOAD instructions, two-slot-values at index N must have Type.UNKNOWN
		// as a symbol for the higher halve at index N+1
		// [suppose some instruction put an int at N+1--- our double at N is defective]
		if (o.getType(cpg).getSize() == 2){
			if (locals().get(o.getIndex()+1) != Type.UNKNOWN){
				constraintViolated(o, "Reading a two-locals value from local variables "+o.getIndex()+" and "+(o.getIndex()+1)+" where the latter one is destroyed.");

		// LOAD instructions must read the correct type.
		if (!(o instanceof ALOAD)){
			if (locals().get(o.getIndex()) != o.getType(cpg) ){
				constraintViolated(o, "Local Variable type and LOADing Instruction type mismatch: Local Variable: '"+locals().get(o.getIndex())+"'; Instruction type: '"+o.getType(cpg)+"'.");
		else{ // we deal with an ALOAD
			if (!(locals().get(o.getIndex()) instanceof ReferenceType)){
				constraintViolated(o, "Local Variable type and LOADing Instruction type mismatch: Local Variable: '"+locals().get(o.getIndex())+"'; Instruction expects a ReferenceType.");
			// ALOAD __IS ALLOWED__ to put uninitialized objects onto the stack!
			//referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (locals().get(o.getIndex())));

		// LOAD instructions must have enough free stack slots.
		if ((stack().maxStack() - stack().slotsUsed()) < o.getType(cpg).getSize()){
			constraintViolated(o, "Not enough free stack slots to load a '"+o.getType(cpg)+"' onto the OperandStack.");
public voidvisitLocalVariableInstruction( o)
Assures the generic preconditions of a LocalVariableInstruction instance. That is, the index of the local variable must be valid.

		if (locals().maxLocals() <= (o.getType(cpg).getSize()==1? o.getIndex() : o.getIndex()+1) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "The 'index' is not a valid index into the local variable array.");
public voidvisitMONITORENTER( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (! ((stack().peek()) instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The stack top should be of a ReferenceType, but is '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );
public voidvisitMONITOREXIT( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (! ((stack().peek()) instanceof ReferenceType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "The stack top should be of a ReferenceType, but is '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()) );
public voidvisitMULTIANEWARRAY( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		int dimensions = o.getDimensions();
		// Dimensions argument is okay: see Pass 3a.
		for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++){
			if (stack().peek(i) != Type.INT){
				constraintViolated(o, "The '"+dimensions+"' upper stack types should be 'int' but aren't.");
		// The runtime constant pool item at that index must be a symbolic reference to a class,
		// array, or interface type. See Pass 3a.
public voidvisitNEW( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		//visitCPInstruction(CPInstruction) has been called before.
		//visitLoadClass(LoadClass) has been called before.
		Type t = o.getType(cpg);
		if (! (t instanceof ReferenceType)){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("NEW.getType() returning a non-reference type?!");
		if (! (t instanceof ObjectType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a class type (ObjectType) to work on. Found: '"+t+"'.");
		ObjectType obj = (ObjectType) t;

		//e.g.: Don't instantiate interfaces
		if (! obj.referencesClass()){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a class type (ObjectType) to work on. Found: '"+obj+"'.");
public voidvisitNEWARRAY( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitNOP( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing is to be done here.
public voidvisitPOP( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack top size should be 1 but stack top is '"+stack().peek()+"' of size '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitPOP2( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 2){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack top size should be 2 but stack top is '"+stack().peek()+"' of size '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitPUTFIELD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		Type objectref = stack().peek(1);
		if (! ( (objectref instanceof ObjectType) || (objectref == Type.NULL) ) ){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top should be an object reference that's not an array reference, but is '"+objectref+"'.");
		String field_name = o.getFieldName(cpg);
		JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(o.getClassType(cpg).getClassName());
		Field[] fields = jc.getFields();
		Field f = null;
		for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
			if (fields[i].getName().equals(field_name)){
				f = fields[i];
		if (f == null){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Field not found?!?");

		Type value = stack().peek();
		Type t = Type.getType(f.getSignature());
		Type shouldbe = t;
		if (shouldbe == Type.BOOLEAN ||
				shouldbe == Type.BYTE ||
				shouldbe == Type.CHAR ||
				shouldbe == Type.SHORT){
			shouldbe = Type.INT;
		if (t instanceof ReferenceType){
			ReferenceType rvalue = null;
			if (value instanceof ReferenceType){
				rvalue = (ReferenceType) value;
				referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, rvalue);
				constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not of a reference type as expected.");
			// TODO: This can only be checked using Staerk-et-al's "set-of-object types", not
			// using "wider cast object types" created during verification.
			//if (!(rvalue.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(shouldbe))){
			//	constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not assignment compatible with '"+shouldbe+"'.");
			if (shouldbe != value){
				constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not of type '"+shouldbe+"' as expected.");
		if (f.isProtected()){
			ObjectType classtype = o.getClassType(cpg);
			ObjectType curr = new ObjectType(mg.getClassName());

			if (	classtype.equals(curr) ||
						curr.subclassOf(classtype)	){
				Type tp = stack().peek(1);
				if (tp == Type.NULL){
				if (! (tp instanceof ObjectType) ){
					constraintViolated(o, "The 'objectref' must refer to an object that's not an array. Found instead: '"+tp+"'.");
				ObjectType objreftype = (ObjectType) tp;
				if (! ( objreftype.equals(curr) ||
						    objreftype.subclassOf(curr) ) ){
					constraintViolated(o, "The referenced field has the ACC_PROTECTED modifier, and it's a member of the current class or a superclass of the current class. However, the referenced object type '"+stack().peek()+"' is not the current class or a subclass of the current class.");

		// TODO: Could go into Pass 3a.
		if (f.isStatic()){
			constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+f+"' is static which it shouldn't be.");
public voidvisitPUTSTATIC( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		String field_name = o.getFieldName(cpg);
		JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(o.getClassType(cpg).getClassName());
		Field[] fields = jc.getFields();
		Field f = null;
		for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
			if (fields[i].getName().equals(field_name)){
				f = fields[i];
		if (f == null){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Field not found?!?");
		Type value = stack().peek();
		Type t = Type.getType(f.getSignature());
		Type shouldbe = t;
		if (shouldbe == Type.BOOLEAN ||
				shouldbe == Type.BYTE ||
				shouldbe == Type.CHAR ||
				shouldbe == Type.SHORT){
			shouldbe = Type.INT;
		if (t instanceof ReferenceType){
			ReferenceType rvalue = null;
			if (value instanceof ReferenceType){
				rvalue = (ReferenceType) value;
				referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, rvalue);
				constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not of a reference type as expected.");
			if (!(rvalue.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(shouldbe))){
				constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not assignment compatible with '"+shouldbe+"'.");
			if (shouldbe != value){
				constraintViolated(o, "The stack top type '"+value+"' is not of type '"+shouldbe+"' as expected.");
		// TODO: Interface fields may be assigned to only once. (Hard to implement in
		//       JustIce's execution model). This may only happen in <clinit>, see Pass 3a.
public voidvisitRET( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (! (locals().get(o.getIndex()) instanceof ReturnaddressType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a ReturnaddressType in local variable "+o.getIndex()+".");
		if (locals().get(o.getIndex()) == ReturnaddressType.NO_TARGET){
			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Oops: RET expecting a target!");
		// Other constraints such as non-allowed overlapping subroutines are enforced
		// while building the Subroutines data structure.
public voidvisitRETURN( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (mg.getName().equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)){// If we leave an <init> method
			if ((frame._this != null) && (!(mg.getClassName().equals(Type.OBJECT.getClassName()))) ) {
				constraintViolated(o, "Leaving a constructor that itself did not call a constructor.");
public voidvisitReturnInstruction( o)
Assures the generic preconditions of a ReturnInstruction instance.

		if (o instanceof RETURN){
		if (o instanceof ARETURN){
			if (stack().peek() == Type.NULL){
				if (! (stack().peek() instanceof ReferenceType)){
					constraintViolated(o, "Reference type expected on top of stack, but is: '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
				referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) (stack().peek()));
				ReferenceType objectref = (ReferenceType) (stack().peek());
				// TODO: This can only be checked if using Staerk-et-al's "set of object types" instead of a
				// "wider cast object type" created during verification.
				//if (! (objectref.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(mg.getType())) ){
				//	constraintViolated(o, "Type on stack top which should be returned is a '"+stack().peek()+"' which is not assignment compatible with the return type of this method, '"+mg.getType()+"'.");
			Type method_type = mg.getType();
			if (method_type == Type.BOOLEAN ||
					method_type == Type.BYTE ||
					method_type == Type.SHORT ||
					method_type == Type.CHAR){
				method_type = Type.INT;
			if (! ( method_type.equals( stack().peek() ))){
				constraintViolated(o, "Current method has return type of '"+mg.getType()+"' expecting a '"+method_type+"' on top of the stack. But stack top is a '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
public voidvisitSALOAD( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		if (stack().peek(1) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(1) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type short[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(1))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.SHORT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-top must be of type short[] but is '"+stack().peek(1)+"'.");
public voidvisitSASTORE( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek() != Type.INT){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of type 'int', but of type '"+stack().peek()+"'.");
		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek(1));
		if (stack().peek(2) == Type.NULL){
		if (! (stack().peek(2) instanceof ArrayType)){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type short[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
		Type t = ((ArrayType) (stack().peek(2))).getBasicType();
		if (t != Type.SHORT){
			constraintViolated(o, "Stack next-to-next-to-top must be of type short[] but is '"+stack().peek(2)+"'.");
public voidvisitSIPUSH( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		// nothing to do here. Generic visitXXX() methods did the trick before.
public voidvisitSWAP( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		if (stack().peek().getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack top is not of size '1', but of size '"+stack().peek().getSize()+"'.");
		if (stack().peek(1).getSize() != 1){
			constraintViolated(o, "The value at the stack next-to-top is not of size '1', but of size '"+stack().peek(1).getSize()+"'.");
public voidvisitStackConsumer( o)
Ensures the general preconditions of a StackConsumer instance.

		_visitStackAccessor((Instruction) o);
public voidvisitStackInstruction( o)
Ensures the general preconditions of a StackInstruction instance.

public voidvisitStackProducer( o)
Ensures the general preconditions of a StackProducer instance.

		_visitStackAccessor((Instruction) o);
public voidvisitStoreInstruction( o)
Assures the generic preconditions of a StoreInstruction instance.

		//visitLocalVariableInstruction(o) is called before, because it is more generic.

		if (stack().isEmpty()){ // Don't bother about 1 or 2 stack slots used. This check is implicitely done below while type checking.
			constraintViolated(o, "Cannot STORE: Stack to read from is empty.");

		if ( (!(o instanceof ASTORE)) ){
			if (! (stack().peek() == o.getType(cpg)) ){// the other xSTORE types are singletons in BCEL.
				constraintViolated(o, "Stack top type and STOREing Instruction type mismatch: Stack top: '"+stack().peek()+"'; Instruction type: '"+o.getType(cpg)+"'.");
		else{ // we deal with ASTORE
			Type stacktop = stack().peek();
			if ( (!(stacktop instanceof ReferenceType)) && (!(stacktop instanceof ReturnaddressType)) ){
				constraintViolated(o, "Stack top type and STOREing Instruction type mismatch: Stack top: '"+stack().peek()+"'; Instruction expects a ReferenceType or a ReturnadressType.");
			if (stacktop instanceof ReferenceType){
				referenceTypeIsInitialized(o, (ReferenceType) stacktop);
public voidvisitTABLESWITCH( o)
Ensures the specific preconditions of the said instruction.

		indexOfInt(o, stack().peek());
		// See Pass 3a.