FormatterElement.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.709416Wed Dec 13 06:16:22 GMT

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 * <p> A wrapper for the implementations of <code>JUnitResultFormatter</code>.
 * In particular, used as a nested <code><formatter></code> element in
 * a <code><junit></code> task.
 * <p> For example,
 * <code><pre>
 *       <junit printsummary="no" haltonfailure="yes" fork="false">
 *           <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" />
 *           <test name="org.apache.ecs.InternationalCharTest" />
 *       </junit></pre></code>
 * adds a <code>plain</code> type implementation
 * (<code>PlainJUnitResultFormatter</code>) to display the results of the test.
 * <p> Either the <code>type</code> or the <code>classname</code> attribute
 * must be set.
 * @see JUnitTask
 * @see XMLJUnitResultFormatter
 * @see BriefJUnitResultFormatter
 * @see PlainJUnitResultFormatter
 * @see JUnitResultFormatter
public class FormatterElement {

    private String classname;
    private String extension;
    private OutputStream out = System.out;
    private File outFile;
    private boolean useFile = true;
    private String ifProperty;
    private String unlessProperty;

    /** xml formatter class */
    public static final String XML_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME =
    /** brief formatter class */
    public static final String BRIEF_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME =
    /** plain formatter class */
    public static final String PLAIN_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME =

     * <p> Quick way to use a standard formatter.
     * <p> At the moment, there are three supported standard formatters.
     * <ul>
     * <li> The <code>xml</code> type uses a <code>XMLJUnitResultFormatter</code>.
     * <li> The <code>brief</code> type uses a <code>BriefJUnitResultFormatter</code>.
     * <li> The <code>plain</code> type (the default) uses a <code>PlainJUnitResultFormatter</code>.
     * </ul>
     * <p> Sets <code>classname</code> attribute - so you can't use that
     * attribute if you use this one.
     * @param type the enumerated value to use.
    public void setType(TypeAttribute type) {
        if ("xml".equals(type.getValue())) {
        } else {
            if ("brief".equals(type.getValue())) {
            } else { // must be plain, ensured by TypeAttribute

     * <p> Set name of class to be used as the formatter.
     * <p> This class must implement <code>JUnitResultFormatter</code>
     * @param classname the name of the formatter class.
    public void setClassname(String classname) {
        this.classname = classname;
        if (XML_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME.equals(classname)) {
        } else if (PLAIN_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME.equals(classname)) {
        } else if (BRIEF_FORMATTER_CLASS_NAME.equals(classname)) {

     * Get name of class to be used as the formatter.
     * @return the name of the class.
    public String getClassname() {
        return classname;

     * Set the extension to use for the report file.
     * @param ext the extension to use.
    public void setExtension(String ext) {
        this.extension = ext;

     * Get the extension used for the report file.
     * @return the extension.
    public String getExtension() {
        return extension;

     * <p> Set the file which the formatte should log to.
     * <p> Note that logging to file must be enabled .
    void setOutfile(File out) {
        this.outFile = out;

     * <p> Set output stream for formatter to use.
     * <p> Defaults to standard out.
     * @param out the output stream to use.
    public void setOutput(OutputStream out) {
        this.out = out;

     * Set whether the formatter should log to file.
     * @param useFile if true use a file, if false send
     *                to standard out.
    public void setUseFile(boolean useFile) {
        this.useFile = useFile;

     * Get whether the formatter should log to file.
    boolean getUseFile() {
        return useFile;

     * Set whether this formatter should be used.  It will be
     * used if the property has been set, otherwise it won't.
     * @param ifProperty name of property
    public void setIf(String ifProperty) {
        this.ifProperty = ifProperty;

     * Set whether this formatter should NOT be used. It
     * will not be used if the property has been set, orthwise it
     * will be used.
     * @param unlessProperty name of property
    public void setUnless(String unlessProperty) {
        this.unlessProperty = unlessProperty;

     * Ensures that the selector passes the conditions placed
     * on it with <code>if</code> and <code>unless</code> properties.
     * @param t the task the this formatter is used in.
     * @return true if the formatter should be used.
    public boolean shouldUse(Task t) {
        if (ifProperty != null && t.getProject().getProperty(ifProperty) == null) {
            return false;
        } else if (unlessProperty != null
                    && t.getProject().getProperty(unlessProperty) != null) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * @since Ant 1.2
    JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror createFormatter() throws BuildException {
        return createFormatter(null);

     * @since Ant 1.6
    JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror createFormatter(ClassLoader loader)
        throws BuildException {

        if (classname == null) {
            throw new BuildException("you must specify type or classname");
        //although this code appears to duplicate that of ClasspathUtils.newInstance,
        //we cannot use that because this formatter may run in a forked process,
        //without that class.
        Class f = null;
        try {
            if (loader == null) {
                f = Class.forName(classname);
            } else {
                f = Class.forName(classname, true, loader);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new BuildException(
                "Using loader " + loader + " on class " + classname
                + ": " + e, e);
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            throw new BuildException(
                "Using loader " + loader + " on class " + classname
                + ": " + e, e);

        Object o = null;
        try {
            o = f.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new BuildException(e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new BuildException(e);

        if (!(o instanceof JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror)) {
            throw new BuildException(classname
                + " is not a JUnitResultFormatter");
        JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror r =
            (JUnitTaskMirror.JUnitResultFormatterMirror) o;
        if (useFile && outFile != null) {
            try {
                out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile));
            } catch ( e) {
                throw new BuildException("Unable to open file " + outFile, e);
        return r;

     * <p> Enumerated attribute with the values "plain", "xml" and "brief".
     * <p> Use to enumerate options for <code>type</code> attribute.
    public static class TypeAttribute extends EnumeratedAttribute {
        /** {@inheritDoc}. */
        public String[] getValues() {
            return new String[] {"plain", "xml", "brief"};